Rubber Stamp Champ

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Category: Number Stamps

Xstamper Custom Pre Inked Date Rubber Stamps

9 May, 2010 (18:17) | Date Stamps, Number Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Xstamper Custom Pre Inked Date Rubber Stamps Ship Free At, An Authorized Xstamper Manufacturing Partner

When you order Xstamper custom pre inked date rubber stamps online at you get the lowest prices and fastest service possible because you are working direct with an Authorized Xstamper Manufacturing Partner.

Xstamper custom pre inked date rubber stamps ship free at

Xstamper custom pre inked date rubber stamps from come in all the popular custom and stock Xstamper dater types and sizes. is an Authorized Xstamper Manufacturing Partner. is expert at manufacturing and shipping your Xstamper custom pre inked date rubber stamps including Xstamper Versadaters, Xstamper Xspedaters, the Xstamper 90 custom dater, Xstamper Line Versadaters and Julian Line Daters, Xstamper Rotary Date stamps and much more.

Xstamper Custom And Stock Pre Inked Date Stamps, Versadaters, Xspedaters

Xstamper Custom And Stock Pre Inked Date Stamps, Versadaters, Xspedaters and Line Daters Ship Free At

Go to for the largest selection, best prices and fastest delivery on all Xstamper custom pre inked rubber date stamps and you’ll be glad you did. has served 1/2 million happy customers in the last five years and many of them purchased Xstamper custom pre inked date rubber stamps.

All Xstamper custom pre inked date rubber stamps and stock pre inked date rubber stamps have a Lifetime Guarantee and deliver 50,000 crisp, clean impressions without needing re inking.

Trust for all your Xstamper rubber stamps and like our 1/2 million other customers you’ll be glad you did.

Automatic Numbering Machines

8 April, 2010 (11:02) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Number Stamps, Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Automatic Numbering Machines From Top Quality At A Great Price With Free Shipping.

Automatic Numbering Machines From Top Quality At A Great Price With Free Shipping.

Top quality, heavy duty automatic numbering machines from United automatic number machines. Sturdy, durable automatic numbering machines at a great price. Free Shipping on durable, well-made automatic numbering machines from

This automatic numbering machine features six metal wheels/seven actions (repeat, consecutive duplicate, triplicate, quadruplicate, six times and twelve times), drop ciphers, precision movements and lustrous chrome finish. A stylus is included for indexing. Pads should be re-inked with United® numbering machine ink only.  3/16″ characters (approx. 18 pt. font). Available in black ink only. specializes in great prices on excellent products.  Our automatic numbering machines are a perfect example.  The United numbering machines are sturdy, durable, well-made and designed for heavy duty ongoing use.  Don’t try to save money by getting a cheap automatic numbering machine, it’s better to get the best price on top quality numbering machines and automatic numbering machines from

And if you really need custom rubber stamps, custom rubber number band stamps, rubber stamp champ has an excellent new way to order custom number and letter band stamps online. So if you need automatic numbering machines, or if you need custom number band stamps, the best place to go is

Custom Band Stamps Are Easy To Order At
Custom Band Stamps Are Easy To Order At
Custom band stamps are easier to find and order than ever before.  Just go to We have custom band letter and number stamps in 7 different character heights. Up to 16 bands with any letter/number combination. Safe, secure online ordering.  Design, proof and order your custom band stamps the fast, easy way at Stamp Champ’s custom band and letter stamps are AVAILABLE IN 7 CHARACTER SIZES:  1/8″, 5/32″, 3/16″, 1/4″, 5/16″, 7/16″, 9/16″.

All the customer has to do is determine what size characters you need…then how many bands across.  After that all you have to do is click add to cart to customize each band. It couldn’t be easier, faster or more accurate.

And you can Customize each band with either 0-9, A-M, or N-Z with all prices including
any combination of numbers and letters.

Save yourself hours on the phone or trying to concoct complicated faxes to show some office supply store what you need, just go online and order exactly what you need from

Custom Letter And Number Band Stamps

19 March, 2010 (13:15) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Industrial Inks And Pads, Number Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber Stamps. Custom Band Stamps.

Rubber Stamps. Custom Band Stamps.

For custom letter and number band stamps go to Order custom band stamps online. 7 character sizes. Up to 16 bands. Desgin, proof and order custom letter and number rubber stamps online at Free shipping on all orders over $10.

Rubber Stamp Champ’s custom band number and letter stamps are AVAILABLE IN 7 CHARACTER SIZES:  1/8″, 5/32″, 3/16″, 1/4″, 5/16″, 7/16″, 9/16″.

All the customer has to do is determine what size characters you need…then how many bands across.  After that all you have to do is click add to cart to customize each band. It couldn’t be easier, faster or more accurate.

And you can Customize each band with either 0-9, A-M, or N-Z with all prices including
any combination of numbers and letters.

Rubber Stamp Champ.  The best way anywhere to get your custom band stamps and all your other rubber stamps.

Rubber Stamps For Glossy Surfaces

24 January, 2010 (21:17) | Address Stamps, Number Stamps, Personalized Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber Stamps For Glossy Surfaces

Rubber Stamps For Glossy Surfaces

People are always asking about stamping on glossy brochures, and that may be because glossy brochures frequently get printed without a little dull white box in them where ordinary self inking rubber stamps would work fine.

But very often people will print up their glossy brochures and then decide, oops, they wanted to have some kind of information printed on it that they forgot in the printing process.  Like a specific address or something.

In any even they will want to correct this, and add the information not be having the whole project reprinted, but instead by buying a rubber stamp and then just stamping the required missing info on the brochure and all will be well.

What doesn’t work is a regular self inking stamp.  They are great products and we sell thousands of them, but regular self inkers are meant for ordinary paper like the backs of checks, or just ordinary copy paper.

When stamping on glossy brochures you need a fast drying ink that won’t smear, and the exact product for your needs is available right now at the Rubber Stamp Champ, online at their website, at

Just go online and click on multi surface stamps.

Obama spent more taxpayer money in first year than Bush in last eight.

Order Rubber Date And Number Stamps Online

7 January, 2010 (08:47) | Ink Stamps, Large Rubber Stamps, Number Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Number Rubber Stamps From The Champ

Number Rubber Stamps From The Champ

Here’s five great reasons why you should order rubber date stamps online from the Rubber Stamp Champ rather than going to a local office supply store.

1)Our prices are way lower on the same rubber stamp products because we make our own rubber stamps and the office supply store doesn’t.

2)You get your order way faster because we make our own rubber stamps and the office supply store doesn’t.

3)Your order is made exactly the way you wanted it because we make our own rubber stamps and the office supply store doesn’t.

4)If you need help with your order our customer service people can help you on the phone, because we make our own rubber stamps and the office supply store doesn’t.

5)If there’s a problem we stand behind our product because we make our own rubber stamps….and…well you get the idea.

It’s easy to order online as well, we’ve made sure of that…fun too.  Get creative!

We can make your rubber stamps, rubber date stamps, self inking stamps, pre inked stamps, or even tradition rubber hand stamps with just about any art or text you want on them.  Rubber stamps used to come from the office supply store.  Not anymore.

Just ask any one of our half a million new customers and they’ll give you five reasons of their own.  Thanks, and thanks for shopping the Rubber Stamp Champ.

Defeat Big Government Spending Now.

Rubber Stamps For Checks

7 December, 2009 (09:07) | Notary Supplies, Number Stamps, Office Supplies, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Rubbewr Stamps For Checks

Rubber Stamps For Checks

If you need rubber stamps for checks, go to

Get free shipping on check endorsement rubber stamps at Check endorsement rubber stamps at Knockout Prices. offers savings on a huge assortment of check endorsement rubber stamps for your business.

If you need rubber stamps for checks, you for sure don’t want to go to the office supply store for them. Visit  You’ll be glad you did.  Just like our 1/2 million happy customers.  Why are they so happy and why will you be so happy with your Rubber Stamp Champ purchase?

Making a bank deposit always feels great, but it feels better when you can stamp the back of your check with a crisp clear impression from a for deposit only rubber stamp. specializes in making rubber stamps easy to order online. We have a large selection of for deposit only rubber stamps and check endorsement rubber stamps that are very easy to choose from and customize.

Customize your check endorsement rubber stamps and receive them the next day anywhere in the United States when you order with overnight shipping before noon eastern at

Custom Rubber Stamp In God We Trust

14 September, 2009 (10:12) | Notary Supplies, Number Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

In God We Trust Rubber Stamps

In God We Trust Rubber Stamps

People want to make a statement these days so they buy rubber stamps from us that they can stamp anytime and anywhere they want to just generally show how they feel about things. In God We Trust is currently a very popular rubber stamp that we sell as people generally want to make sure that this onslaught by the new government to remove God from our lives isn’t going to work.

People like Bill Maher who would like to see God and religion destroyed and removed from every aspect of society are not going to win.  the people who believe in God and believe in America are going to win. You can tell by how many rubber stamps they have been buying recently to stamp In God We Trust all over everything they possibly can.

Rubber Stamps For Stamping Numbers

27 July, 2009 (07:21) | Notary Supplies, Number Stamps, Office Supplies, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Number stamping is a large part of what the rubber stamp market is all about.  Many thousands of engineers, business owners, plant managers, foremen, supervisors and so on need rubber stamps to stamp numbers on paperwork, machinery, equipment and so on.

Rubber Stamps For Numbering

Rubber Stamps For Numbering

There are about as many different types of numbering stamps and rubber stamps to stamp numbers and even automatic numbering machines, as there are applications to stamp them.  Everyone has seen the automatic numbering machines used in supermarkets where each time a number is stamped the machine is advanced to the next number.  Some machines can even be set to advance after multiple stampings.

There are self inking numbering stamps and non self inking ones as well, which can be used to transfer specialty inks like fast drying inks for stamping numbers on metal and so on.

The best thing to remember, with all the numbering stamps and automatic numbering machines out there, that your best resource is the rubber stamp champ where we not only have the best selection of numbering equipment avaialable, we have the expertise and expericne to help you get the exact numbering rubber stamp you need for your application. Thanks, and thanks for shopping

Rubber Stamps To Stamp Numbers

22 July, 2009 (06:42) | Ink Stamps, Number Stamps, Rubber Stamp, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Number stamping is a large part of what the rubber stamp market is all about.  Many thousands of engineers, business owners, plant managers, foremen, supervisors and so on need rubber stamps to stamp numbers on paperwork, machinery, equipment and so on.

Rubber Stamps For Numbering

Rubber Stamps For Numbering

There are about as many different types of numbering stamps and rubber stamps to stamp numbers and even automatic numbering machines, as there are applications to stamp them.  Everyone has seen the automatic numbering machines used in supermarkets where each time a number is stamped the machine is advanced to the next number.  Some machines can even be set to advance after multiple stampings.

There are self inking numbering stamps and non self inking ones as well, which can be used to transfer specialty inks like fast drying inks for stamping numbers on metal and so on.

The best thing to remember, with all the numbering stamps and automatic numbering machines out there, that your best resource is the rubber stamp champ where we not only have the best selection of numbering equipment avaialable, we have the expertise and expericne to help you get the exact numbering rubber stamp you need for your application. Thanks, and thanks for shopping

Custom Rubber Stamps For Less

18 June, 2009 (14:11) | Hand Stamps, Number Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber Stamps For Marking Clothes

No one makes custom rubber stamps faster, or for less than The Rubber Stamp Champ.  That’s why we’re The Champs!  Our prices, turnaround times, and friendly customer service people who actually answer the phone when you call and actually have a ton of knowledge to help you with your stamp order.  It really doesn’t make sense to get rubber stamps any other way.  so the next time you need a date stamp, Xstamper, address stamp or any one of hundreds of other marking devices, go online and order from  Like over 350,000 customers, you’ll be glad you did.

And if you are at all bothered by the fact that the new administration in Washington hasn’t done anything to mitigate the disastrous economy we’re suffering through, check this out.

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