Rubber Stamp Champ

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Category: Personalized Rubber Stamps

Find Personalized Rubber Stamps

24 March, 2010 (14:49) | Address Stamps, Custom Rubber Stamps, Personalized Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

The best place online to find personalized rubber stamps is You can find personalized rubber stamps there at the best prices online. Like $3.99 for custom hand stamps. Or $6.25 for self inking personalized rubber stamps. You won’t find a better price.

Personalized Rubber Stamps At The Best Prices Online

Personalized Rubber Stamps At The Best Prices Online

And the Rubber Stamp Champ’s Knockout Prices always includes a fully customized rubber stamps, and, if you spend more than $10, Rubber Stamp’s Knockout Price also includes free shipping.  That’s why we say you can’t find personalized rubber stamps online at any better price.  You can get junk for less, but who wants that?

Shop the Rubber Stamp Champ and save on all your rubber stamps, address rubber stamps, self inking stamps, and more, like teacher stamps and custom desk signs.

Find personalized rubber stamps. Shop online at and like our 400,000 other customers, you’ll be glad you did.

Best Prices On Rubber Stamps

24 March, 2010 (05:10) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Personalized Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Best prices on rubber stamps? Ideal 50 $6.25.  Custom rubber stamps, $3.99. Both are Knockout Prices on rubber stamps from

Our best price on custom rubber stamps is $3.99, for a 1-line hand stamp. Our rubber stamp prices are also best because they include free shipping on all orders of $10.  We have the best prices on pre inked rubber stamps as well. And the best prices on address rubber stamps and rubber stamps for notaries.

So how can some people offer self inking rubber stamps for $3 or $4?  How can we say we have the best price at $6.25?  Because we offer the $6.25 on an item that retails at $16.95!  We offer $6.25 on a business quality, brand name Ideal self inking rubber stamp that will provide thousands of flawless, crisp clear impressions.

With the Rubber Stamp Champ, you get more than you pay for $6.25 is really an outrageously great price on a well made, business quality product…and we’ve got more great prices just like that one…On Xstamper®, Ideal®, Istamp®, Trodat® and Shiny®…brand names at a great price that’s our deal.

So be careful to get the real best price on rubber stamps….shop the Rubber Stamp Champ at…we know that works for you…it has for over 400,000 happy customers in the last five years.  Thanks, and thanks for shopping the Champ.

Personalized Rubber Stamps

23 March, 2010 (13:31) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Personalized Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamp, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Personalized Rubber Stamps

Personalized Rubber Stamps

Personalized rubber stamps, $3.99. Self Inking Ideal personalized rubber stamps, $6.25. Personalized rubber stamps at the lowest prices online. At Save on personalized rubber stamps. Secure ordering online. Custom rubber stamps personalized in just one day.  Custom rubber stamps personalized for overnight delivery…all from the Rubber Stamp Champ.  And the Rubber Stamp Champ ships all your personalized rubber stamps free, on orders over $10.

Plus, we have the best prices on custom rubber stamps online.  What do we mean by the best prices?

With the Rubber Stamp Champ, you get more than you pay for. When you can find custom rubber stamps like our Ideal 50 for only $6.25 you know you got an outrageously great price on a well made, business quality product…and we’ve got more great prices just like that one…On Xstamper®, Ideal®, Istamp®, Trodat® and Shiny®…brand names at a great price that’s our deal.

So be careful to get the real best price on rubber stamps….shop the Rubber Stamp Champ at…we know that works for you…it has for over 400,000 happy customers in the last five years.  Thanks, and thanks for shopping the Champ.

Rubber Stamps For Stamping Clothing

26 January, 2010 (11:32) | Name Stamps, Personalized Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber Stamps For Camp Clothing

Rubber Stamps For Stamping Clothing

Not everyone realizes that you don’t have to mark your kid’s clothing for camp, or any clothing you want to mark with your identity, with some kind of messy permanent ink pen any more.

Now you can get rubber stamps from the Rubber Stamp Champ especially designed to permanently mark your clothing with whatever custom message you want to put on it  The rubber stamp stays permanent through many washings.

Personalize your clothing with this non-toxic, easy to use customizable clothing stamp. It’s yours at our great, low price, online everyday at

And if you want to really understand politics, read this.

Rubber Stamps For Glossy Surfaces

24 January, 2010 (21:17) | Address Stamps, Number Stamps, Personalized Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber Stamps For Glossy Surfaces

Rubber Stamps For Glossy Surfaces

People are always asking about stamping on glossy brochures, and that may be because glossy brochures frequently get printed without a little dull white box in them where ordinary self inking rubber stamps would work fine.

But very often people will print up their glossy brochures and then decide, oops, they wanted to have some kind of information printed on it that they forgot in the printing process.  Like a specific address or something.

In any even they will want to correct this, and add the information not be having the whole project reprinted, but instead by buying a rubber stamp and then just stamping the required missing info on the brochure and all will be well.

What doesn’t work is a regular self inking stamp.  They are great products and we sell thousands of them, but regular self inkers are meant for ordinary paper like the backs of checks, or just ordinary copy paper.

When stamping on glossy brochures you need a fast drying ink that won’t smear, and the exact product for your needs is available right now at the Rubber Stamp Champ, online at their website, at

Just go online and click on multi surface stamps.

Obama spent more taxpayer money in first year than Bush in last eight.

Rubber Stamps For Patriots

8 December, 2009 (12:19) | Address Stamps, Custom Rubber Stamps, Discount Rubber Stamps, Hand Stamps, Personalized Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber Stamps For Patriots

Rubber Stamps For Patriots

So now there’s a petition to recall Obama.

This makes all the sense in the world, because the guy who says he wasn’t there when his pastor screamed “GD America” over and over, now seems like he might have written Wright’s sermon.

Everyone who thought this joker was going to fix the economy because he was a democrat are now wondering what hit them.  All he does is lie about how the ugliest numbers in six decades are looking good, while vowing to outspend daily what the Third Reich spent on all of World War Two.  On crap that won’t even be improved, but most probably made worse by the expenditure.

And don’t forget he’s The Pretender In Chief as well, declaring war on the Taliban and letting them know when we’ll pull out at the same time…..even a West Point cadet wouldn’t sign off on that strategy, and, as you may have noticed, none of them did.  Pathetic.

He can’t even come down the stairway off an airplane like a guy who has confidence.  And that’s nothing. All of it’s nothing compared to Cap and Trade.  The list goes on.  Look at this global warming fiasco.  Statistics show his plan to do something about melting icebergs would dramatically increase worldwide hunger and starvation…among human beings, not seals.  And speaking of which, how about stepping in and trying to save our seals? You know the one’s who punched the terrorist.

The United States is in a situation right now that reminds my of what Ron Brown said when he had to testify at the first trial, “this is sad OJ.”

Patriotic Rubber Stamps

Patriotic Rubber Stamps

It is indeed a sad day for America….that out leader doesn’t like our country?  Oh well.  That’s what we stuck ourselves with so now we have to do something about it.  It’s only sad if we let it happen.  What can you do?

It’s small, but it’s a start.  Sign a petition to recall Obama.

Or sign on to and get yourself some patriotic rubber stampsSelf ink, hand stamp or pre inked….you can use them when you write congress and tell them to stamp out big government.

Corporate Rubber Stamps And Seals

10 October, 2009 (07:36) | Address Rubber Stamps, Address Stamps, Custom Rubber Stamps, Hand Stamps, Personalized Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

What is a corporate rubber stamp? It’s a rubber stamp used to stamp official corporate documents and is also often coupled with a corporate seal, which is used to emboss the corporate logo on official documentsEngineers and architects also need special seals and stamps to indicate the official nature of their practice and so on. Anyway, all these items and a ton more can always be purchased at Rubber Stamp Champ for a ton less than they could be purchased anywhere else.

Rubber Stamps For Breast Cancer Awareness

Rubber Stamps For Breast Cancer Awareness

Rubber Stamp Champ is the low price leader on self inking rubber stamps, address rubber stamps, corporate rubber stamps and so on.  We even specialize in a whole range of rubber stamps that no one else even has, like extra large rubber stamps, wedding rubber stamps, pink breast cancer awareness rubber stamps and so on.  So shop the Rubber Stamp Champ at and you ‘ll be glad you did.

Custom Rubber Stamps Monogram

6 October, 2009 (09:43) | Address Stamps, Personalized Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Custom monogram rubber stamps are just one of the many hundreds, or perhaps even thousands of types of rubber stamps for sale at Knockout Prices at Rubber Stamp Champ at

Custom Monogram Rubber Stamps

Custom Monogram Rubber Stamps

You can also get wedding rubber stamps, and large custom rubber stamps as well, and that’s just for starters. And don’t forget this if you like savings because the Rubber Stamp Champ’s Knockout Prices are now available on the site on custom engraved desk signs and name badges as well.  Visit www.RubberStampchamp and save big.

Custom Rubber Stamps Don’t Tread On Me

13 September, 2009 (11:44) | Personalized Rubber Stamps, Return Address Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Custom Rubber Stamps.  Now with the Don’t Tread On me motto. Don’t Tread On me comes from the original flag of the United States of America called the Gadsden Flag.  It harkens back to a time when we actually were “one nation under God” and adhered carefully to that principal as our guiding light. The government today seeks to destroy that principal in order to make the world more safe and happy for politically correct folks and athiests, however small their actual numbers may be.

Rubber Stamps For Americans

Rubber Stamps For Americans

Now, the vast majority of the citizens of the United States are starting to feel tread on by the current administration.  We are starting to hear the old Boston Tea Party rallying cry of No Taxation Without Representation as well as some new, even more pointed rallying cries, like you lie.

In support of this movement to return to the real guiding principal of the United States and to it’s constitution, The Rubber Stamp Champ in San Marcos, CA has developed a full line of Patriotic and Religios rubber stamps.  So if you feel the current Government of the United States is trying to stamp out the things you believe in most, like capitalism, free enterprise and a life dedicated to God, as well as a strong nationalistic beleif in our coutry, then stamp back at them with a Don’t Tread On Me rubber stamp from the Rubber Stamp Champ.  It’s a very inexpensive way to show your support for the greatest country on earth. Thanks, and thanks for shopping the Rubber Stamp Champ.

Custom Rubber Stamps Free Shipping

13 September, 2009 (09:18) | Personalized Rubber Stamps, Pre Inked Stamps, Professional Stamps and Seals, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Custom Rubber Stamp. In God We Trust.

Custom Rubber Stamp. God Bless America.

Custom rubber stamps ship free on orders over $10. We have Knockout Prices on a wide range of items and even sell Ideal 50s fully customized for only $6.25.  Plus has hundreds of products to choose from so no matter what you are looking for in the line of marking products or rubber stamps, the Rubber Stamp Champ has what you need.  Some people might want pink stamps or pink rubber stamps for example to support breast cancer awareness, we have those. Some people might want stamps to show their support for the United States...In God We Trust stamps are selling very quickly these days for that very reason, as are all our other patriot and religious rubber stamps.  So go online and see what 400,000 stamp buyers in the last 5 years have come to know and love about Rubber Stamp Champ.  Just click on and the rest will be easy. And don’t forget to save us to your favorites.  Thanks.  And thanks for shopping at the Rubber Stamp Champ in San Marcos, CA.

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