Rubber Stamp Champ

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Category: Pocket Stamps

Rubber Stamps You Can Take With You Anywhere

24 February, 2015 (01:17) | Address Rubber Stamps, Business Rubber Stamps, Personalized Rubber Stamps, Pocket Stamps | By: Mike

Pocket rubber stamps from mean you can make a great impression wherever you go.

Rubber Stamp Champ has a huge variety of carry-along rubber stamps, rubber stamps you can take with you wherever you go.

The good news from  When it comes to custom pre-inked, and custom self-inking pocket stamps, you can design, proof and order rubber stamps you can take with you. 


Take your rubber stamp with you with pocket Rubber stamps from

Take your rubber stamp with you with pocket rubber stamps from

So take your rubber stamps wherever you go, like if you are a notary and need a portable, pocket notary stamp.  Rubber Stamp Champ, we think of everything, and at, you can take it with you.

Custom Pre-Inked iStamp Pocket Stamps For Low, Knockout Prices

20 May, 2014 (04:20) | iStamp Pre-Inked Rubber Stamps, Personalized Rubber Stamps, Pocket Stamps, Pre Inked Stamps | By: Mike has, to politely understate the facts, a couple choices when it comes to every type of customizable and stock message rubber stamps.

From pre-inked stamps, self-inking stamps, traditional rubber hand stamps, to numbering, date and quick-dry permanent ink stamps, literally has any type of rubber stamp on hand that you’ll ever need.

When it comes to pocket stamps, you’ll find Rubber Stamp Champ has a wide selection which would more than satisfy even the furthest-out-there-pocket-stamp-aficionados.

The iStamp customizable pre-inked pocket stamp is just one of many.

However, the iStamp pre-inked pocket stamp is a high-quality rubber stamp capable of printing up to 30,000 excellent quality, crisp, clean stamp impressions between ink refills.

Measuring 1″ x 2 1/2,”’s pre-inked iStamp pocket stamp is just about perfect for any typical rubber stamping tasks.

Cosco Self-Inking Stamp Mouse, It’s A Pocket Stamp!

5 May, 2014 (19:32) | Cosco Self-Inking Rubber Stamps, Customized Rubber Stamps, Pocket Stamps | By: Mike

Cosco’s version of the ever-useful take-it-along-anywhere-you-want-rubber-stamp is a uniquely attractive alternative to the sometimes too small alternative options. carries three versions of the self-inking Stamp Mouse from Cosco.

All three are self-inking pocket stamp are available in eleven vibrant rubber stamp ink colors from Rubber Stamp Champ. carries the orange and white rectangular shaped stamp mice, as well as, the circular-shaped-blue Stamp Mouse.

Each is totally customizable, at no additional charge from

All three also qualify for’s greater-than-$1o-order-free-shipping offer too!

Shiny Pocket Stamps, Quality

4 May, 2014 (19:31) | Pocket Stamps, Round Personalized Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Rubber Stamps, Shiny Self-Inking Stamps | By: Mike is known for it’s Low, Knockout Prices on all things rubber stamp and rubber stamp accessory related.

Additionally, our Knockout Customer Service and Selection standout.

We carry a few types of self-inking rubber pocket stamps, but my preference if for the Shiny line of self-inking pocket stamps.

These go-anywhere, do-almost-anything-rubber-stamps are compact, durable and easy to use.

Here at Rubber Stamp Champ, we stock seven sizes of the Shiny self-inking pocket stamp, in two shapes.

With eleven vibrant rubber stamp ink color choices, and free shipping on orders over $10, it’s easy to see why thousands of people flock to!


Xstamper N40 Custom Pocket Stamps

1 May, 2014 (19:25) | Pocket Stamps, Pre Inked Stamps, Xstamper, Xstamper Custom Pre-Inked Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Xstamper N40 pre-inked, custom pocket rubber stamps are just $25.43 from which includes free First Class shipping!, the only place to find Low, Knockout Prices on custom pre-inked pocket stamps turn around your order, large or small, in just 1 – 3 business days.

N40 pre-inked Xstamper pocket stamps feature a laser-engraved rubber stamp die which will print up to 50,000 rubber stamp impressions between each stamp ink refill.

Xstamper N40 features a 2″ x 1/2″ rubber stamp impression.

N40 pre-inked stamps from print excellent quality rubber stamp impressions on non-glossy surfaces. offers the customizable pre-inked N40 rubber stamp in eleven vibrant ink colors.

Buy a couple for yourself today.

Trodat One-Hand-Use-Rubber-Pocket-Stamps, Knockout Prices

1 May, 2014 (19:24) | Address Stamps, Bank Deposit Stamps, Pocket Stamps, Trodat Self Inking Stamps | By: Mike

Trodat’s line of one-hand-use-rubber-pocket-stamps are about as portable and easy to use as a custom or stock message rubber stamp can be.

Easily fitting in your pocket, purse, or backpack, Trodat’s Mobile Printy line of customizable pocket stamps come in five sizes.

The Trodat Mobile Printy pocket stamp line from is suitable for just about any small rubber stamp usage projects, or regular uses like bank deposit or custom return address stamps.

Mobile Printy pocket stamps are self-inking rubber stamps available in eleven vibrant rubber stamp ink colors.

Each of the five available Mobile Printy pocket stamps from and Trodat qualify for free shipping!

Low, Knockout Prices On Xstamper N44 Pocket Stamps

29 April, 2014 (19:19) | Pocket Stamps, Pre Inked Stamps, Xstamper, Xstamper Custom Pre-Inked Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

  Everywhere you look on, you’ll find Low, Knockout Prices.

Custom or stock message rubber stamps, it seems as though every time you turn around, is dropping their price.

Enter the Xstamper N44 pre-inked rubber stamp with a pre-impregnated, customizable rubber stamp die.

Rubber Stamp Champ’s Xstamper N44 features a round, 3/8″ diameter rubber stamp impression.

Xstamper N44 pocket rubber stamps from fit right in your pocket and boast an automatically opening and closing top.

This go anywhere, stamp anything (non-glossy) pre-inked pocket stamp from is just $24.75, including shipping and handling!

What are you waiting for?, go there.

Deep Discounts, Custom and Stock Message Rubber Stamps

10 November, 2013 (18:30) | Discount Rubber Stamps, Office Supplies, Pocket Stamps, Pre Inked Stamps | By: Mike

Are you someone that just can’t pass up a great deal when you see one?

Then we want to talk to you over here at, specifically at our Knockout Specials page where you’ll find deep discounts on our already Low, Knockout Prices.

A diverse and varied discounted rubber stamp selection awaits you at

Take a look, see something you need?  Now look at the price.

Those Knockout Prices are more than appealing wouldn’t you say?

Guess what?  Those Knockout Prices come with complimentary Knockout Service too!

See how easy it is to save money with


The Amazing One-Hand-Use Stamp Mouse Rubber Stamp

10 November, 2013 (18:28) | Cosco Self-Inking Rubber Stamps, Discount Rubber Stamps, Pocket Stamps | By: Mike

Where’s George Rubber Stamps

6 November, 2013 (14:42) | Ideal Self Inking Stamps, Pocket Stamps, Where's George Stamps, Xstamper | By: Mike

I’m not sure who came up with the bright idea of tracking individual U.S. Bank Notes throughout their unaware travels about the world, but it must have felt like a stroke of genius when the first Where’s George rubber stamp was made!

Can you imagine?  Sitting down with each of your freshly procured bank notes and hand writing on each one?

Did I mention, these people hand wrote the web address on each of their bank notes!

That’s insane.

Have whip up on of their six styles of Where’s George rubber stamps on four types of rubber stamp so you can simply forget you ever spent time on a similar batch of notes.

Your Where’s George note marking sessions will soon be a thing of the past.




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