Rubber Stamp Champ

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Category: Professional Stamps and Seals

Legal Office Supply Rubber Stamps

8 January, 2014 (20:29) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Office Supplies, Professional Stamps and Seals | By: Mike

Legal offices across the country, District Attorney offices, private lawyer and public defender offices, even paralegal offices, even well known legal offices like the offices of the American Civil Liberties Union, make use of custom legal office rubber stamps.

If you’re one of the few who went through the lengthy process of becoming a BAR certified lawyer, or even a hardworking paralegal with your eyes on the prize of eventually earning the title of Attorney at Law yourself, and you need a legal rubber stamp, is the place to go. sells legal office rubber stamps at Low, Knockout Prices and includes obligatory Knockout Service & Selection to boot!

Still paying your enormous student loan debt and worried about the hurtin’ a custom legal office rubber stamp is certain to put on your wallet?

Remember, ships out all orders over just $10, FREE!


Rubber Stamps For Dental Office

6 January, 2014 (16:45) | Office Supplies, Professional Stamps and Seals, Return Address Stamps, Stock Message Stamps | By: Mike

According to the ADA, there are over 186,084 professionally active dentists in the United States!

Guess what?  Most of the dentists in the United States use, or their office staff uses custom rubber stamps, from of course!

Billing purposes, important inter-office patient-related documents and charts being filed.  Literally, there is a multitude of uses for stock message rubber stamps, custom rubber stamps too!

Why do most of the dentists in The United States prefer to use for all their custom and stock message?

Though multifaceted, the answer is simple. produces the highest-quality rubber stamps for dental office use in all the land!

Rubber Stamp Champ turns around dentist office rubber stamps in mere days!

The Champs have Low, Knockout Prices and Service! ships all orders over $10, FREE.

Great Custom Rubber Stamp Discounts At!

12 December, 2013 (21:18) | Professional Stamps and Seals, Rubber Stamp, Rubber Stamp Accessories, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Ladies and Gentlemen, let’s hear it for! has been leading the custom rubber stamp industry for better than five years now and shows no signs of slowing in the short or long term.

Rubber Stamp Champ maintains this advantage using a few simple, common sense, best business practices.

That’s not even mentioning our literal thousands of rubber stamps and rubber stamp supplies.

Low, Knockout Prices and Service when combined with near flawless production and turn around times fast enough to give the Tasmanian Devil vertigo generally is what keeps customers coming back to time and again.

If prone to car or sea sickness, please take a Dramamine before logging onto for your new custom rubber stamp.

Long Reach Engineer & Architect Desk Seal

26 August, 2013 (05:11) | Desk Embosser, Embossers, Professional Stamps and Seals | By: Mike




Go, now!!

What do the three have in common?

Why, rubber stamps, of course!

Engineers and architects already know, quite obviously, they use custom rubber stamps and seals made to their respective state’s exacting specifications; makes custom engineer and architect seals! doesn’t stop there, no sir!

The Champs again, go above and beyond.  With several styles of architect and engineer rubber stamps, embossers, and embosser and rubber stamp supplies too!

However, the stand out of the architect and engineer stamps and seal selection at is the our long reach professional engineer and architect desk seal with a super-sized 1 ¾” diameter die which can handle up to 2 ½ “ paper insertions!  This thing even embosses 24 lbs. paper stock!

At the Knockout Price of $69.20, including free shipping, you’ve not one valid excuse for not stopping by and grabbing your very own ultimate engineer and architect long reach desk seal!

Next Day Custom Notary Rubber Stamps

17 August, 2013 (04:51) | Embossers, Notary Rubber Stamps & Seals, Notary Supplies, Professional Stamps and Seals | By: Mike

So, you’re a Notary Public, you need a custom Notary rubber stamp, and you need the thing like yesterday by 10 A.M.  While the Champs, from, who will be making your extreme rush, custom rubber stamps are always up for a good challenge, we still haven’t been able to calculate properly how to send you the stamp, back in time.

Unfortunately, Doc and his Delorean are currently no where to be seen.  Thus, if you order custom Notary Public rubber stamps before 9 A.M. PST and select overnight shipping at check out and you can have your stamp the next business day!  That amounts to a literally unheard of turn around time, in fact, revolutionary, in rubber stamp industry terms.  Almost Back-To-The-Future-Esque

I’m not mistaken, you need to get it into gear, up to 88 m.p.h., on your way to!!!  Make sure you’ll have enough time before their 9 A.M. cutoff time (M-F) and have them make and ship that sorely needed custom Notary Public rubber stamp!

Rectangular Ideal Embossers Custom Made Direct From The Manufacturer

15 August, 2013 (04:24) | Desk Embosser, Embossers, Professional Stamps and Seals | By: Mike

If you’re like me, then you thought, well, technically, until you’re actually finished reading this blog post, only round dies on embossers existed.  If you were already aware of this fact prior to happening upon this blog, you’re ahead of the game. 

Either way, has rectangular embossers for sale on their easy-to-order-from-website., the only place to find, Low, Knockout Prices on custom rubber stamps and personalized embossers, has got another surprise in store for all you embosser-nauts out there.

You’ll see the Ideal M1RD Desk Embosser at for the Knockout Price of $46.50, a die measuring a full, 1” x 2,” rectangular desk embossers have arrived embosser-nauts!

Not thinking rectangular, custom laser-engraved embossers to  be an available product until I happened upon it at!

If I was you, and you were as excited as I am about these custom rectangular laser-engraved desk embossers, I’d get over to ASAP!

Fastest Turn-Around On High Volume Custom Rubber Stamp Orders

14 August, 2013 (04:08) | Business Rubber Stamps, Heavy-Duty Rubber Stamps, Professional Stamps and Seals, Rubber Stamps Custom Made | By: Mike

Are you a government employee looking to fill a purchase order, for either the state or federal government? 

Do you regularly fill large or high volume rubber stamp orders from a place other than

If this is the case, or you’ve suddenly found yourself not buying high volume, custom rubber stamps from, its okay, I can help.

Here’s what you do, it’s super easy.

You can log right onto, our easy-to-order-from-website which is the only place you’ll find Low, Knockout prices on all 1,800 plus rubber stamp related products in stock.

Or, if you’ve got a high volume order in mind for any rubber stamp or rubber stamp product we do carry, and also if you’re looking for an item on the site, but cannot locate it.

It might be that you’ve simply looked in the wrong place.  However, might not carry that product.

Either way, we can likely get you whatever rubber stamp or rubber stamp accessory you desire, and surely, can gladly assist you in locating products on our website,

Xstamper Stock Message Rubber Stamps, Just $8.88

11 April, 2013 (17:28) | Pre Inked Stamps, Professional Stamps and Seals, Stock Message Stamps, Xstamper | By: Mike


Stock message rubber stamps at are a versatile group of commonly used messages in terms of phrases used on rubber stamps.

Rubber Stamp Champ stocks over one hundred seventy different commonly used stock message rubber stamps and sells them for the Knockout Price of just $8.88!

You might think this amazingly low price includes just a traditional hand stamp of minute size, but you’d be wrong.

Living up to our name, puts all our vast selection of stock messages on the highest quality pre-inked rubber stamp(s), Xstamper rubber stamps.

Not only do we utilize the highest quality pre-inked Xstampers for our array of stock message rubber stamps, they measure a half inch tall and are one and half inches wide.

Each stock message Xstamper pre-inked rubber stamp you purchase at comes with your choice of eleven vibrant rubber stamp ink colors and produces upwards of 50,000 crisp, excellent quality impressions.

Automatic Numbering Machines

4 October, 2012 (22:56) | Automatic Numberers, Number Stamps, Professional Stamps and Seals | By: Mike

Automatic numbering machines ship free at

At, we’ve got custom address rubber stamp, return address rubber stamp, custom bank deposit rubber stamps and so much more in the way of top-shelf custom rubber stamps and custom rubber stamp accessories is can be tough to choose sometimes. has pre-inked custom rubber stamps, self-inking rubber stamps and are absolute masters when it comes to manufacturing custom traditional rubber hand stamps to boot!

Our selection of United automatic numbering machines, five sizes or configurations in all, leave those loyal customers and new one’s alike, nothing to be desired upon the receipt of their manufactured United Automatic Numbering machine.

It’s your choice of configurations which range from six wheels to twelve wheels in capacity, which are constructed from the highest quality metals to ensure spectacularly extended use.

Maryland Custom Notary Stamps And Supply

20 September, 2012 (16:46) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Notary Rubber Stamps & Seals, Professional Stamps and Seals, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Notary rubber stamps Maryland, and notary signs, now on sale at Rubber Stamp Champ.

Calling all Notary Public’s from the great state of Maryland!, your online low price leader, with low, low knockout price points on all Maryland custom notary public rubber stamps!, known throughout the rubber stamp industry and among rubber stamp users worldwide as the single source for any all custom rubber stamps and rubber stamping accessories, is pleased to offer Maryland custom notary stamps and custom notary rubber stamp accessories with a turnaround time between twenty four and seventy two hours!

Whether you’re in Baltimore, Annapolis or the D.C. metro area, or even some other smaller towns in Maryland, like, Walkersville and you’re a Notary Public looking for a custom notary rubber stamp, look no further than, and remember that any order over ten dollars ships free of charge from!

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