RubberStampChamp.com, home of low, low, knockout prices on all custom and stock message rubber stamps, rubber stamp accessories and custom laser-engraved products like name badges, name plates, and custom pet and luggage tags, is proud to offer the Ideal 50 self-inking rubber stamp for just six dollars and twenty five cents!
The Ideal 50, from RubberStampChamp.com, is perfect for four or less lines of text, or small custom logos. Many of our 600,000 plus customers find that the ideal 50 is ideal for use as a custom address return stamp, custom signature stamp, or even a bank deposit rubber stamp, among many more custom rubber stamp uses.
The Ideal 50 produces up to ten thousand good quality impressions before requiring additional ink application, and comes from Rubber Stamp Champ with the choice of eleven ink colors and free shipping when you order two Ideal 50’s!