Rubber Stamp Champ

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Category: Rubber Stamps

Custom Corporate Seal Rubber Stamps and Seals

8 August, 2013 (05:06) | Business Rubber Stamps, Corporate Seals and Stamps, Embossers, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike makes corporate seals and rubber stamps for all fifty states; If you require a corporate rubber stamp or seal, visit our easy-to-order-from-website.  Once there go to the Corporate Seals and Stamps page. 

Click on the product which is of interest to you in terms of stamp selection, or embosser variation, and make sure to fill the required fields in when you arrive at the next page.

It’s as easy as 1-2-3,  Go to our Corporate Seals and Stamps page.  Click through to your desired products page and fill in necessary information, and complete your check out. makes five types of Corporate Stamps, from the traditional hand stamp, up through the self and pre-inked corporate rubber stamps, like Xstamper and iStamp.

Additionally, stocks four sizes of Corporate Seal embossers, you just can go wrong with Rubber Stamp Champ!


Just remember, any time you order more than $10 from, you receive free shipping on top of the Low, Knockout Rubber Stamp Champ Prices.

Avoid Un-Returned Books With Librarie Stamps!

7 August, 2013 (05:00) | Embossers, Rubber Stamps, Xstamper | By: Mike


Libraries are one of the greatest thing about being an American; free knowledge for those interested in seeking out wisdom.  What a great concept, yet, it seems these days like most people avoid them in favor of name-the-next-well-marketed-cell phone.

I remember being required to attend the library, sometimes both the school library, and the public library in town either later that day, or within a given frame of time.

That reminds me; I used to mix up various books that I’d checked out of the different libraries.  Sometimes the Librarian would mark, with pencil, the library each book belonged to, but fingers inadvertently can erase lightly applied pencil.

This is the exact reason why all Librarians ought to visit’s easy-to-order-from-website and take a look at the absolutely customizable library rubber stamps and library paper embossers.

Sure, it’s a small initial investment, but just think of all the books the library won’t be losing due to absent minded book returns, all thanks to your custom library rubber stamp or embosser, only from

Either is an excellent choice, that is, if you’re fed up dealing with lost, um-returned, or mixed up book returns; get on one of the free-to-use-library-computers, then, go to!

Stock Message ‘Paid’ Xstamper Pre-Inked Rubber Stamps

7 August, 2013 (04:57) | Office Supplies, Rubber Stamps, Stock Message Stamps, Xstamper | By: Mike

Some messages are so commonly printed upon documents for this purpose or that purpose, the word ‘Paid,’ for instance, is likely printed upon receipts with rubber stamps of all variety, millions of times each day! doesn’t supply the entire world their ‘stock message ‘Paid’ rubber stamps, though on hand our stock message ‘Paid’ rubber stamp inventory is, indeed impressive.’s stock message Xstamper ‘Paid’ rubber stamp, at an everyday Low, Knockout Price of just $8.88, is only one of 172 different stock message rubber stamps has ready to ship right away!

At just $8.88, your new ‘Paid’ Xstamper pre-inked stock message rubber stamp is practically a steal considering the 50,000 excellent quality impressions you’ll print between rubber stamp ink refills.

If you buy more than one stock message, ‘Paid’ Xstamper rubber stamp from, you qualify for free shipping!


Ideal 80 Self-Inking Rubber Stamps

5 August, 2013 (05:08) | Address Rubber Stamps, Bank Deposit Stamps, Business Rubber Stamps, Ideal Self Inking Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

The self-inking Ideal 80 rubber stamp, on sale at for just $9.50, is what we call the big brother of the Ideal 50 self-inking rubber stamp, the quintessential do-anything-well personalize-able self-inking rubber stamp.

The Ideal 80 self-inking rubber stamp at features one additional line of customizable text, as compared to little brother, the Ideal 50.

So similar are the self-inking Ideal 80 and Ideal 50, most customers purchase them for the same uses.

Certain individuals might have a lengthy address, thus an Ideal 80 is preferred over the three line self-inking Ideal 50.

Other individuals may be required by their banks to put a routing number on their bank deposit only self-inking rubber stamp.  Here again, big brother is the choice for larger impression area.

Basically, any custom, four lines of text self-inking rubber stamp should be an Ideal 80.

When you consider the insanely Low, Knockout Price of just $9.50 at, which includes free text or artwork manipulation, you get that feeling; by shopping with, you can take no wrong turn.

Custom iStamp Pre-Inked Rubber Stamps

31 July, 2013 (05:34) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Istamp Pre Inked Stamps, iStamp Pre-Inked Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

iStamp custom pre-inked rubber stamps from are an incredible alternative to the widely used custom Xstamper rubber stamps we also sell.

If its top quality pre-inked personalized rubber stamps you’re looking for, but are on a budget, then you’ll absolutely love the money saving line iStamp manufacturers.

You’ll find your new iStamp pre-inked rubber stamp prints incredibly clear, excellent quality impressions, up to 30,000 impressions between each rubber stamp ink refill. provides each custom iStamp buyer their choice between eleven vibrant rubber stamp ink colors and free text or artwork customization.

Lastly, and the Champs who are Rubber Stamp Champ, want you to know about our shipping deal; free shipping on orders totaling more than $10!

Custom Assembly Band Stamps

31 July, 2013 (05:32) | Custom Assembly Band Stamps, Customized Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike is proud to offer over 1,800 custom rubber stamps and rubber stamp accessories on our easy-to-order-from-website; over 625,000 people have ordered to date, a testament to our perfectionist nature.

Custom band stamps from come in several variations, with your choice of custom or stock bands.

At you’ll find seven character sizes, both number and letter bands for your custom band stamps, and free shipping to your home or business.’s variety of 25 customizable non-self-inking band stamps come with between 6 and 16 completely custom bands and are for use with a separate rubber stamp ink pad.

Get’s Knockout Prices On Traditional Hand Stamps!

31 July, 2013 (05:30) | Art Stamps, Hand Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike might have become the leading online retailer of all the state-of-the-art custom rubber stamps, but we’ve not forgotten the literal roots of the rubber stamp industry; custom traditional rubber hand stamps., known for fast turn around, Knockout Prices, free shipping on orders over $10 and significant volume discounts, stocks an absolutely mind-tingling assortment of customizable traditional rubber hand stamps.

We literally cut each custom traditional rubber hand stamp from a long, two foot block of wood, so if it’s a large traditional rubber hand stamp, has you covered.

If it’s a small traditional rubber hand stamp you’re after, we’ve got your back on that too!

Simply log onto our easy-to-order-from-website,, select the Hand Stamps page, and start by clicking the grey box which corresponds to the size rubber stamp you’d like.

From there, makes it easy to customize and buy your custom traditional rubber hand stamp!

Custom Frequent Buyer Card Rubber Stamps, Knockout Prices!

30 July, 2013 (05:29) | Frequent Buyer Card Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

If you own a business where you make use of a frequent buyer card program, then you know the importance of using a unique, hard to replicate image that’s unique to your business., the only place online to find low, Knockout Prices on all custom rubber stamps, sells ten varieties of frequent buyer card rubber stamps.

Whether you require a tiny 1/4″ diameter Xstamper pre-inked rubber stamp, or something a little larger, like’s iStamp IS-30 with a 7/16” diameter rubber stamp die, you’ll always get the lowest, Knockout Price available.

Furthermore, provides free art manipulation, and for you frequent buyer card program business owners, free shipping on any of the ten personalize-able rubber stamps we stock!

Artline Laundry Markers Mean You’ll Never Lose An Article Of Clothing Again!

30 July, 2013 (05:25) | Artline markers, Fabric Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike


If you, or someone you’re responsible for, is one that is constantly misplacing, losing, or forgetting about their clothing, then the Artline laundry markers at is just what the Clothing Doctor ordered!

Artline laundry markers at are ideal for marking any type of cloth, linen or clothing under the sun.’s Artline laundry markers print an ink that is resistant to hot or cold washings, as well as, dry cleaning and will withstand repeated washing with detergents.

Hartline immediately drying; incredibly useful laundry markers come from by the dozen, in red, black or blue for just $19.60! includes free shipping on all orders over $10, so your Artline laundry markers ship free of charge anywhere in the lower forty eight!

How Can I Get Free Shipping On Custom Rubber Stamp Orders?

29 July, 2013 (15:55) | Custom Laser-Engraving, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike


Did you know that there’s a custom rubber stamp company that gives you free shipping on orders over $10?  That’s right,, the only place online where you can find Low, Knockout Prices on all custom and stock message rubber stamps., the easy-to-order-from, one-stop-shop for all things rubber stamp related, and even custom laser-engraved products like custom name plates, custom name badges, and custom laser-engraved pet tags are all available!

It doesn’t matter what you buy at, any combination of custom rubber stamps, rubber stamp accessories, or custom laser-engraved products that totals $10 or more, receives free first class shipping.

It’s that simple, if you need rubber stamps, get to and fill that shopping cart!

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