Rubber Stamp Champ

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Category: Rubber Stamps

Security Redacting Stamps And Markers

13 August, 2012 (16:40) | Address Stamps, Rubber Stamps, Security Redacting Rubber Stamps, Stamping Supplies, Xstamper | By: Mike

Black out information you dont wqnt anyone to read with a large secure redacting kit from Rubber Stamp champ.

Black out information you don't want anyone to read with a large secure redacting kit from Rubber Stamp Champ. has quite literally, so many products on offer to the public and returning customers alike, that it will, in no uncertain terms, take me at least a year or more to write about each of them individually, likely the latter, more than a year.

That’s perfectly fine with me however, as the products, namely custom rubber stamps, pre-inked, self-inking and good old fashioned custom rubber hand stamps, and custom rubber stamp accessories that offers up for sale are second to none in quality, and price, hence our “Knockout Pricing” description we commonly use.

Simply check out our feedback page, you’ll see we A) couldn’t make such claims without the proof being within the pudding, and B) 600,000 plus (and growing) customers can’t delusional enough to be wrong. is the rubber stamp and rubber stamp accessory online price leader, period.

That said, one of our more unique product offerings which technically falls into the custom rubber stamp accessory category and custom rubber stamp category alike, oddly enough.

The Large Redacting Kit, mostly used by our thousands of custom notary rubber stamp customers for correcting accidental mistakes made upon official documents actually contains both a redacting XStamper Secure Stamp which boasts a redacting impression size fifteen sixteenth’s of an inch in height by two and thirteen sixteenths of an inch wide, as well as, a redacting marker, both utilizing a specially formulated ink which allows for sensitive information to be easily, permanently and in an unreadable fashion, covered up.

The Xstamper large size secure redacting kit comes with complimentary shipping from, as do all orders over ten dollars!

New York State Notary Public Rubber Stamps

13 August, 2012 (16:21) | Notary Rubber Stamps & Seals, Notary Supplies, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

New York notary rubber stamps and seals available next day with overnight shipping from Rubber Stamp Champ.

New York notary rubber stamps and seals available next day with overnight shipping from Rubber Stamp Champ., the online low price leader for the top brands of rubber stamps, whether you need pre-inked custom rubber stamps, custom self-inking rubber stamps, or just a plain old custom rubber hand stamp, our easy to navigate website is the only choice if one is conscious of the excellent economic implications of ordering from

Our Notary Public selection of rubber stamps, pre-inked Xstampers, self-inking Ideal, or custom rubber hand stamps entirely made at our San Marcos, California plant, has got the perfect rubber stamp product for you; not to mention all the rubber stamps, including New York State notary public rubber stamps and accessories. offers several stock messages which are easily attained and are equally useful or not, at your discretion, as well as, products like New York State notary embossers, finger print ink pads, zippered notary bags and more, all at your disposable should you deem the accessories needed products to conduct business as a notary public in New York State.

All orders from over ten dollars qualifies for free shipping, however, so you might as well stock up in advance so as not to need to scramble when the time arises that calls for one of our accessory products.

Cosco® 2000 Plus Self-Inking Stamps

12 August, 2012 (14:40) | Address Stamps, Business Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Cosco 2000 Plus self inking stamps, 50% off all sizes only at

Cosco 2000 Plus self inking stamps, 50% off all sizes only at has great product offerings in terms of a wide selection of self-inking rubber stamps from a variety of manufacturers, like Ideal, Cosco, Trodat and Shiny.

While some brands like Trodat and Ideal are better known among our collection of 600,000 plus satisfied customers, other brands like Cosco are less well known, but are advantageous to purchase in their own right.

Cosco brand self-inking rubber stamps are well made self-inking rubber stamps which boast a number of features which make them as desirable as compared to some of their more well-known counter-parts.

Cosco, first and foremost are all fifty percent off their original prices, this includes all twenty four sizes on offer by, thousands of crisp impressions prior to needing a re-inking and eleven color choices.

Lastly, any order with comes with free shipping!

California Notary Rubber Stamps

10 August, 2012 (14:16) | Name Stamps, Notary Rubber Stamps & Seals, Notary Supplies, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

California notaries save on notary rubber stamps and all their notary supplies at Rubber Stamp Champ.

California notaries save on notary rubber stamps and all their notary supplies at Rubber Stamp Champ.

If you’re a notary public in any of the great California cities, San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, heck even San Jose, Oakland or Berkeley notary publics, is the place to shop for all your custom notary public rubber stamps and notary rubber stamp accessories.

Before manufacture of your custom notary stamp begins however, it is California State Law that you Must Mail your “authorization certificate to manufacture rubber stamp or seal” form to us so that we know you are authorized to have a impression making device like pre-inked, self-inking or embossers with the state seal.

Any combination of custom California notary rubber stamps and notary rubber stamp accessories over ten dollars comes with free shipping from the!

Self-Inking Custom Rubber Stamps

9 August, 2012 (11:51) | Address Rubber Stamps, Ideal Self Inking Stamps, Logo Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Save on Ideal custom self inking rubber stamps at RubberStampchamp,com and get free shipping!

Save on Ideal custom self inking rubber stamps at RubberStampChamp,com, and get free shipping!

At the self-inking custom rubber stamp that see’s the most action is the Ideal 50. Reasoning behind this is simple and apparent to anyone familiar with the Ideal 50’s quality craftsmanship, solid-high-quality parts and attention to detail during assembly.

The Ideal 50 is perfect for just about any use, bank deposit stamp, return address rubber stamp, teacher stamps and more, with an impression area measuring one and a half inches long by five eighths an inch tall, eleven extraordinarily vibrant ink colors to choose from and finally the ability to be re-inked after producing ten thousand good quality, crisp impressions!

The price point, super, super, low, knockout price of just six dollars and twenty five cents makes the Ideal 50 one of the most perfectly adaptable customizable rubber stamps at!

Though doesn’t recommend the Ideal 50 for use on glossy surfaces, we do customize your artwork, logo or text for free and if you buy two or more ($10+ to qualify), will provide free shipping!

Custom Assembly Number And Letter Band Stamps

9 August, 2012 (11:43) | Custom Assembly Band Stamps, Number Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Custom number and letter band stamps made for less and shipped fast at Rubber Stamp champ.

Custom number and letter band stamps made for less and shipped fast at Rubber Stamp Champ.

Sometimes Number Only Custom Band rubber stamps, of both the self-inking and non-self-inking varieties are simply not enough stamp to leave crisp impressions with the right amount of information intended to be conveyed to whomever might come across said impression, per our usual, absolutely has custom band stamps to suit your particular needs.

The smaller of the two measures five thirty seconds of an inch and the larger of the two makes impressions three sixteenths of an inch in heght.’s selection of Custom Number AND Letter rubber stamps makes intensive rubber stamp users salivate each time they visit out Custom Band Stamps page on our easy to order from website,

All of the custom band stamp rubber stamp assemblies are available in two various sizes leaving different impression sizes upon whatever surface you might be using your custom band rubber stamp as long as it’s not on any glossy surface and you can find your preferred color among our tiny eleven color choices. has a selection of 6400 and 6500 series number, number and letters, are a diverse group of heavy duty customizable rubber number and letter bands which are over the top customizable with letter rubber stamp band choices and number stamp band choices, literally in multitudes, is sure to have the right size, number and letter combination to suit whatever custom band stamp requirements you’re presently attempting to fill.

Incredibly, up to eighteen bands on the smaller size Shiny brand self-inking custom band stamp, while the larger impression size version is going to allow for up to a massive, twelve custom bands!

All custom band stamps come from the with free shipping!

Self-Inking Pocket Rubber Stamps

8 August, 2012 (16:45) | Address Rubber Stamps, Business Rubber Stamps, Pre Inked Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Pocket stamps are all the rage in the stamping community these days and has such a wide selection of pocket stamps that you’ll likely spend hours deciding which suits your needs best, followed by a period of anxious waiting for your new custom pocket stamp to arrive in the mail! has poecket stamps so when it comes to your rubber stamp, you can take it with you! has a huge selection of pocket stamps, so when it comes to your rubber stamp, you can take it with you!

The Xstamper and iStamp lines all come with a pre-impregnated, laser engraved die, with the Xstamper line of pocket stamps coming in more size offerings as compared to the iStamp line of pocket stamps.

Shiny, Cosco, and Trodat round out’s line of pocket stamps with their respective lines of self-inking pocket rubber stamps.

Remember to grab a couple bottles of refill ink for whichever pocket stamp you decide to go with and that any order with comes with free shipping!

Xstamper Products Manufacturer-Direct

8 August, 2012 (16:29) | Rubber Stamps, Xstamper | By: Mike

Buy Xstamper Xstensions and all other Xstamper products manufacturer-direct from Rubber Stamp Champ.

Buy Xstamper Xstensions and all other Xstamper products manufacturer-direct from Rubber Stamp Champ.

For those who need rubber stamp customization on the go, offers up one of it’s most likely to be considered revolutionary specifically for the on-the-go customization factor. offers these in three separate kits. Numbers only, Letters only or a complete set with numbers, letters and symbols included.

Adaptable to just about any situation imaginable, the single pieces connect to one another both horizontally or vertically or both to create alphabetical and/or numeric messages for changing rubber stamp impression situations.

All three kits come in three font sizes making one of the, if not THE most versatile rubber stamp kit ever conceived. Thirteen point; nineteen and thirty three point Xtensions are available.

Additionally, this wonderful range of ultimate customization rubber stamp kits is compatible with Artline Hi-Seal Rubber Stamp Pads or any of our quick dry stamp pads and inks, making sure that if you’re stamping in hard to reach places that the impression is made and is dry quickly.

Free shipping on all three kits from

Ten-Band Trodat Custom Numbering Rubber Stamps

7 August, 2012 (16:00) | Number Stamps, Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Rubber Stamps, Trodat Self Inking Stamps | By: Mike

Shop and save on 10 band Trodat custom number stamps.

Shop Rubber Stamp Champ and save on Trodat ten-band custom number rubber stamps.’s self-inking stock numbering rubber stamps by Trodat, the Printy 4846 and the eight band, customizable Trodat 5558/PL self-inking rubber stamp are awesome self-inking examples of high-quality, built tough to last and are refillable for years of intense rubber stamp use.

However, they’re lacking two things the Trodat 55510/PL Custom Numbering Rubber Stamp has that’s vital for some customers, and not others, making all three wonderful heavy-duty self-inking rubber stamps, that’s a total of ten customizable bands approximately with eighteen point impressions and an image area of one a five sixteenths by two and one quarter inches.

This Custom Numberer by Trodat is perfectly suited for all-day-high-volume rubber stamping needs. The ergonomically designed handle slips perfectly into your hand, almost an extension of yourself, it’s made with super high quality plastics, a robust steel core and is re-inkable for reliable all day use.

The Trodat 55510/PL Custom Numberer with ten bands also comes free of any shipping charges!

Numbering Only Self Inking Rubber Stamps

6 August, 2012 (15:24) | Custom Assembly Band Stamps, Number Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Numbering rubber stamps are a great selling item here at; we’ve got literally dozens of selections when it comes to combining numbering and dating stamps into a custom rubber stamp format. However, also stocks the very useful Number Only type self-inking rubber stamps.

Shiny makes two sizes of heavy-duty construction Numbering Only Self Inking Rubber Stamps with a two character size selection, along with our usual eleven color choices.

Rubber stamp numbers with number only rubber stamps from Rubber Stamp Champ.

Rubber stamp numbers with number only rubber stamps from Rubber Stamp Champ.

The smaller sized characters, roughly five thirty seconds of an inch, or approximately fifteen point, comes with six, eight, ten, twelve, fourteen, sixteen, or eighteen bands.

The larger size Shiny Numbers Only Self-Inking Rubber Stamp comes with six, eight, ten, or twelve bands and a characters impression roughly three sixteenths of an inch tall, or approximately eighteen point.

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