Rubber Stamp Champ

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Category: Rubber Stamps

iStamp Custom Pre-Inked Rubber Stamps

19 July, 2012 (14:53) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Istamp Pre Inked Stamps, Rubber Stamp Inks, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Inks for rubber stamps in all types and sizes at for less!

Inks for rubber stamps in all types and sizes at for less! also, in addition to the Xstamper, Ideal, and Skin Safe custom rubber stamp inks, has available iStamp oil based ink refill bottles in two different sizes!

The oil based inks are available in more color selections when compared to the Xstamper line and is for use with iStamp custom pre-inked rubber stamps, good for literally tens of thousands of crisp, super clear impressions on a selection of material.

A lot of our customers find that different stamps and ink colors for different projects is an easy way to accomplish a sense of sanity and organization around the office, iStamp refill inks provide the opportunity to accomplish that, and at a savings over more traditional pre-inked custom rubber stamp products available online.

With the any order over ten dollars ships free! Don’t forget to pick up a couple stamp scrub pads and a bottle of rubber stamp cleaning solution in case you spill!

Large Xstamper Pre Inked Stamps

18 July, 2012 (15:28) | Discount Rubber Stamps, Large Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps, Stamps, Stamps Rubber | By: Mike

Save money on rubber stamps at when you buy large Xstamper pre inked stamps.

Pre-inked rubber stamps like Xstamper and iStamp, or self-inking  custom rubber stamps like the Ideal, Trodat and Cosco lines are all currently on sale at at ten to fifty percent savings or more over where you currently purchase your custom rubber stamps and custom rubber stamping accessories.

If you’re not already on the ever-expanding list of the better than 600,000 currently residing upon our customer list, just go to and get all you need in the of the aforementioned custom pre-inked, self-inking and custom hand rubber stamps. offers incredibly fast turnaround and very reasonable ten dollar minimum order needed to qualify for our Free Shipping program, the result is, simply enough, business quality custom rubber stamps, in record time, right to your door!

Rubber Stamps From the Kitchen Of

17 July, 2012 (15:44) | Custom Logo Rubber Stamps, Custom Rubber Stamps, Holiday Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber stamp from the kitchen of for less with custom rubber stamps from

Rubber stamp from the kitchen of for less with custom rubber stamps from

If you just like cooking and are proud of the meals you might deliver to friends, family or perhaps even, the needy, then these From The Kitchen Of customizable pre-inked Xstamper Rubber Stamps, are perfect for letting those enjoying your meal, just who it was that took the time to insert massive amounts of love into their cooking.’s low, low, knockout pricing saves you on customization costs (free), shipping (free), and since we love food here too, saves you more than nineteen dollars off the regularly low pricing!

Xstamper pre-inked customizable From The Kitchen Of rubber stamps come in eleven different, wild, colors and lasts for more than fifty thousand crisp, clear impressions before needing to be re-inked!

Custom Rubber Stamp Ink Pad

17 July, 2012 (15:32) | Large Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamp Ink Pads, Rubber Stamps, Stamp Pad | By: Mike

When you need to stamp super-large areas, like, for instance, almost a whole legal sheet of paper at one time, or like one of our 600,000 satisfied customer’s did, stamp the bottom of custom made concrete hot-tub slabs, then the MONSTER six inch by twelve inch Ace Stamp Pad is the custom rubber stamp pad for you!

When you buy large rubber stamps you need large rubber stamp pads from

When you buy large rubber stamps you need large rubber stamp pads from

Ace Stamp Pads at the come un-inked so that you are able to ink the mammoth-sized custom rubber stamp ink pad with an ink type appropriate for the task you intend to handle, and with the Ace Stamp Pad, handle with AUTHORITY!

Featuring a metal cover to protect it’s literally vast surface area from being defiled by those you work with our Ace un-inked six inch by twelve inch custom rubber stamp pad qualifies for free shipping.

Ace also makes a couple smaller industrial qualities and sized custom rubber stamp ink pads just in case you’re not in need of an impression the size of a legal sheet of paper!

Mark II Custom Rubber Stamp Ink

15 July, 2012 (22:01) | Industrial Inks And Pads, Ink Stamps, Permanent Ink Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Mark 2 In for every purpose from

Mark II Ink for every purpose from

Mark II Refill Ink bottles are two fluid ounces in size and come in four different, vibrant, and quick-drying inks for non-porous surfaces.

Mark II ink at is USDA approved and meets both TT-I-1795A TYPE I and AA-208 TYPE I standards and dries in between ten and fifteen seconds.

Mark II inks, in blue, black, red, or white (for an small $5.00 extra charge), are perfect for marking a large and widely varied number of non-porous surfaces.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re marking on plastic, metal, foil, electronic parts, Mylar, glossy surfaces or most other surface types which are non-porous are stamp-able with Mark II custom rubber stamp ink from

Any of the four colors include free shipping from the

Ultra Clean Stamp Cleaner

15 July, 2012 (21:53) | Address Stamps, Office Supplies, Rubber Stamps, Stamping Supplies, Stamps Rubber | By: Mike

Get your rubber stamps cleaner with rubber stamp cleaner from

Get your rubber stamps cleaner with rubber stamp cleaner from

At you’ll find that Ultra Clean Stamp Cleaner is a much more thorough option in terms of cleaning your custom self-inking rubber stamps or rubber hand stamp and equipment than the use of plain water ever could hope to be.

When combine with’s custom rubber stamp scrubbing pads, you’ll effortlessly be able to switch from dark to lighter ink colors and back again without having too much worry about the darker inks affecting the lighter ones.

The eight ounce refill bottle of Ultra Clean Stamp Cleaner even at its low, low knockout price qualifies for free shipping, don’t forget to add a couple scrubbing pads to your order too!

Custom Assembly Band Stamps

14 July, 2012 (17:06) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Customized Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Custom Assembly Band Stamps ship free at

Custom assembly band stamps ship free at

The Shiney non-self-inking custom assembled size 0 (1/8”) 6 band rubber stamp is perfect for those who need non-self-inking custom assembly band stamp which provides the ability to change the impression stamped at a moment’s notice.

With almost an unlimited number of number, letter and symbol combinations, the Shiney, non-self-inking, size 0 custom rubber stamp, you’ll find that no matter your intended use, you’ll find that the customization available at is super easy, the customer service second to none and the quality of our rubber stamps, above all else.

Free shipping on all orders over ten dollars with!

Getting Rubber Stamps Clean

14 July, 2012 (16:57) | Rubber Stamps, Specialty Ink Rubber Stamp Pads, Stamp Pad, Stamping Supplies, Stamps Rubber | By: Mike

Stamp pads in all types and sizes ship free at

Stamp pads in all types and sizes ship free at

The Double Scrub pad pack of custom rubber stamp scrubbing pads are perfect for keeping one’s collection of custom hand stamps, custom self-inking rubber stamps and custom pre-inked rubber stamps.

Designed for use with Ultra Clean Stamp Cleaner and when used in combination with one another getting rubber stamps clean and switching between light and dark inks is a snap, instead of a pain in the butt. Cleaning up ink from self-inking and pre-inking refills becomes a snap, instead of a pain.

Order a single scrubbing pad and a bottle of cleaner or a double pack of the rubber stamp cleaning pads with the bottle of solution and be able to tackle any stamp related ink changes or clean-ups, and get free shipping from

Large Customizable Pre Inked Rubber Stamps

14 July, 2012 (14:02) | Istamp Pre Inked Stamps, Pre Inked Stamps, Rubber Stamps, Stamps Rubber | By: Mike

Pre inked custom rubber stamps in large sizes ship free at

Pre inked custom rubber stamps in large sizes ship free at

At the Art Work IS-60 is the artwork edition of the iStamp line allowing for free customization of text, a logo or a combination of both at no extra charge.

With a rubber stamp impression size almost two by four inches, you can make sure your stamp is seen where you want it to be seen, always.

Stamping on custom made crafts, artisan food packaging products or whatever else you can think of then,  iStamp IS-60 Artwork pre-inked, customizable rubber stamps are the stamps for you!

With over 50,000 impressions, eleven color choices and free shipping you can’t go wrong with the iStamp IS-60 at

Reiner Jet Stamp 798

13 July, 2012 (15:30) | Business Rubber Stamps, Ink Stamps, Large Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Jet stamps make stamping fast and easy from

Jet stamps make stamping fast and easy from

The Reiner Jet Stamp 798 is the king of all rubber stamps; this stamper from doesn’t need to even touch the stamping surface to which you’ll be applying your custom impression to.

The Jet Stamp 798 is the Rubber Stamp Champ solution for those of you needing to print two lines of individual text , consecutive numbers or even dates, or expiration date sequences.

The Jet Stamp 798 has such a wide variety of applications and features it’s likely your head would start spinning if I told you about all of them at once, literally.

In order to save you a trip to your doctor, we’ll just say the Stamp Jet 798 is so diverse it can be used by left and right hand individuals, in applications ranging surgical to custom deposit and bank rubber stamps.

The kit, including everything you’ll need to get going right away includes, of course, for free shipping only from

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