Rubber Stamp Champ

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Category: Rubber Stamps

Oval Holiday Self-Inking Rubber Stamps

13 July, 2012 (15:22) | Address Rubber Stamps, Holiday Rubber Stamps, Round Personalized Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Holiday oval rubber stamps look great and ship free, from

Holiday oval rubber stamps look great and ship free, from

Right now is the perfect time to prepare for the holidays and purchase, ahead of when you’ll actually need to use them. You might ask why, but Rubber Stamp Champ is just like any other company, we have on sale, items not necessarily in season at a particular time.

With it’s Holiday Rubber Stamps.

With twenty eight stock Oval Holiday self-inking rubber stamps to choose from, and various holidays, plus our usual eleven ink color selection, you’ll have a tough time deciding which ten Rubber Stamp Champ Trodat Oval Holiday Self-inking Rubber Stamps to buy.

Of course, after you’ve picked out ten different Trodat Oval Holiday Self-Inking Rubber Stamps, shipping will be free, of course so will any order over ten dollars.

Specialty Rubber Stamp Ink Pads

13 July, 2012 (15:14) | Hand Stamps, Ink Stamps, Office Supplies, Rubber Stamps, Specialty Ink Rubber Stamp Pads | By: Mike

Speciaty ink rubber stamp pads ship free at

Specialty ink rubber stamp pads ship free at

At you’re going to be able to find that specialty rubber stamp ink pad you’ll need for using solvent and acid based inks, Lord knows you’ve gone through some blues, dealing with melting your normal office rubber stamp ink pad after pouring a bunch of solvent based ink on it, not knowing what was about to happen.

Fortunately, as usual, the has your back. You can buy your secretary a replacement ink pad for regular use and grab a couple Stone Stamp Pads for use with your solvent based stamp inks.

Free shipping on size number three, just add two stone stamp pads to your cart of sizes one and two for free shipping; anything over ten dollars qualifies for free shipping at

Pre-Inked UV Light Reactive Customizable Rubber Stamp

12 July, 2012 (21:44) | Hand Stamps, Ink Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

UV hand stamping for skin made easy at

UV hand stamping for skin made easy at

The Pre-Inked Stamp for Skin in the ¾” size is on sale right now at, take $5.00 off our already low, low knockout pricing and get included a free ink refill along with free shipping!

This stamp comes inked with a special UV ink and glows under UV light. This pre-inked UV light reactive customizable rubber stamp is perfect for admissions use at places like night clubs, amusement parks, sports function, casino’s, smaller social events, raves and more!

The special UV light reactive ink dries super-fast, in less than fifteen seconds, lasts for thousands of impressions, and is resistant to wearing off if water or sweat are present.

Free shipping on all orders over ten dollars at!

Trodat Self Inking Stamp With Keychain

12 July, 2012 (10:57) | Business Rubber Stamps, Pocket Stamps, Rubber Stamps, Trodat Self Inking Stamps | By: Mike

Self inking keychain rubber stamps at ship free!

Self inking keychain rubber stamps at ship free!

At you’ll find Trodat’s Printy 4910, customizable self-inking rubber stamp which comes with it’s own keychain, making this one of the most mobile and versatile custom self-inking rubber stamps sells!

The 3/8” x 1” impression size makes it perfect for just about any routine rubber stamp use you can think of, like, signature rubber stamps, or return address rubber stamps, anything really.

Since the price point, under thirteen dollars makes customizing five, ten or even twenty of these Trodat Printy 4910’s something just about anyone can afford!

Remember to choose from our selection of custom rubber stamp inks, ink pads and other customizable rubber stamping accessories at

Rotating Racks For Rubber Stamps

10 July, 2012 (18:31) | Address Stamps, Business Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps, Stamping Supplies | By: Mike

If you do a lot of work with a variety of custom rubber stamps, you know that they can clutter up your desk and cause a delay in your work while you dig through your drawer of rubber stamps looking for the correct one.

Keep all your rubber stamps organized and at your fingertips with rubber stamp rackss from

Keep all your rubber stamps organized and at your fingertips with rubber stamp racks from

No more of that for you! offers you two options when it comes to rotating stamp racks. No more desk or drawer clutter, no more wasted time looking for the right custom rubber hand stamp. Simply rotate your new handy dandy rack, select appropriate stamp, bam! You’re done.

Choose the #14 for those with up to as many rubber stamps to organize and the #8 for that amount of rubber stamps which you regularly use. And there’s no need to thank us for making your life way easy, it’s our pleasure.

Both rotating racks for rubber stamps qualify for free shipping at

New Skin Safe Waterproof ID Ink Kit From

9 July, 2012 (22:20) | Hand Stamps, Ink Stamps, Rubber Stamps, Specialty Ink Rubber Stamp Pads | By: Mike

San Diego, CA–Just in time for the busy admission hand stamping season is introducing an exclusive hand ID-stamping ink kit, available online, that provides the best of both worlds for event hand stamping as it is both waterproof and skin safe.

The new hand ID-stamping kit from Rubber Stamp Champ is designed for admission and re-entry hand stamping for concerts, bars, night clubs, water parks, special events and more.

Each Rubber Stamp Champ waterproof skin safe ID ink kit comes complete with locking stamp pad to help preserve the ink, a bottle of #752 Aero waterproof skin safe hand stamping ink in your choice of red, blue or black, and ink thinner.

Rubber Stamp Champ is introducing the skin safe hand stamp kit, a $50 value, for just $44.99.

The kit features ink that is waterproof, alcohol based, non-toxic, and safe for skin. It dries in 10-15 seconds and lasts up to 24 hours also will make available the ink, pad and thinner as individual items for replacement use. Customers may also add a special set of wooden hand stamps designed for use with the special skin safe waterproof ink kits. The stamps feature stock art for stamping on the back of hands.

Rubber Stamp Champ adds this exclusive new waterproof ID ink kit to their large online ordering category of event hand stamping supplies for bars, concerts, water parks, nightclubs and more, including round UV ink stamps, UV invisible ink kits and lights, self inking hand stamps for events, wooden event hand stamps, tattoo ink pads and much more.

Rubber Stamp Champ is adding this new event ID-stamping ink kit to its website which offers over 2000 marking, stamping and related products as part of an ongoing policy to continually offer new products to help Rubber Stamp Champ customers with any and every type of stamping need.

In addition to the new waterproof ink kit and general assortment of event hand stamping supplies, offers a huge selection of rubber stamps in an easy-to-order format including rubber stamps and seals for notaries, rubber stamps and seals for engineers and architects, corporate rubber stamps, stock message rubber stamps, monogram name rubber stamps, monogram embossers, wedding rubber stamps, fast dry ink rubber stamps, clothing markers, desk signs and much more.

And combines same-day service with overnight delivery so if you need your rubber stamps fast, and at great savings, just order from before noon Eastern with overnight shipping and your custom order of rubber stamps will be delivered the very next day anywhere in the United States.

And combines all this with knowledgeable, experienced rubber stamp customer service people, available all day, every business day, at 1-800-4MY STAMP, along with Live Chat if customers have any questions while in the process of ordering their custom rubber stamps.

It’s all part of the Rubber Stamp Champ policy of providing free shipping, Knockout Price and Service, a huge selection, promo code discounts and same-day service to their growing list of over 1/2 million happy customers who’ve ordered rubber stamps from

For more information contact:
Rubber Stamp Champ
409 Enterprise Street
San Marcos, CA 92078

# # #

Customized Consultant Rubber Stamps

9 July, 2012 (20:32) | Address Rubber Stamps, Business Rubber Stamps, Custom Logo Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber stamps for consultants of every type at

Rubber stamps for consultants of every type at

If you do consulting work for some of the larger corporations distributing products using sales consultants, for instance, Mary Kay, Avon, Amway or Herbalife, Rubber Stamp Champ can help you leave permanent impressions upon your clientele.

At you can customize stamps and get everything you need for rubber stamping your very own custom impression upon brochures, business cards or any other surfaces you creatively imagine yourself stamping your impression upon. helps you save while you provide potential clients a clearly easy to access way to contact you whenever they might be ready to purchase additional products.

Visit our Consultants Rubber Stamps Page and take a look at the variety of consultant stamps available from We’ve got two sizes of customizable pre-inked and self-inking rubber stamps ranging from pocket stamps to fuller sized custom rubber consultant stamps.

All customized consultant rubber stamps, either pre-inked or self-inking rubber stamps, qualify for free shipping from

Custom Corporate Seal Rubber Stamps

9 July, 2012 (20:23) | Corporate Seals and Stamps, Office Supplies, Rubber Stamps, Signature Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber stamp corporate seals with custom stamps for less at

Rubber stamp corporate seals with custom stamps for less at has this awesome little set up to prevent fraudulent use, or at the very least, ensure that if a custom corporate seal rubber stamp has been possibly used in a fraudulent manner.

The way in which this is accomplished is by encapsulating said corporate seal custom rubber stamp (made to your state’s specifications) in a hard plastic case which requires the use of a lock and key to access the stamp.

It’s by no means going to prevent those with a mind to get at the stamp, however, a damaged case, lock or both might indicate improper uses of your custom corporate rubber stamp seal.

The Max Stamp C-43 from Rubber Stamp Champ will provide you thousands of crisp, clear impressions and the sense of comfort knowing your custom corporate rubber seal stamp is safe from improper use.

Custom Round Self-Inking Rubber Stamps

9 July, 2012 (20:06) | Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Custom round self inking Cosco 2000 Plus stamps are fifty percent off at

Custom round self inking Cosco 2000 Plus stamps are fifty percent off at

At, Costco round custom self-inking rubber stamps come in seven different sizes ranging from one half an inch in diameter all the way in useful increments, up to two full inches in diameter.

These custom round rubber self-inking rubber stamps have thousands of uses both for the fun of it and for business purposes alike, it doesn’t matter if you’re a kid or a professional, shopping at is the only way to go when you’re buying custom round self-inking rubber stamps.

Choose from eleven wild custom self-inking rubber stamp ink colors and get free shipping on all orders over ten dollars at

Stock Message Self-Inking Rubber Stamps

8 July, 2012 (21:44) | Rubber Stamps, Stamps Rubber, Stock Message Stamps | By: Mike

What could be more ideal than money saving prices on Ideal self inkers at

Nothing could be more ideal than the Knockout Prices on Ideal self inkers at has, it seems, always had Ideal custom and stock message self-inking rubber stamps available, a mainstay one could say.

Ideal self-inking custom and stock rubber stamps are manufactured to high quality standards and designed to withstand all sorts of usually rough rubber stamp use and handling, happening, of course, as a matter of standard daily use.

Ideal custom and stock self-inking rubber stamps last for literally thousands upon thousands crisp, clear impressions before needing a quick refill. Refilling, by the way, is pretty painless.

Take your ink refill bottle (one of eleven available colors) which you expertly purchased at the time you went to for your stamp, remove the ink pad within the stamp body, re-ink, re-insert and get back to custom self-inking use. Re-inking is done with custom water-based Ideal rubber stamp inks.

With nineteen various Ideal custom self-inking rubber stamp housing/body configurations to choose from, you’ll find just what you need, like always, at

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