2000 Plus Rubber Stamp Wishes Granted

For the longest time, in the land called Custom Rubber Stamps, there was a brand many came to know and love. This brand offered self-inking stamps that worked beautifully well in many different sizes and shapes, as well as a full compliment of replacement pads and a wonderful line of date stamps. Then, one day, a shadow came over the rubber stamp land and the beloved brand disappeared.
People everywhere searched high and low, they went to all the familiar places where this brand had once been prominent and easy to order and re-order, they tried many different searches online, went to every stamp maker they could find, and yet, 2000 Plus self-inking stamps were nowhere to be found.

Then Rubber Stamp Champ discovered that the well-known brand was actually still available under a different name! The exact same identical products, same quality, same everything, just a different name. So they cleverly added these back onto their website, and now custom rubber stamp buyers all over the land, were happy again because they found all the self inking stamps and date stamps and replacement ink pads they had been wanting so badly.

Stamp buyers everywhere rejoiced and found everything they’d been looking for, now that their 2000 Plus wishes had been granted by Rubber Stamp Champ! Join the happy crowd of over 15,000 Five-Star reviewers and order your COLOP stamps today!