Prayers Have Been Heard...Prayers Have Been Answered.
Take a good look at Kyle Hendry, he’s the guy on the far left in the photo above. You can see he’s been through one heck of a fight just by looking at his face.
What his face also shows, as do the faces of the others around him, is that God gave us all a tremendously strong will to live, and he also gave life a tremendously strong instinct for survival.
Cut trees and bushes back and they flourish with unprecedented growth. Break a leg and the new bone grows stronger than it is anywhere else, at the place where the break mended.
Like Jesus says in the old Shaker Song, Lord of The Dance, “They cut me down but I jumped up high, because I am The Life that will never ever die. I’ll live in you, if you live in me….” and so on.
The point is, Kyle has gotten well. He’s beaten a very powerful form of cancer. He beat it with his will, with his prayers, the prayers of those around him, the doctors, the treatments, and the Divine intervention of a beautiful God who wants to see the life in Kyle go on and on.
At the Rubber Stamp Champ we honor extraordinary effort, spirit and faith. We think it demonstrates what everyone pays lip service to but almost no one really takes advantage of, the fact that we humans are capable of achieving anything we really put our hearts and souls into, and with God’s help, we can overcome even immense obstacles and difficulties.
At Rubber Stamp Champ, we appreciate the old style of winning, and congratulate Kyle Hendry on being the winner he is, and on how he used extreme adversity to bring that out in himself. In that spirit, we bring our old style winning attitude to work everyday, to take great care of our 350,000 stamp customers.
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