Rubber Stamp Champ

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Category: Where’s George Stamps

Getting Married This Summer?

19 May, 2014 (00:15) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Where's George Stamps | By: Mike

I know all you grooms are trying every trick in the book to make the lists of ‘to-do’s’ you’ve been tasked with completing prior, well prior, to your big day.

The little trick that follows isn’t in the ‘Book of Tricks’ however.

It’s an easy, cost effective trick which isn’t just fast, it looks spectacular and is likely to keep your beautiful bride to be more than happy while drawing many a compliment from your friends, family and people at your wedding which neither category covers.

All you need to do is visit and get yourself a custom wedding rubber stamp.

When it comes time to bang out those pain-in-the-butt-wedding invitations, break out your new stamp and handle that ‘To Do’ like it’s nothing.

Wedding invitations, it’s nothing, with


Hey, You Know That Guy, George?

29 April, 2014 (19:20) | Ideal Self Inking Stamps, Shiny Self-Inking Stamps, Where's George Stamps, Xstamper | By: Mike

Where’s George? I’m sure absolutely each and every person reading this at almost any given time is familiar with this guy I’m talking about, George.

I’ll give you a couple hints…

When growing up, he notoriously chopped a Cherry Tree down that he wasn’t supposed to.

He could have been a king, but he knew better and declined.

In a not insignificant way, he’s each of our Father.

He influenced American culture and society for generations after his passing.

He’s prominently featured on American currency.

Ha!  I knew you’d eventually get it!

George Washington.

Where’s George people?!?

If you’re tracking him, can help; visit us today!

Where’s George Rubber Stamps

6 November, 2013 (14:42) | Ideal Self Inking Stamps, Pocket Stamps, Where's George Stamps, Xstamper | By: Mike

I’m not sure who came up with the bright idea of tracking individual U.S. Bank Notes throughout their unaware travels about the world, but it must have felt like a stroke of genius when the first Where’s George rubber stamp was made!

Can you imagine?  Sitting down with each of your freshly procured bank notes and hand writing on each one?

Did I mention, these people hand wrote the web address on each of their bank notes!

That’s insane.

Have whip up on of their six styles of Where’s George rubber stamps on four types of rubber stamp so you can simply forget you ever spent time on a similar batch of notes.

Your Where’s George note marking sessions will soon be a thing of the past.




Jet-Set George Rubber Stamps, Coming To Your Pocket Soon!

3 October, 2013 (17:12) | Pre Inked Stamps, Self Inking Stamps, Where's George Stamps, Xstamper | By: Mike

George is circulating to far flung places, riding on boats, planes, trains, and in automobiles. He’s been almost everywhere there is to go on planet Earth, and he shows no signs of slowing down!

Of course, I’m talking about the ‘Where’s George’ dollar bill rubber stamping and currency tracking phenomena that’s literally sweeping the globe. sells a variety of Where’s George rubber stamps with your choice of six rubber stamp impression styles, from the nondescript impression to impressions more on the wild side of the currency tracking hobby. is the only place you can find Where’s George currency tracking rubber stamps at Low, Knockout Prices.

Where Can I Find Where’s George Rubber Stamps?

24 August, 2013 (05:24) | Hand Stamps, Pre Inked Stamps, Self Inking Rubber Stamps, Where's George Stamps | By: Mike

Anyone around the country know where George is at?

If not, you can, should if you want to, and surely will have a fun little hobby upon taking up the pastime of tracking US currency as it travels around the world.  You can see where the US currency notes have been at any given time by visiting the Where’s George website and simply entering the serial number of the note in your possession., the sole source for Knockout Prices, warp speed turn around times, and top quality, near flawless custom and stock message rubber stamps, now has six styles of Where’s George rubber stamps in four different type of rubber stamps.

Choose from Xstamper with a lifetime guarantee, self-inking Shiny pocket stamp, Ideal self-inking rubber stamps, or the tried and trusted traditional hand stamp.

Low, Knockout Prices start at $3.99 going up to $29.95 for the most intricate Where’s George rubber stamp style on the lifetime guaranteed Xstamper pre-inked rubber stamps.

The official Where’s George 2.4 website doesn’t sell Where’s George rubber stamps any longer; make Rubber Stamp Champ your first choice when you’re looking for a top quality Where’s George rubber stamp.

Where’s George? Track Him With Rubber Stamps

2 August, 2013 (05:50) | Hand Stamps, Self Inking Rubber Stamps, Where's George Stamps, Xstamper Custom Pre-Inked Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Personally, I’ve been collecting, tracking, and recently, stamping every single One Dollar bill that comes my way. 

It was super super tough to find a custom Where’s George rubber stamp that could be made to my specific style. 

I contacted Rubber Stamp Company after rubber stamp company, talked to what feels like countless people and having ordered what I thought to be a correct to my tastes Where’s George rubber stamp.  Right away when I got it, I knew it wasn’t what I had ordered or discussed with whichever other rubber stamp company I initially ordered from.  I waited until I got home to stamp my first dollar bill however.

They say first impressions are important, this is especially true with rubber stamps, especially custom rubber stamps.  I printed the first test impression on a blank paper ( you see, I’m fairly serious about tracking currency) to see if could have been wrong about it in the office.

I had been dead right.  Sadness accompanied by a deep unfulfilled yearning slyly engulfed my soul, an uneasy feeling came over me.  “Would I ever find an honest rubber stamp company that could produce the intricacies I deemed necessary for the custom Where’s George rubber stamp I’d had in my head now for years,” I wondered quietly.

I got up, bound and determined to make this my last try.  Without a doubt, I’d be forced from my currency counting and tracking hobby.  Sure, the wife wouldn’t mind, but without that hobby, I would have been spending more time with her and her hobbies!  Yikes!

A friend, knowing my plight, recommended, said to give them a call, he only knew them for stock message rubber stamps, though he wouldn’t shut up about the quality.

The next day, I got this wonderfully helpful young lady, Cassandra on the phone.  It wasn’t long, seconds maybe, before I was at ease.  Cassandra walked me through’s easy-to-order-from-website and before you know it, I’ve got the stamp of my dreams!

Where’s George Rubber Stamps, Knock Out Prices

22 April, 2013 (15:19) | Pocket Stamps, Self Inking Stamps, Where's George Stamps, Xstamper | By: Mike



If you find fun in the currency tracking program refereed to as “Where’s George?”  Then, you need to shop at Where’s George rubber stamps come in seven different styles, and in four types of rubber stamps.

Rubber Stamp Champ sells Where’s George rubber stamps in Xstamper (Lifetime Guarantee), a pocket stamp variety (great for on-the-go usage), in an Ideal self-inking rubber stamp, or finally, as a traditional rubber hand stamp for use with a separate rubber stamp ink pad.

Once stamped, go to the Where’s George tracking website and enter the serial number of the note to see where it’s ended up!


Where’s George? He’s Trackable, With’s Where’s George Rubber Stamps!

15 January, 2013 (15:49) | Pocket Stamps, Self Inking Rubber Stamps, Where's George Stamps, Xstamper | By: Mike


I must say that writing about Where’s George rubber stamps, is one of my favorite subjects to write about when it comes to posting on Rubber Stamp Champ’s custom rubber stamp and custom rubber stamp accessories blog.

Why?  Simple, I like money just as much as those of you lucky enough to read our ever-creative, absolutely obscure blog which we use to talk about the easy-to-order-from-nature of our website,

That easy-to-order-from website,, features four types of rubber stamps, in six different styles, devoted totally to the tracking of American currency effort known across the world wide web as the Where’s George movement.

At the dedicated website of the Where’s George movement, you’ll find several interesting features that allow you to travel, vicariously, through the tracking of American currency, around the country and world by using the “I found a Where’s George bill and want to see where it’s been” function of the website.  Additionally, the Where’s George website allows one to enter and track the serial numbers of their own currency, no Where’s George bill needed!

At the Where’s George website, they also track the number of notes entered into the system, presently, the Where’s George website is tracking almost two hundred and twenty million notes and over one point one billion dollars!

Join the fun with and order one, two, three, even all four types of Where’s George rubber stamps.  One for your car, office, home, of course, one for your significant other so they too, can join into the Where’s George rubber stamping fun!

Remember, ships all orders out which total more than ten dollars, absolutely free of charge!

Rubber Stamp Where’s George

20 September, 2012 (17:13) | Art Stamps, Stamps Rubber, Where's George Stamps | By: Mike

Where’s George? comes to the aid of those looking for a Where’s George rubber stamp to join in the fun of tracking currency to see where it’s been.

The where’s George website is currently tracking almost two hundred twenty million notes and is always growing.

Where’s George rubber stamps faster and for less at Rubber Stamp Champ.

At, your low price rubber stamp website, we have a selection of six Where’s George rubber stamp impressions, in addition to four rubber stamp body styles.

Choose from pre-inked XStamper, Ideal self-inking pocket rubber stamp, Ideal self-inking rubber stamp or a traditional hand stamp (requires use of a separate stamp ink pad).

With the free shipping offer from Rubber (anything over $10!) you can’t go wrong tracking your currency.


Custom Where’s George Rubber Stamps

2 July, 2012 (13:03) | Logo Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps, Where's George Stamps | By: Mike

Everyone knows where George is, of course!

Everyone knows where George is, of course!

Over here at the Rubber Stamp Champ we’ve all seen the dollar bills with a stamp on it asking, “Where’s George?”

Almost certainly, with 25 million notes in circulation sporting the, you’ve seen them too!

Unfortunately, according to tracking website, they don’t sell the custom where’s George rubber stamps any longer.

The logical choice then to get your Where’s George custom rubber stamp, either self-inking, pre-inked, or regular custom rubber hand stamp, is the Rubber Stamp Champ. has four selections of where’s George rubber stamps in six different styles available to currency tracking enthusiasts.

The Xstampers, pocket stamps, and Ideal where’s George rubber stamps come with free shipping in any size or style at

If you choose a hand where’s George rubber stamp, you’ll need to get a ink pad and ink refill bottle which also means you’ll qualify for Rubber Stamp champ free shipping!

Get on the Where’s George bandwagon and stamp all your singles, fives, tens, and even twenties and hundreds!

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