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Sometimes a long period of peace and prosperity have to start off with a bang. The photo below shows more vividly than any other how World War Two ended for example, and the longest, most propserous period in the history of our country began…even in the country where the big bang took place, Japan, peace and much prosperity followed as we pitched in to help them repair all the damage we had to do to their country in order to get them to see that they should quit trying to kill us.
Our big bang was preceded of course by the big one they sought to cripple us with at Pearl Harbor in December of 1941. And in fact, it was designed to get us to do exactly what our big bang got them to do…give up. Anyway, their attack was a miscalculation that actually motivated the United States to go to work and become the largest most powerful nation on earth…and in the process to develop the weapon that reduced their nation to toxic rubble. The big bang we laid on Nagasaki, on the other other, just from looking at one photo, was obviously dramatic and convincing beyond all description.

Where Do Peace And Prosperity Begin?
In fact, probably the most jaw dropping moment in the history of mankind was the day the United States ended a large chapter of World War Two with the unprecedented and extremely radical use and firing of just one single weapon. The atom bomb. And when you look at the photo and consider in any kind of vivid detail what was going on at that moment at Ground Zero where thousands of people and buildings were being evaporated into shadows in less than a split second, and the mayhem spreading outward from that point, you can understand why many observers considered the blast to have been the unleashing by man of the Power of God.

Our Own Ground Zero
Al Qaeda declared war on the United States at something that has also been called Ground Zero, the site where the twin towers of The World Trade Center once stood in downtown New York. A place, where just the mention of it brings an acrid burning smoke smell, and falling, powdery, stinging gray dust to the eyes of a lot of Americans.
What’s worse, is the fact that this big bang, unlike Pearl Harbor, has not caused us to rise up and become a far stronger nation in order to squash the enemy. It has not caused us to rally together for a common cause like Pearl Harbor did, because we have not been rallied as yet to that cause.
Roosevelt rallied America when he told us that the only thing we had to fear was fear itself. Bush toppled Saddam Hussein and now the Iraquis can vote. And the Taliban, whoever they are, have camel-jockied their way further into the hills of the frozen slag pile they call Afganistan…but the United States is still reeling, still coughing in the streets, still running, unbelievably, for our lives as the giant cloud of smoke, soot and disintegrated office furniture rolls behinds us, toward us, through the canyons of Manhattan.
Let’s stop right here and face the dust and the crap and the blowing glass fragments, and let’s do what we have to do, to somehow pull together to put the big bang of our own on all the terrorists of the world. Would a towering shaft of nuclear energy raising up out of the desert help anything? Contemplate the Nagasaki shot above and see if it makes you feel any better about 911 to envision a hit like that coloring the sky in a whole new way over Iran. Send Al Qaeda a message it would.
Just an opinion. If you’ve got one, buy a rubber stamp from Rubber Stamp Champ and stamp it all over the place. People are going online right now to our site at www.RubberStampChamp.com to buy a stamp, a custom made self inking rubber stamp, that we set up completely for them, and many of them are using these stamps to express themselves. Some people even put nasty language on their self inking rubber stamps, pre inked stamps and traditional hand stamps. That’s okay with us. We feel like swearing at times too.
Use your right to free speech before someone decides you shouldn’t have it anymore. Buy a Rubber Stamp from Rubber Stamp Champ and let ’em know how you feel.