Rubber Stamp Champ

Pay day loans

Month: February, 2009

Custom Rubber Address Stamps Fast

7 February, 2009 (09:37) | Hand Stamps, Large Rubber Stamps, Pocket Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber Stamp Champ’s Ideal® 50 at $6.25 is the best wholesale price on custom self inking rubber stamps online. You get a name brand rubber stamp at the best wholesale price.

Our best wholesale price on custom rubber stamps is $3.99, for a 1-line hand stamp. Our rubber stamp prices are also best because they include free shipping on all orders of $10.  We have the best prices on pre inked rubber stamps as well. And the best prices on address rubber stamps and rubber stamps for notaries.

Just remembering a few pre-disaster parts of the American culture here, the disaster achieved epic proportions in our culture, not sure exactly when, a few years back it really started to cave when the whole sentiment became, just do whatever the **** you please…grace, dignity and honor are for fools…it may have coincided with the emergence of the skateboard as a national disgrace…or maybe when Big Mac started putting a spike in his vein and hitting way too many balls out of the park.

Mr. October

Mr. October

In any event, there was a time, not that long ago when kids rode bikes and had brains, and the home runs were in some parts, being provided by a certain Mr. October.  Now you look at Reggie Jackson and you can tell right away, mostly from the fact that he looks normally, not abnormally strong, but also from the fact that he has a certain intelligence about him, that this particular gunslinger was old school. He hit home runs the old fashioned way.  He earned them. No Juice.

His formula was simple, he combined tremendous physical gifts with an attitude destined for greatness…and sure enough, when the stage was the biggest, when the game was on the line, when it was nighttime at Yankee stadium, when the world series was being played, when it was October and everything mattered most…when the pressure was such that the ungreat would fold, that was when Reggie provided his calmest, best approach to the game…and subsequently hit the most home runs…in the month of October.

Including one world series game in New York when he only swung the bat three times in the whole game and the result of each swing was a home run….a record that will never be equalled.  And contrary to popular opinion at the time, humility was also a huge part of Reggie’s game….here’s what he himself said about that feat on an October night in New York, “There’s the ballplayer in me who responds to all that pressure. I’m not sure I hit three home runs, but the ballplayer in me did.”

At Rubber Stamp Champ we honor old school talent, creativity, hard work and attitude, and completely disagree with today’s whole excuse making culture.  The result, is simply that we make sure your rubber stamp order is perfect every time.  We make sure you get the best price on brand name marking products.  And we make sure you get your address stamps, return address stamps, ink stamps and self inking stamps fast.  In fact, you can even get them the day after you order, anywhere in the United States, by selecting overnight shipping on our website.

If you ever need rubber stamps, and you order from the Rubber Stamp Champ, we guarantee that we’ll make your order right and ship it fast, just like we have on over 350,00 orders for the last seven or eight years.

We make self inking rubber stamps, custom self inking rubber stamps, self inking address stamps, self inking return address stamps, self inking date stamps, Ideal self inking stamps, Trodat self inking stamps and a host of other marking products, and we guarantee you’ll get exactly what you pay for.

Order from the Rubber Stamp Champ today, at least there’s one thing that still works right.  Get a customized rubber stamp from our fully secure website.  You can create, proof and order rubber stamps online, and even get them the next day if you want. Order from the Champ.  It’s always a home run!

Self Inking Rubber Stamps With No Surprises

6 February, 2009 (08:33) | Ink Stamps, Office Supplies, Self Inking Rubber Stamps | By: Mike


Introducing The New Barack Obama

Introducing The New Barack Obama

Are you surprised that the change Barack Obama brought to the White House wasn’t the change he led us to believe was coming?  In the first place, he sure didn’t give any indication he was going to change into Nancy Pelosi.  Well, maybe he didn’t really change into her, he just become her spokesperson.  Now he’s out and there and he’s still on the campaign trail, only now he’s really obviously trying to sell us a bill of goods.

After just a few days of exposure, this so called stimulus package turns out to be the Nancy Pelosi left wing wish list that she was so frustrated at not having been able to push through the Bush Administration.  That’s what all the left wing hate for Bush was all about, and that’s why they needed joy-boy in there so Pelosi and .org would have someone they could push around and who might even be pushed to the point that they could use him as a lackey for their agenda.  Well surprise. That’s exactly what happened.

The lunatics are in charge of the asylum, only the asylum in this case is the United States of America. The really infuriating part is that the economy and the people of the country are really truly suffering, and this package is being touted as a way to end that suffering, even though it absolutely is no such thing…but rather a fat, bloated, out of control orgasm of special interest bullshit.  Hopefully the real people of the Senate like Lindsay Graham can derail this horrible disfiguration of the United States and save our entire standing as a capitalist nation rather than allowing the home of the brave to morph into a socialistic welfare state.

And just to let you know….if you ever need rubber stamps, and you order from the Rubber Stamp Champ, we guarantee that there won’t be any unpleasant surprises coming your way such as the one just briefly illustrated above.

We make self inking rubber stamps, custom self inking rubber stamps, self inking address stamps, self inking return address stamps, self inking date stamps, Ideal self inking stamps, Trodat self inking stamps and a host of other marking products, and we guarantee you’ll get exactly what you pay for, no unpleasant surprises.

Order from the Rubber Stamp Champ today, at least there’s one thing that still works right.  Get a customized rubber stamp from our fully secure website.  You can create, proof and order rubber stamps online, and even get them the next day if you want.

Personalized Rubber Stamps Show Your Spirit

5 February, 2009 (08:48) | Address Stamps, Date Stamps, Discount Rubber Stamps, Personalized Rubber Stamps | By: Mike


Float Like A Butterfly.

Float Like A Butterfly.


Sting Like A Bee.

Sting Like A Bee.

Muhammad Ali had a secret, but it wasn’t really a secret because he blasted off and blabbed about it to anyone and everyone who would listen…fans, crowds, media, Cosell, it was a part of Ali that never ended…the constant unveiling of his secrets as a form of communicating to people, who did not take the information as secret information to be treasured and learned from, but rather they thought it was funny, part of the entertainment, Ali The Showman they called him.

What Ali told us was a two part secret. The whole thing was about playing with gravity, which Ali and virtually all other gifted athletes have the innate ability to do.  In fact, the ability to play with, or manipulate gravity is virtually synonymous with the words athletically gifted.  Believe me, if you’re going to stand there, for example in golf and in the wink of an eye and the space of a phone booth take a long metal shaft with a knob on the end and propel a hard white object 350 down the middle, and then do that repeatedly and with enormous accuracy with a whole bunch of other-sized sticks and knobs, well you know how to play with gravity…and indeed you would also be a gifted athlete…like Jack Nicklaus, let’s say, a guy so good at manipulating gravity, and so well known for it, all you have to do to find information about him is Google something like Jack’s Record Book…and it comes up.

So the two part secret he was telling us, about his ability to play with gravity, goes kind of like this;  He could levitate, to some small degree, and that was the Float Like A Butterfly part.  Now back when Ali was saying that all the time, Float Like A Butterfly, Sting Like A Bee…most people thought the Float Like A Butterfly part, if they thought about any of it at all, meant his ability to stay away from an opponent.

It really meant his ability to levitate, which in and of itself would be meaningless, but the whole secret to Ali was that a brief levitation was followed by a straight right hand with incredibly devastating power. Real power in athletics, like Reggie White’s ability to hit home runs….comes not from static energy but from a transference of energy.  This is the playing with gravity part.  Again, in golf, watch the pro swing closely.  All the pros are physically gifted enough to take advantage of a moment of truth, when gravity is briefly suspended, and a blow with double or triple ordinary force can be obtained off the energy transference. 

In other words, if you look closely, all pros make their forward swing just a split second before their back swing is finished. In other words they time it so their shoulders, arms, hands and club are still moving a tad bit back while they’ve already started their hips turning forward. This is what the word torque means, and it’s the place where all gifted athletes get their magical power.

Ali told us that is one quick sentence, “Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like A Bee.”  It’s just that no one was really paying that much attention.  

At Rubber Stamp Champ, we’re inspired by greatness in whatever form it takes. And we try in our own way as well, to shock and amaze our customers with our gift for low prices on top quality custom self inking rubber stamps, delivered anywhere in the united states overnight if you need ’em that fast.

Because if you really need rubber stamps….especially custom made rubber stamps, customized self inking rubber stamps, custom ink stamps, address stamps, return address stamps, pre inked stamps,

date stamps, permanent ink stamps, UV inks, specialty inks and pads, notary supplies and a whole lot more in terms of marking devices and replacement pads, you’re far better off shopping at the Rubber Stamp Champ at

For example….most places these days, you wind up paying more than $20 for a custom made Ideal 50.  You walk into an office supply store and order from a catalog and it’s going to cost you upwards of $25 to get a customized ideal 50 and then you’re going to wind up waiting a good three weeks before you get the stamp in your hands.

We do the same stamp, the same Ideal 50, the same custom self inking rubber stamp….only here’s the difference…we do it complete for $6.25….and we do it in one day.  That’s the way it is, everyday online at The Rubber Stamp Champ.  If you buy rubber stamps at all, get them from The Champ. We’re sure you’ll love our Knockout Prices!.

Custom Rubber Ink Stamps On Sale

4 February, 2009 (12:47) | Hand Stamps, Industrial Inks And Pads, Large Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

So many people will look at how things haven’t maybe worked out for them all that well and tell you things like life doesn’t come with a road map or an instruction manual.  And then everyone nods in agreement at this wise bit of folklore. Unfortunately, that wise bit of folklore is totally false.

Follow A Few Simple Rules And Youre Free To Do Whatever You Want In Life

Follow A Few Simple Rules And You’re Free To Do Whatever You Want In Life.


Life in fact does come with a perfectly good, simple and easy-to-use instruction manual, Moses got it for us awhile back when he went up on Mt. Sinai.  Now if you look at these rules and you’re still a little vague about what do do next, just look up in a book called Luther’s Small Catechism the Ten Commandments, because in that book they also come with a complete and detailed description of what each single commandment means. So there’s your road map, no more excuses now.  

And if you need to find your way to some rubber Stamps.  Well just look up Rubber Stamp Champ online. Especially custom made rubber stamps, customized self inking rubber stamps, custom ink stamps, address stamps, return address stamps, pre inked stamps, date stamps, permanent ink stamps, UV inks, specialty inks and pads, notary supplies and a whole lot more in terms of marking devices and replacement pads, you’re far better off shopping at the Rubber Stamp Champ at than anywhere else.

Address Rubber Stamps From The Rubber Stamp Champ

4 February, 2009 (11:58) | Date Stamps, Ink Stamps, Return Address Stamps | By: Mike

What Atheists Dont Understand About DNA

What Atheists Don't Understand About DNA

Rubber Stamp Champ’s Ideal® 50 at $6.25 is the best wholesale price on custom self inking rubber stamps online. You get a name brand rubber stamp at the best wholesale price.

Our best wholesale price on custom rubber stamps is $3.99, for a 1-line hand stamp. Our rubber stamp prices are also best because they include free shipping on all orders of $10.  We have the best prices on pre inked rubber stamps as well. And the best prices on address rubber stamps and rubber stamps for notaries.

Werner von Braun is no longer the household name he was back when he developed the first rcoket, the V-2 in Germany during the Second World War and then came to the United States after defecting from his homeland, and here was instrumental in helping us develop from scratch, the atom bomb

Back when everyone knew who he was though, he said this, “The more I learn about science, the more I believe in the existence of God.”.

For von Braun, science exposed the vast, absurdly complex interrelatedness, interconnectedness and interdependence of all things in the universe.  He saw how an astonishing number of complex systems had almost unbelievably been balanced, tuned and blended , not to mention created, in a way that would ensure that something extraordinarily vast and complex would work, stay together and function in a largely predictable manner.  Not only that, but this vast and complex system called the universe was mirrored and virtually duplicated in every living thing.

This is what DNA shows us too, that the atheists don’t understand.  Every single one of us is completely and 100% different than every other individual that’s ever been or will be born.  We are like snowflakes that way, each one entirely different from the other.  We all work with exactly the same basics, but within that framework the beautiful individuality dictated deep with in us is a programed part of life.

Werner von Braun, the more he learned about how it all worked, the more he believed it couldn’t possibly have been created by some offbeat accident.  No, it was the intentional work of vastly intellegent and loving God.

At Rubber Stamp Champ, we want to help you assert your individuality with a return address stamp, or any other customized rubber stamp all of your own.

Because if you really need rubber stamps….especially custom made rubber stamps, customized self inking rubber stamps, custom ink stamps, address stamps, return address stamps, pre inked stamps,

date stamps, permanent ink stamps, UV inks, specialty inks and pads, notary supplies and a whole lot more in terms of marking devices and replacement pads, you’re far better off shopping at the Rubber Stamp Champ at

For example….most places these days, you wind up paying more than $20 for a custom made Ideal 50.  You walk into an office supply store and order from a catalog and it’s going to cost you upwards of $25 to get a customized ideal 50 and then you’re going to wind up waiting a good three weeks before you get the stamp in your hands.

We do the same stamp, the same Ideal 50, the same custom self inking rubber stamp….only here’s the difference…we do it complete for $6.25….and we do it in one day.  That’s the way it is, everyday online at The Rubber Stamp Champ.  If you buy rubber stamps at all, get them from The Champ. And express your individuality with a perfect impression every time.

Custom Address Rubber Stamps At Healthy Savings

4 February, 2009 (09:58) | Rubber Stamps | By: Mike


Have You Been Wondering What The Best Way Is To Quit Smoking?

Before you even think about quitting smoking here are a few important things to realize, including possibly the most important thing of all.  First, understand that if you are a regular smoker and have been for some time, let’s say a good pack or two a day for the last ten years or something….it doesn’t have to be that much, but if you’re a real smoker like that and not someone who’s just dabbled in it, then quitting will be roughly on the same degree of difficulty as quitting heroin or alcohol.

Not saying that when you do quit you will wind up writhing on the floor with the sweats, throwing up until your nearly dead, shaking and/or seeing snakes and other unpleasant creatures crawling all over your bed….you may feel so bad those things will seem like a welcome change, but you won’t actually experience the D.T.’s the way you would with alcohol or heroin withdrawal…but nicotine is widely scientifically recognized as one of the most powerfully addictive substances known to man.

Understanding the enemy and his full potential is always advisable in a war, and if your going to quit, you’re going to be in a war.  And that brings up the most important part…before you even think about quitting, ask yourself what language you use when talking about cigarettes and smoking.

If you’re a person who says things like, “I really should quit, I know I should quit, everyone keeps telling me to quit”….stuff like that is not the proper motivation for going to war.  Really, quitting is so difficult and demanding that the ONLY attitude going in that has even a remote chance of working, is the one where you’ve been saying to yourself, “I hate stinking cigarettes, cigarettes make me sick, I’m an idiot for smoking”….stuff like that, that’s how you need to be feeling.  If you’re quitting because someone told you to or because you think it might be the right thing to do, save yourself the trouble and just keep smoking until you do hate it. 

If you’ve got the fire in your belly to go to war because you hate the enemy and you are not going to let them do this to you anymore…then you’re ready to quit.  What I say next you’re really going to feel bad about, but if you are ready to quit then I believe the only way is cold turkey.

The patch, the lozenges, the gum…you know, you’re not really sky diving until you jump out of the plane and your not really quitting if your wearing a patch.

The reasons those things don’t work is that they try to prevent you from suffering, and it’s my theory that in quitting smoking, suffering is about the only thing that really works. All you have to do is manage the suffering and not let it overwhelm you.  The way you do that is you realize that your enemy is The Urge.  Again, you want to understand the enemy…his strengths and weaknesses.  The Urge’s strong points are that is is a vicious devil with hideous inhuman strength and it will come at you just about as many times a day as you smoked a cigarette…so if you smoked a pack and a half you need to defeat approximately 30 Urges a day.

So they come at you hard and they come at you as frequently as you used to have cigarettes…that’s their only real strong point.  

Their weaknesses, on the other hand, are many and profound, and that’s what you need to exploit.  The best knowledge you have in defeating every single Urge is that you know they have a limited duration. In other words, they are intense, but brief. In fact, your best opportunity to succumb to or defeat each Urge probably takes place in the first three to five seconds of it coming on.  The whole thing might last a minute, but if you don’t give in to it, and set your mind not to in the first three to five seconds, that Urge will pass and you will have won one battle.  Of course since the enemy is never going to get stronger than he did on his first attack, and you won that one, you know you can always beat this particular dude.  

Here’s more good news….every time you defeat an Urge it’s like you grab a magic key in a video game, and at the same time, in the same vdeo game The Urge loses a little strength….that happens each time. So you start going to the matt with this guy and knocking him flat maybe six seven eight times…and now he’s fading a your getting stronger.

So the trick is, you don’t want to really think about quitting smoking.  You want to throw your pack out, and start defeating Urges, one at a time.  You can win as many of these three or four second skirmishes as you need to, right?  And after you’ve won, let’s say a hundred of them….now you have a couple full days of it under your belt…and you’ve actually started to understand how you have to suffer for a minute or so fifteen or twenty times a day, but when each tough minute is over, it’s over, and you go on enjoying your life until the next one comes along.  

The more you win, the stronger you get.  And the weaker the enemy gets.  You have to always be vigilant….you can’t ever think it’s gotten so easy that it’s OK to lose once or twice…it will never be OK to lose once or twice…you just keep winning….for three weeks is all…after that the crap is out of you, the Urges fade to next to nothing and you’re now spiritually, emotionally and physically stronger than you’ve ever been, your hair smells better, your clothes smell better, you’re a better lover, you sleep better, eat better, and have more fun…you’re free…and you have a great new sense of self esteem as well, you hated something in your life, so you got rid of it.  

Sure, you suffered a little…through those thousands of little five-second battles…but that suffering taught you all that the patch or the lozenge or the gum could never teach you…and it’s information you really need….because the suffering taught you the most important thing of all…you NEVER WANT TO GO BACK.

Here’s something else that might help.  Get yourself a custom rubber stamp from Rubber Stamp Champ that says,” I Quit”, and every time an Urge comes along, stamp The Urge out instead of giving in.  It’ll make you feel better. At Rubber Stamp Champ we make custom made rubber stamps, customized self inking rubber stamps, custom ink stamps, address stamps, return 

address stamps, pre inked stamps, date stamps, permanent ink stamps, UV inks, specialty inks and pads, notary supplies and a whole lot more in terms of marking devices and replacement pads. And we make them fast and at great savings to our hundreds of thousands of customers.

For example….most places these days, you wind up paying more than $20 for a custom made Ideal 50.  You walk into an office supply store and order from a catalog and it’s going to cost you upwards of $25 to get acustomized Ideal 50 and then you’re going to wind up waiting a good three weeks before you get the stamp in your hands.

We do the same stamp, the same Ideal 50, the same custom self inking rubber stamp….only here’s the difference…we do it complete for $6.25….and we do it in one day.  That’s the way it is, everyday online at The Rubber Stamp Champ.  If you buy rubber stamps at all, it just makes more sense to get them from us.  And if you’re smoking cigarettes,and you hate them, get an “I Quit” stamp and start stamping out Urges today.

Ink Stamps From Rubber Stamp Champ

3 February, 2009 (09:54) | Ink Stamps, Office Supplies, Return Address Stamps | By: Mike


Theres A New Olympic Torch Burning And His Name Is Michael Phelps

There's A New Olympic Torch Burning And His Name Is Michael Phelps

Everyone in the media and elsewhere too, I’m sure, is going to be wagging their tongues and lamenting the fact that Michael Phelps, the new Olympic Torch since having been photographed blowing grass in London, is not living up to his role as role model.  I mean some people will argue that he shouldn’t have to be a role model, and others will argue that he should.  Some will say ‘he blew a little pot, so what, doesn’t just about everyone these days?’  And others will say ‘wait a minute there are little children all over God’s creation looking up to this guy and now look what he’s doing.’

So it’s all going to be about Michael’s image, and there will be precious little, if any, discussion about Michael himself.  

This is where the media, and by reflection of the media, society itself, shows itself to be false in it’s attempt to seem righteous.  So, if you’re shaking your head and wondering, when you hear the Phelps story, about whatever happened to our youth, or if you’re on the other side of the coin saying hey, even Governor Schwartzengger did it, don’t you remember, in the weight lifting movie Pumping Iron?  And he was a role model, a six time Mr. Universe winner.  And besides, as Bob Beckle said on television last night, he imagines just about every player in the NFL, or quite a few of them anyway have smoked pot…and don’t even stop there, look at how acceptable drug taking has become…look at Obama…he did coke and now he’s the President.  So let Phelps be.

That’s the argument that’s out there…the argument that’s going on out there, and as is so typical, the argument going on out there doesn’t really get at the key issue.  Which is actually quite simple.  Mr. Phelps should find out if he has a propensity for addiction in his personality, so that, if he is going to abuse substances he can be extremely careful not to ruin his life by so doing.  I say this not just because of the pot blowing shot but because it also brings up the DUI charge he got. And there’s more.

Let’s just say for him it might be wise to get checked out psychologically and see what kind of a propensity he has for addiction. It could be quite large.  How would I know?  Common sense.  It goes with the territory.  It no secret that highly motivated, highly driven, highly talented and highly charismatic often go with highly self destructive, not always, but there are a thousand examples and they are always a sad waste.  Just start with John Belushi and Elvis Presley and go from there.  

So my point isn’t based on, should he do what he’s doing or not based on how it will affect those who hold him in high regard, but based instead on how it will affect himself.  No moral judgements either. Not saying it will be good or bad for him if he continues.  Just recognizing, hey, this guy busted his ass for the United States, and instead of all the tongue wagging maybe someone should tell him to be careful and take good care of himself, especially with regard to what he does or doesn’t do with drugs and alcohol.

Common sense. It can be pretty hard to come by these days, so here’s a little more for you.  When you need rubber stamps, shop Rubber Stamp Champ rather than going to an office supply store for your marking devices.  Now if you need office supplies, like blotters or paper clips, well then the office supply store is fine.  But if you really need rubber stamps…especially custom made rubber stamps, customized self inking rubber stamps, custom ink stamps, address stamps, return address stamps, pre inked stamps, date stamps, permanent ink stamps, UV inks, specialty inks and pads, notary supplies and a whole lot more in terms of marking devices and replacement pads, you’re far better off shopping at the Rubber Stamp Champ at

For example….most places these days, you wind up paying more than $20 for a custom made Ideal 50.  You walk into an office supply store and order from a catalog and it’s going to cost you upwards of $25 to get a customized Ideal 50 and then you’re going to wind up waiting a good three weeks before you get the stamp in your hands.

We do the same stamp, the same Ideal 50, the same custom self inking rubber stamp….only here’s the difference…we do it complete for $6.25….and we do it in one day.  That’s the way it is, everyday online at The Rubber Stamp Champ.  If you buy rubber stamps at all, it just makes more sense to get them from us.

Self Inking Rubber Address Stamps

2 February, 2009 (18:06) | Discount Rubber Stamps, Ink Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber Stamp Champ’s Ideal® 50 at $6.25 is the best wholesale price on custom self inking rubber stamps online. You get a name brand rubber stamp at the best wholesale price.

Our best wholesale price on custom rubber stamps is $3.99, for a 1-line hand stamp. Our rubber stamp prices are also best because they include free shipping on all orders of $10.  We have the best prices on pre inked rubber stamps as well. And the best prices on address rubber stamps and rubber stamps for notaries.

Obama is already in deep crap. Don’t tell all the folks espousing his high approval ratings and his genius at politics for co-opting a strong republican senator by naming him to a cabinet post.  Don’t get real excited either by the fact that Michelle has somehow learned to smile, or that the bobble-headed inaugural commemorative dolls are still selling at a fast clip on the White House website. None of that really matters.

Here’s why.  Remember the old cry of war from the Clinton Camp when they defeated Bush 41? “It’s the economy stupid?” Of course it was true then.  But it’s even more true now, geometrically more so now.  Here’s the context that has His Royal Highness looking a tad bit screwed at the moment.

The So Called Obama Stimulus Package

The So Called Obama Stimulus Package

Obama was elected on the basis that people were sick of an economy that had become sluggish under Bush.  The common sense of the country has always dictated that Republican presidents are better at world affairs and Democratic presidents are good for a sluggish economy.  So they voted for that change to come.  And believe me, even the people who had tears in their eyes over the first black American President, also had their fingers crossed in their pocket that this guy was gonna do basically what Clinton did, come in and the economy would automatically just pick up and go, because that’s what happens when Democrats become President.

And then of course, he and Pelosi had this big stimulous package up their sleeves where all the unfortunate people in America, and many others besides, are going to get some screwed up delivery of extra funds under the guise that these extra funds would fix a sluggish economy.

Here’s the catch. Don’t know if you noticed, but sluggish is not no longer the operative word for the have a sluggish economy right now would be a blessing…in fact, the economy as everyone so glibbly calls it, isn’t sluggish anymore, it went in the toilet….it went down the toilet, down the sewer, down the river and out into the ocean where it is currently sinking to the bottom. So, this new stimulous package everyone’s talking about is even less than the Band-aid cure it would have been for a sluggish economy.  Did you see what Bush’s stimulous package did? It evaporated in the heat like a speck of moisture.  And that was when the economy was merely sluggish, not dropping off the face of the earth.

In an economy where banks have government money they won’t lend because they really need it to keep from going under completely, and where tens of thousands are losing their jobs daily and whole industries are failing, this can of worms they are calling a stimulous package will pass a goofed up congress and then be squashed flat the moment it hits the street.  And with it, Obama’s future.

Let’s not let the new administration turn the United States into something none of us recognize.  To stamp your approval, or disapproval on anything…just contact the Rubber Stamp Champ at for a self inking rubber stamp, custom self inking rubber stamp, self inking address stamp, self inking date stamp or pre inked Xstamper preimum ink stamp. We’ll put your custom message of whatever you want to say on a rubber stamp. Start expressing yourself now, before it’s too late.  Go to and tell the world how you feel with a custom rubber stamp of your own.

Custom Self Inking Stamps From The Champ

2 February, 2009 (10:41) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Date Stamps, Self Inking Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber Stamp Champ’s Ideal® 50 at $6.25 is the best wholesale price on custom self inking rubber stamps online. You get a name brand rubber stamp at the best wholesale price.

Our best wholesale price on custom rubber stamps is $3.99, for a 1-line hand stamp. Our rubber stamp prices are also best because they include free shipping on all orders of $10.  We have the best prices on pre inked rubber stamps as well. And the best prices on address rubber stamps and rubber stamps for notaries.

Vince Lomardi was a person who wound up with quite a few Claims To Fame. Most people don’t do a whole lot consistent with achieving even one Claim To Fame.  Others are able to get a glimpse of a Claim To Fame with tremendous effort, determination and strenght of will. But it’s a rare few indeed that wind up through the force of their astonishingly stellar efforts, with a whole bunch of Claims To Fame.

Everyone knows, of course, that Lombardi brought 5 titles to Green Bay including the victories in the fisrt two superbowls and that was how Green Bay wound up being America’s Team and got the nickname Titletown USA.  For any person, having that much success in the exceedingly demanding NFL, is definetly a Claim To Fame….but with Lombardi of course it doesn’t stop there.

The list of accomplishments are a mile long and documented well beyond any description I could provide you here, and if you’re really interested in all that the guy did, you can check a few things out.

But why is his name on the Super Bowl trophy?  Just a week after his death, the NFL’s Super Bowl trophy was renamed the Vince Lombardi Trophy in his honor, first awarded after Super Bowl V. Lombardi was enshrined in the Pro Football Hall of Fame at its next induction ceremony in 1971.  So why did they put his name on it, apart from the fact that they did it to honor his stellar career?  In my humble opinion they put his name on it to honor his attitude.  Which, put simply, was that pretty much anyone can do one hell of a lot more than they think they can if they start believing in themselves.

He demonstrated this principal by taking a bunch of not-that-huge, not-that-talented and not-that-gifted physically football players and turned them into a team of world beaters no one will ever forget…how? By getting them to believe in themselves at a much higher level than they had before they met The Coach.  That’s another Claim To Fame of his right there by the way….in certain circles….especially inside the arctic one surrounding Wisconsin, and again also in the inner halls of the inner game of football, where only those who have played convene, everyone knows if you simply say the words, The Coach…it means Vince Lombardi.

So yeah, his name is on that trophy.  And that’s why it’s there.  He took people and showed them how to drive themselves to heights they’d never dreamt of…Reggie White got a hold of that power….and that’s why he’s got that trophy, with The Coach’s name on it, held so proudly and so high.

At Rubber Stamp Champ, we’re going out of our way to achieve at a hgher level as well.   Because if you really need rubber stamps….epecially custom made rubber stamps, customized self inking rubber stamps, custom ink stamps, address stamps, return address stamps, pre inked stamps,

date stamps, permanent ink stamps, UV inks, specialty inks and pads, notary supplies and a whole lot more in terms of marking devices and replacement pads, you’re far better off shopping at the Rubber Stamp Champ at

For example….most places these days, you wind up paying more than $20 for a custom made Ideal 50.  You walk into an office supply store and order from a catalog and it’s going to cost you upwards of $25 to get a customized ideal 50 and then you’re going to wind up waiting a good three weeks before you get the stamp in your hands.

We do the same stamp, the same Ideal 50, the same custom self inking rubber stamp….only here’s the difference…we do it complete for $6.25….and we do it in one day.  That’s the way it is, everyday online at The Rubber Stamp Champ.  If you buy rubber stamps at all, get them from The Champ. And get the benefit of our dedication to achievement at a higher level.

Self Inking Rubber Stamps Made Online

1 February, 2009 (11:21) | Date Stamps, Discount Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Will We Be Able To Borrow Our Way To Future Success? Or Will We Have To Make Our Way There?

Awhile back there was a pretty good TV commercial during which the spokesperson stated gruffly, convincingly, and in a way that made him seem completely intolerant of stupidity, as he looked over his glasses, shook his head emphatically and stated in his stentorian voice…“We make money the old fashioned way, we earn it.”

This statement delivered with such hearty intolerance for wimpy sentiments, may or may not have been entirely true of the company represented, but at one point in time, a long time ago, it was entirely and 100% true of The United States of America.  Of course the very early sentiments of America were even more hard core than that, and were stated quite clearly by the county’s earliest flag.

These non-wimpy positions characterize quite well how America started, grew, survived and prospered as a nation. Almost none of the impetus that propelled us from a prairie state to the largest super power on earth was borrowed.  There was no phony paper, speculation or needing a bank loan to make payroll when the people and the companies that made this country great made it great.  

Bailout, at the time when the American economy was the roaring blast furnace of production that was the envy of every other civilized nation on earth, bailout out that point in time was something you did to a sinking boat on a weekend fishing trip.  It was not a new method of government by which the blind and the broke attempt to help the blind and the broke with corrupt new ideas on how to get by without producing anything at all substantial or meaningful.  

So now, our nation’s motto…instead of Don’t Tread On Me, or We Make Money The Old Fashioned Way, We Earn it…now the motto has become something like…Have You Got Any Spare Change I’m Trying To Get Enough For A Bus Ride To See My Sick Mom?  

Super.  Can You Lend Me A Couple Hundred Trillion…I’m Good For It, Really. Those are today’s mottos. And guess what. If you think they are going to lead us to anything like the kind of success hard work and making things leads to, you’re stupid.  And here’s a second opinion, you’re crazy too.

The American economy that was strong and the envy of the world was based on creative individuals who were able to take raw materials and turn them into products people wanted and could use and were thereby willing to pay for at a price, that would provide profits for the makers and sellers of the stuff, so they would have enough money to keep making it and selling it.  That is how jobs are created.  Not by Barrack Obama sending people $500.  That’s a crack party, not an economy. The United States can only return to prosperity and prominence by making it’s way there…and making it’s way there at a profit.  

At Rubber Stamp Champ, we’re proud to still be making things, and we’re proud of the fact also that for us, making and selling has indeed turned into job creation, customer satisfaction and a small portion of economic progress forward for the United States.  We challenge the government to get out of the business of giving people money, and get back in the business of inspiring folks to greater heights of entrepreneurial productivity.

Rubber Stamp Champ makes hundreds of stamp orders and thousands of stamps everyday for people who want and need self inking stamps, self inking rubber stamps, hand stamps, pre inked rubber stamps, Ideal rubber stamps, Xstamper premium pre inked stamps, Trodat self inking stamps, daters, address stamps, specialty inks and more.  Go online, and place your order today with our easy-to-use and completely secure stamp design/ordering website.  Thanks.  

And if you need money, think of a creative way to make something and sell it to people who want and need it, or provide a service, or get some experience busting rocks in the hot sun, anything legitimate to make money…it’s much more the American Way than begging for a handout.






















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