14 September, 2009 (11:00) | Professional Stamps and Seals, Rubber Stamp, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Patriotic Rubber Stamps
People all over America are stamping their feelings on letters to congressmen, letters to The President, and on and on, and what they are stamping, by and large, is things like they’ve been saying in the streets of Washington DC, and in other cities all across the country where Tea Parties and Town Hall protests have erupted in a glorious celebration of the real spirit of real Americans….the one’s who know, love and trust the words…one nation under God.
So if you need rubber stamps to stamp your feelings about recent events in Washington, notably the election to President of the most radical person to ever get anywhere close to that office, go to Rubber Stamp Champ at www.rubberstampchamp.com, and place an order for a God Bless America stamp….they came in a huge variety of styles and sizes.
Here’s another you may have seen at the rallies and feel like stamping. Thanks, and thanks for shopping at The Rubber Stamp Champ.
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14 September, 2009 (10:28) | Corporate Seals and Stamps, Date Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber Stamp God Bless America
Our country was founded on a principal called one nation under God. this principal has been under attack from the politically correct people who think that having one nation under God might offend people. Especially those who don’t believe in God. Well, you can’t have a country that will please everyone so you have to have one that will please a majority.
So let’s ask this question real quick, how many of you all believe in God out there? Well what do you know, out of 250 million adults somewhere around 249.7 million said they do. So it’s ok then to have one Nation under God right, because guess what that’s what just about every single one of us believes it should be. The tail has been wagging the dog for too long now. Get a God Bless America rubber stamp and stamp it all over everything you can think of. Who knows, maybe you’ll get lucky and offend an atheist.
Thanks, and thanks for shopping Rubber Stamp Champ in San Marcos, CA and online at www.rubberstampchamp.com.
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14 September, 2009 (10:12) | Notary Supplies, Number Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

In God We Trust Rubber Stamps
People want to make a statement these days so they buy rubber stamps from us that they can stamp anytime and anywhere they want to just generally show how they feel about things. In God We Trust is currently a very popular rubber stamp that we sell as people generally want to make sure that this onslaught by the new government to remove God from our lives isn’t going to work.
People like Bill Maher who would like to see God and religion destroyed and removed from every aspect of society are not going to win. the people who believe in God and believe in America are going to win. You can tell by how many rubber stamps they have been buying recently to stamp In God We Trust all over everything they possibly can.
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13 September, 2009 (11:44) | Personalized Rubber Stamps, Return Address Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike
Custom Rubber Stamps. Now with the Don’t Tread On me motto. Don’t Tread On me comes from the original flag of the United States of America called the Gadsden Flag. It harkens back to a time when we actually were “one nation under God” and adhered carefully to that principal as our guiding light. The government today seeks to destroy that principal in order to make the world more safe and happy for politically correct folks and athiests, however small their actual numbers may be.

Rubber Stamps For Americans
Now, the vast majority of the citizens of the United States are starting to feel tread on by the current administration. We are starting to hear the old Boston Tea Party rallying cry of No Taxation Without Representation as well as some new, even more pointed rallying cries, like you lie.
In support of this movement to return to the real guiding principal of the United States and to it’s constitution, The Rubber Stamp Champ in San Marcos, CA has developed a full line of Patriotic and Religios rubber stamps. So if you feel the current Government of the United States is trying to stamp out the things you believe in most, like capitalism, free enterprise and a life dedicated to God, as well as a strong nationalistic beleif in our coutry, then stamp back at them with a Don’t Tread On Me rubber stamp from the Rubber Stamp Champ. It’s a very inexpensive way to show your support for the greatest country on earth. Thanks, and thanks for shopping the Rubber Stamp Champ.
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13 September, 2009 (10:24) | Rubber Stamp, Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

In God We Trust Rubber Stamps
Millions of people in The United States these days are very very unhappy with the direction of the New Government. The New Government seeks to remove God from our lives and to spend cash at a rate guaranteed to bankrupt our future.
The real people of the United States are not going to tolerate the encroachment of government into their lives as directed by Obama, and they’ve taken to the streets recently in droves to support the real United States, the one that actually runs on our founding principals. These brave Americans are willing to stake the future of the country on those principals and are ready willing and able to do whatever it takes to get back to them. The next three years is going to be a battle for the future of the United States. At the Rubber Stamp Champ we support the real America founded and run on our constitution.
To that end we offer a wide variety of patriotic rubber stamps, and to that end we also continue to work and improve our company as a dedication to the principals of free enterprise and capitalism everywhere. Thanks, and thanks for shopping at the Rubber Stamp Champ in San Marcos, CA.
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13 September, 2009 (09:18) | Personalized Rubber Stamps, Pre Inked Stamps, Professional Stamps and Seals, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Custom Rubber Stamp. God Bless America.
Custom rubber stamps ship free on orders over $10. We have Knockout Prices on a wide range of items and even sell Ideal 50s fully customized for only $6.25. Plus www.rubberstampchamp.com has hundreds of products to choose from so no matter what you are looking for in the line of marking products or rubber stamps, the Rubber Stamp Champ has what you need. Some people might want pink stamps or pink rubber stamps for example to support breast cancer awareness, we have those. Some people might want stamps to show their support for the United States...In God We Trust stamps are selling very quickly these days for that very reason, as are all our other patriot and religious rubber stamps. So go online and see what 400,000 stamp buyers in the last 5 years have come to know and love about Rubber Stamp Champ. Just click on www.rubberstampchamp.com and the rest will be easy. And don’t forget to save us to your favorites. Thanks. And thanks for shopping at the Rubber Stamp Champ in San Marcos, CA.
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12 September, 2009 (22:13) | Rubber Stamp, Rubber Stamps, Signature Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber Stamps For Americans
With today’s Tea Party protests in Washington DC the Obama Administration and the rest of the left wing hyenas who wish to turn the United States into a cash cow for the world’s underprivileged, got a clear message that the actual people who live, work in and support this country do not like that idea at all. In fact, they think it is a piece of crap.
With that in mind many may wish to purchase a new rubber stamp we are offering at Rubber Stamp Champ. This Rubber Stamp pays tribute to the Gadsden Flag and to all early Americans who had a spirit of freedom and independence that is alive and well today at the Tea Party rallies.
Buy one or buy several and start sending a message to the people who want to screw up America beyond all recognition. Don’t Tread On Us folks. There are elections coming up, and you are gonna lose.
Thanks, and thanks for shopping at Rubber Stamp Champ, where two small business owners and our employees are doing our part to keep the world of capitalism alive and well despite all threats from the left.
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12 September, 2009 (21:56) | Large Rubber Stamps, Office Supplies, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike
Custom stamps with free shipping on orders over $10. Knockout Specials at prices no one else can offer. Years of excellent customer service behind every product. Manufacturing people who care about making your product exactly right. The Rubber Stamp Champ has it all for anyone who wants to avoid the hassle of the office supply store and get their rubber stamps

Rubber Stamps To Mark Clothing
alot faster, for a lot less and most often at a much higher level of quality.
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12 September, 2009 (21:12) | Address Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Stamps | By: Mike

Self Inking Address Stamps
Self inking address stamps ship free on orders over $10. Custom rubber stamps at Knockout Prices. Secure online ordering. Address stamps, check stamps, bank stamps, the Rubber Stamp Champ has it all. And all available online for less. That’s right, self inking address stamps only cost $6.25 each at the Stamp Champ. Or you can get a little larger one for around 9 dollars. No one really can beat the Rubber Stamp Champ prices on self inking rubber stamps.
The Rubber Stamp Champ also takes pride in offering marking items of a wider variety than anyone else online. The reason the Rubber Stamp Champ can offer all types of rubber stamps is we have the manufacturing capability to make all types as well as the customer service knowledge to the support the sales of items such as specialty inks and band stamps that require precise knowledge. Thanks. And thanks for clicking on www.rubberstampchamp.com.
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9 September, 2009 (09:08) | Address Rubber Stamps, Address Stamps, Hand Stamps, Ideal Self Inking Stamps | By: Mike
Address rubber stamps ship free when you order online at www.rubberstampchamp.com. All orders over $10 ship free and that makes our low low prices on address rubber stamps that much better. It may seem almost unbelievable, for example, but it is absolutely true, that you can get two customized Ideal 50 rubber stamps, including free shipping for the low low price of only $12.50. Most rubber stamp places, for $12.50 you might get one stamp, and then when you have to add $6.99 for shipping, you wind up paying $20 for one stamp rather than $12.50 for two like you would at the Rubber Stamp Champ.

In God We Trust Rubber Stamps
- So take advantage of our low prices, or Knockout Specials, our fast turnaround times, our great customer service and of course our huge and ever-growing selection of all types of rubber stamps including now engineering stamps, architect stamps, notary stamps, bank deposit stamps, green stamps, pink stamps and a whole lot more. Thanks, and thanks for shopping www.rubberstampchamp.com. Like the 400,000 other people who’ve purchased stamps from us in the past five years, you’ll be glad you did.
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