Rubber Stamp Champ

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Month: October, 2009

Rubber Stamps For The Office

26 October, 2009 (16:36) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Hand Stamps, Notary Supplies, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber Stamps For The Office

Rubber Stamps For The Office

If you have any kind of office at all, and who doesn’t with everyone wanting to start their own business and everything, but the point is if you have an office at all, and whether that be an office in a large corporation or an office in a car wash, or even an office in a casino, you are going to need rubber stamps, and depending on the type of office you have and the type of business you have, you may well need just one rubber stamp, or tens of thousands.

The rubber stamp is a uniqe item that can’t really be replaced by modern technology….after all there is about only one way to stamp a document PAID, and that is to stamp it PAID.  So don’t hesitate to shop for the rubber stamps you need online at Rubber Stamp Champ…it’s a much better idea than the office supply store, where it takes forever and costs too much.

Thanks for joining the 400,000 happy customers who’ve made the Champ their stamp buying headquarters.

Rubber Stamps Address Self Inking

23 October, 2009 (08:38) | Large Rubber Stamps, Pocket Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Take a look at what’s going on in the world and don’t forget that you are a citizen of the best country in the world, the most technologically advanced country in the world, and the country in the world where the citizens have far and away the best lifestyle and the best medical care.

Rubber Stamps

Rubber Stamps

If you want to stand in line at the hospital, if you want to get frustrated and whipped off at every turn like you do when you interface with any government agency now, if you want the government on our back for endless eons of endless debt, if you want to let the fools take over the assylum then sit by and do idlly nothing while the Obama Administration turns the United States capitalism driven economy into a parking lot.  Paves it over, dead and gone.

Go online today at and get yourself a patriotic in God we trust rubber stamp.  We’ve got them in a self inking style, round rubber stamp style, pre inked Xstamper rubber stamps with patriotic messages, go online and check it out. Or get yourself an address stamp. Before the government confiscates your home or something.

Let’s keep America free.  Shop Rubber Stamp Champ online.

Self Inking Rubber Stamps Custom

23 October, 2009 (08:21) | Rubber Stamp, Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Self Inking Stamps

Self Inking Stamps

One thing no one has to tell you is that we are in a fight right now for the type of country we have.  Are we American’s really interested in supporting the massive type of centralized government the Obama Administration is pushing for?

Are we really ready to accept some kind of dismal tax burdened lifestyle so that this guy can take the hard earned productive dollars we generate and distribute them all over the world to no avail.  I mean if he was going to run our country into the ground economically in order to save the world and it would work, that would be fine, but it can’t work.

If the United States goes down the toilet under the massive unprecedented debt Obama is creating, then how will the rest of the world fair?  Not too well.

All this proves that if you want a patriotic rubber stamp so you can let people know where you stand on the current destruction of our nation, feel free to go online and get all the patriotic rubber stamps you want from  Oh, by the way, we’re going to win.

Custom Rubber Stamps Nyc

22 October, 2009 (10:59) | Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Rubber Stamps, Signature Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber Stamps

Rubber Stamps

Buy custom rubber stamps, New York at  Custom rubber stamps as low as $3.99. New York saves on rubber stamps at Order custom rubber stamps in New York before noon and recieve them complete, the next day, with overnight shipping at

If you’re in New York and you rely on the office supply provider for your rubber stamps, you’re making a big mistake. Office supply stores don’t make their own stamps. The result is, you wait longer, pay more and get lower quality.  We do make our own stamps.  The result is you can get them overnight anywhere in the US if you want, or simply wait a few days and they’ll arrive in the mail with free shipping.  So with Rubber Stamp Champ, you don’t wait at all, you pay less and you get much higher quality, both with the brands we offer and the way we make the stamps.

We grew from a small company to a somewhat larger one but never lost touch with the fact that we make stamps right, and have an almost zero return rate, we make them fast, and if we happen to do something wrong we stand behind the product.  Not only that, but the world of rubber stamp purchasing can be a confusing one with all the choices available to the consumer.  So many people are not even sure what the difference is between a hand stamp, a self inking stamp, a pre inked stamp, a die plate dater, permanent ink stamps and so on, that we have to be experts in our field to answer all the questions we get everyday on the phone and on live chat online.  And we are stamp making experts and can always help you find exactly the rubber stamp or marking product you need to match your needs.  So thanks, and thanks for shopping the Rubber Stamp Champ.

Custom Address Rubber Stamp

22 October, 2009 (10:38) | Address Stamps, Ink Stamps, Large Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

When you need a custom address rubber stamp, don’t go to the office supply store.  In fact, when you need any kind of rubber stamps, whether they be address stamps, self inking stamps, or custom rubber stamps…even round rubber stamps and permanent rubber stamps….the best place to go is definitely not the office supply store.  The office supply store buys their stamps from someone else who makes them.  That means three things.  The stamps take longer to make.  They are made by someone who doesn’t really care that much about your order. And they are more expensive than they should be.

Rubber Stamps

Rubber Stamps

We changed all that about four years ago, and so far 400,000 people have ordered from us.  Why.  We make our own stamps.  We care about each order we make and know who the customer is. We get them to you very fast and at a price that is roughly one third of what you’d pay at the office supply place.  So start catching up with the rest of the rubber stamp buying public.  You can create, proof and order your rubber stamps online now at…and you get the stamps much faster, for much less and they are better made.  Thanks, and thanks for shopping the Rubber Stamp Champ.

Self Inking Round Stamps

21 October, 2009 (10:15) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Discount Rubber Stamps, Hand Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

What goes around comes around, may be true, but it is undoubtedly true, that if you go for a round self inking stamp you ought to come around to the Rubber Stamp Champ. Round self inking stamps come in all sizes at the Champ.  We also have them in pre inked styles as well, not just self inking rubber stamps, and if you want, we’ll even make you a very special shape as we have an Xstamper pre inked stamp in an oval model.

Rubber Stamps

Rubber Stamps

So check out all the rubber stamps at Rubber Stamp Champ and you’ll be glad you did.  Our prices, delivery times and stamp quality are way better than anything you’ll ever get at the office supply store.  Thanks, and thanks for shopping

Self Inking Return Address Stamps

21 October, 2009 (09:45) | Address Rubber Stamps, Address Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Self inking return address stamps aren’t the first words that come out of every one’s mouth, but if that’s what you need, you know where to get it.  Just go online and visit

Here’s why.  Rubber Stamp Champ is the most comprehensive online resource for buying rubber stamps anywhere in the world. Rubber Stamp Champ specializes in rubber stamps.

God Bless America

God Bless America

We make them ourselves as we have for well over a decade.  We are not an office supply store.  Office supply stores are the worst place in the world to buy rubber stamps.  They don’t make their own stamps.

Instead they buy the cheapest stamp they possibly can, have someone else make it, and then, because their hard costs are so high, charge you an arm and a leg for an inferior product that takes to long to get and has no care or patience in the making.  So listen, the choice is really a no-brain-er.  And in the last five years, with 400,000 people ordering rubber stamps from Rubber Stamp Champ, you can tell the office supply store is getting more and more popular for paperclips and less and less popular for rubber stamps.

Personalized Address Custom Rubber Stamps

21 October, 2009 (08:50) | Rubber Stamp, Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Rubber Stamps, Signature Stamps | By: Mike

Now let’s talk rubber stamps for a second and let’s get personal.  Not personal as in private, but personal as in personalized.  Because whether people are shopping for personalized custom self inking address rubber stamps, custom pre inked address rubber stamps, personalized address custom rubber stamps, self inking rubber stamps, address stamps or return address stamps, most of the time they are looking to have those items personalized with their own name and address, artwork or even signature.

RubberStamps And Desk Signs

RubberStamps And Desk Signs

And yes, we make thousands of personalized signature stamps for people who have to sign a ton of things and don’t want to do it over and over again.  So don’t despair, if you want to get personalized rubber stamps, just go online and visit  No one gets you personalized rubber stamps for less, faster or better than

Rubber Stamps

Rubber Stamps

And 1/2 million happy customers in the past five years prove it.  So go online now, and don’t forget to check out our special on engraved…personalized…desk signs.

Customized Address Rubber Stamp

20 October, 2009 (15:07) | Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Custom Engraving

Custom Engraving

Not everyone knows how to get a customized address rubber stamp without paying an arm and a leg and waiting for an eternity to get rubber stamps that may well be less then perfect.

This office supply hell is something no one wants to wind up in.

That’s why you need to sign on your computer and go to  No one can tell you the Champ will be beaten…no one.  Because at Rubber Stamp Champ we have the best online prices in America, the best Free shipping policy, the fastest turnaround times, the easiest site to order on, the most experienced stamp-makers, the most experienced customer service people…the list goes on and on.

Rubber Stamps And Desk Signs

20 October, 2009 (10:03) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Discount Rubber Stamps, Office Supplies, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Engraved Desk Signs

Engraved Desk Signs

Everyone thinks self inking received stamps are a big deal, where do you get them, how long does it take, how much should you pay, are all questions people ask not just about self inking received stamps, but about rubber stamps in general.

And you know what, I guess it isn’t that odd, but they have the same questions about engraved desk signs as well.  How much? How fast? Best place to get them?

At the Rubber Stamp Champ we don’t presume to say we know all the answers to every rubber stamp question, but we do know the answers to the three questions posed above and in all three cases the answer is the same, and it comes in the form of a website address so if you need rubber stamps and or engraved desk signs, get ready to click on

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