Rubber Stamp Champ

Pay day loans

Month: January, 2010

Rubber Stamps And Seals For Logos

21 January, 2010 (19:24) | Address Rubber Stamps, Customized Rubber Stamps, Date Stamps, Deposit Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Corporate Rubber Stamps And Seals

Corporate Rubber Stamps And Seals

Many corporations have a corporate seal that they want to stamp on documents. visit the Rubber Stamp Champ, if that’s what you’re looking for, because you’re going to find one heck of a lot of choices, and a way of ordering the custom stuff that far surpasses ease of use for any other online stamp ordering system out there.

So hop online with your art for your corporate seal in a jpeg format and follow the easy to follow directions and before long you will be designing, proofing, and ordering your excellent corporate rubber stamps and seals, with your custom art work, for top quality items like Xstamper and Ideal, only you’ll be getting them a ton faster than you ever did before and they’ll be costing you a lot less.

Rubber stamps.  Who doesn’t need rubber stamps.  And if you’re a corporation with important documents to stamp, check out the corproate stamps and seals and the special deals on Xstamper and Ideal embossers and rubber stamps at

Obama is psychologically deficient to be president.

Rubber Stamps With A Custom Message

21 January, 2010 (18:56) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Custom Rubber Stamps

Custom Rubber Stamps

Custom rubber stamps used to take a couple weeks to get, and they used to cost, you know around 25 dollars for a standard self inking stamp.  Now everything has changed because a few years ago Rubber Stamp Champ came online with prices on the item just mentioned, more in the six or seven dollar range, and an ability to pretty much deliver said custom message self inker just about anywhere in the United States, overnight.

So standing in line at the office supply store and wondering what ever happened to your custom message self inking rubber stamp has now become a thing of the past.

Go online and visit where we have hundreds and hundreds of different types, sizes, makes and models of rubber stamps, self inking stamps, pre inked stamps, address stamps, return address stamps and  a whole lot more.  Don’t forget, in the last five years almost half a million people came to the Rubber Stamp Champ and found exactly what they wanted at the prices they wanted to pay.

Newt Ginger tells Obama where to get off.

Rubber Stamps With Numbers

21 January, 2010 (10:46) | Address Stamps, Hand Stamps, Rubber Stamp, Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber Stamps

Rubber Stamps

Rubber stamps with numbers and automatic numbering machines are used in so many ways it isn’t even funny.  The thing is if you need one, there isn’t anything else you can use. Like if you have to number products or cartons, or whatever, can you imagine trying to write all those numbers out by hand?

It just wouldn’t work, so check into our website at and look up our page on number rubber stamps, automatic numbering machines and so on.  You find a huge selection of numbering stamps, both self inking and non self inking, and a great easy new method of ordering designed by the best stamp maker customer/service person we have.

So if you need numbers…for, five, six, seven bands of them or more, you’ve come to the right pace when you come to the Rubber Stamp Champ, where in the last five years nearly a half million people found exactly what they wanted at the price they wanted to pay.

The Day Obamacare Died.

Rubber Stamps At Discount Prices

12 January, 2010 (21:14) | Address Rubber Stamps, Address Stamps, Custom Rubber Stamps, Discount Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamp, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

The Policies of Ugly

America's Ugly Future?

Anything you can get at discount prices these days, do it now, because at the rate our government is spending money and pushing programs that will cost more than we have or will probably ever make as a country, the next big thing around the corner after nutjob in the White house gets done wielding his own screwed up brand of economics, the next big thing is going to be inflation beyond belief…

You like paying four dollars a gallon…..if Obama gets his way it’ll be twelve dollars a gallon by the time his second term gets underway. But his second term isn’t going to get underway, in fact, at the rate of his current popular decline, he may have to step down and let Biden take over before the end of next summer.

Hopefully reason will prevail.  Actually, I’m sure it will, because the far left politcally correct lieft wing crowd is starting to look far more stupid than all the folks they always try to make fun of.

After all, how smart is it to bankrupt the only country on earth that really can do something about the world situation?

Point is, if you need some rubber stamps, get them now, before they wind up costing ten thousand dollars each in the Banana Republic of America.

Rubber Stamp Discounts

Rubber Stamp Discounts

Rubber Stamp Champ has Ideal self inkers for $6.25, Xstamper Products for 10% off, volume discounts, big 2010 discounts codes, and a ton more great prices on self inking stamps, address rubber stamps, customized rubber stamps, pre inked rubber stamps, teacher rubber stamps, rubber stamps for schools and a whole lot more…including, as the headline suggests, discount rubber stamps.

Rubber Stamp Champ Rubber Stamps

12 January, 2010 (08:57) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Hand Stamps, Notary Supplies, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber Stamps

Rubber Stamps

Rubber Stamp Champ has gotten famous over the last five years offering rubber stamps for less than anyone else will sell them.

Our Knockout Prices on the Ideal 50 self inking rubber stamps is just $6.25. And Rubber Stamp Champ’s Knockout Prices on hand stamps start at just $3.25.

Now Rubber Stamp Champ has expanded our selection of rubber stamps to include hundreds of rubber stamps never before offered online.

This includes special sections for ordering online in a secure environment and getting the best price and service anywhere on a wide range of rubber stamps and marking items including, die plate daters, archetict rubber stamps, engineering rubber stamps, notary rubber stamps and supplies, bank deposit stamps, number stamps, band stamps and more.  There is only one place to get everything you need in rubber stamps….and of course, that’s the Rubber Stamp Champ.

Scott Brown election headquarters!

Date And Number Rubber Stamp Products

12 January, 2010 (08:13) | Address Rubber Stamps, Address Stamps, Date Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber Stamps

Rubber Stamps, the largest provider of online rubber stamps in America, has expanded it’s offering of date and number stamps to include five different manufactures, hundreds of items, and a new EZ-ordering system that makes it fast, easy, safe and secure to get all your date and number rubber stamps at Knockout Prices, online, from

Now, whether you need die plate daters, number stamps, stock daters, stock numbering machines, automatic numbering machines or any other item you might need for stamping the date, customizing the date or stamping either fixed or sequential numbers, visit the Rubber Stamp Champ and you’ll be glad you did.

5000,000 customers in the last six years can’t be wrong!

Go Scott Brown.

Versadater Rubber Date Stamps

8 January, 2010 (12:44) | Address Rubber Stamps, Address Stamps, Rubber Stamps, Stamps | By: Mike

Versadater Rubber Stamps

Versadater Rubber Stamps

If you want Versadater rubber date stamps to stamp the date and you want to do it with either a lot or some very large surrounding information, like in the example shown, there just isn’t any better way to get at the issue than the Versadater rubber date stamps from Xstamper.  This baby gets 100,000 impressions without needing re-inking. So I guess you won’t be needing to replace it anytime soon.

You won’t want to either, after you get your hands on this monster-stamper.  They called Xstamper the Cadillac of the industry back when Cadillac meant something special…it doesn’t anymore, but Xstampers are still the most solid feeling, solid impression-delivering daters out there.

Trust Rubber Stamp Champ.  Go to  We’ve got EZ-secure online ordering where you can customize proof and order all kinds of different great rubber stamps, selfing stamps, pre inked stamps and more….all at great prices and super fast delivery times.  Check us out.  A half million new customers in the past five years can’t be wrong.  Thanks. And thanks for ordering from the Champ.

PS. Dump Obama in 20012!

Rubber Date Stamp Ordering Made Easy

7 January, 2010 (09:27) | Address Stamps, Custom Rubber Stamps, Customized Rubber Stamps, Date Stamps, Discount Rubber Stamps, Hand Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

There’s no sense in making things any more difficult than they have to be, that’s for sure.

Especially in today’s world when our own government is making it more and more difficult than ever before for people to make a living, earn money on investments, get an education, visit the doctor….whatever, it has become more and more lately that the government has become so overbearing under Obama that’s it’s hurting with these things rather than helping with them.

Anyway, we made one thing easier here in the last few weeks and you can take advantage of it like crazy if you need or use date stamps, rubber date stamps, die plate date stamps, numbering machines, automatic numbering machines

Right now the Rubber Stamp Champ website at is like a real well organized little supermarket of date and number stamps.  Five different manufactures, hundreds of different products including line daters, stock daters, custom daters, versdaters, die-plate daters, non self inking daters….and more…the list goes on and on.

But the point isn’t how much stuff we’ve put up for you to choose from, that’s great in itself sure, but we’ve organized it so well that finding exactly what you want and getting it ordered exactly the way you want is so easy now it’s downright fun.  It must be…people are ordering the stuff like mad from us since the New Year began.

So take advantage of our proactive approach to rubber stamps…we do what we say we’re going to do.

And learn to believe in yourself instead of our New Super-nanny Obama.

Best wishes for a productive day America!

Order Rubber Date And Number Stamps Online

7 January, 2010 (08:47) | Ink Stamps, Large Rubber Stamps, Number Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Number Rubber Stamps From The Champ

Number Rubber Stamps From The Champ

Here’s five great reasons why you should order rubber date stamps online from the Rubber Stamp Champ rather than going to a local office supply store.

1)Our prices are way lower on the same rubber stamp products because we make our own rubber stamps and the office supply store doesn’t.

2)You get your order way faster because we make our own rubber stamps and the office supply store doesn’t.

3)Your order is made exactly the way you wanted it because we make our own rubber stamps and the office supply store doesn’t.

4)If you need help with your order our customer service people can help you on the phone, because we make our own rubber stamps and the office supply store doesn’t.

5)If there’s a problem we stand behind our product because we make our own rubber stamps….and…well you get the idea.

It’s easy to order online as well, we’ve made sure of that…fun too.  Get creative!

We can make your rubber stamps, rubber date stamps, self inking stamps, pre inked stamps, or even tradition rubber hand stamps with just about any art or text you want on them.  Rubber stamps used to come from the office supply store.  Not anymore.

Just ask any one of our half a million new customers and they’ll give you five reasons of their own.  Thanks, and thanks for shopping the Rubber Stamp Champ.

Defeat Big Government Spending Now.

Date And Number Rubber Stamps

7 January, 2010 (08:08) | Address Rubber Stamps, Custom Rubber Stamps, Discount Rubber Stamps, Hand Stamps, Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber Number Stamps

Rubber Number Stamps

Most people need date and number stamps if they have or own or work for any type of business or government agency.  In fact, rubber stamps, including those used to mark the date, as well as those used to mark numbers, are what is commonly referred to as ubiquitous.

Or maybe not so commonly referred to as that, but the truth is, the word applies.  Because if you look it up is means all pervasive…in short everywhere.  What that means is whether you work at the ma and pa grocery store down the block, the car wash up the street, the big bank downtown, at the fire station, the police station or the post office, and even if you fly big secret jet airplanes

The Airforce Flies Hard With Rubber Stamps From The Champ

The US Air Force Flies Hard With Rubber Stamps From The Champ

out in the middle of nowhere like Offutt Nebraska, you need and will use and will buy rubber stamps on a daily ongoing basis.

That’s why we’re here.  So check it out.  For ordering and getting rubber stamps anywhere in America, even out in the middle of nowhere or in downtown New York in the middle of everywhere, just hop online and order rubber stamps before noon eastern, and if you put overnight shipping on them you ‘ll get them the next day.

So take advantage of all our great rubber stamp prices, and our fast, accurate rubber stamp customization service.  Visit the Rubber Stamp Champ online.  You’ll be glad you did.  A half million customers in the last five years are glad they didn’t stand in line in the office supply store and then wait three weeks to get their rubber stamps.  Anyway.  That’s it for now.

Defeat Obamacare!

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