Rubber Stamp Champ

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Month: February, 2010

Rubber Stamps For Industrial Marking

23 February, 2010 (10:33) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Hand Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber Stamps For Industrial Marking Ship Free At

Rubber stamps for industrial marking at Industrial marking rubber stamps, custom band industrial rubber stamps, industrial automatic numbering machines. Industrial inks and supplies. Industrial rubber stamps for industrial marking ship free at Get Artline specialty industrial inks for every purpose at

Permanent quick dry pads and inks for marking on glossy surfaces, CD’s, metal, plastic, photographs, food packaging and more!
Artline® Industrial Stamp Pads are constructed with a fine textured cotton surface for clean and crisp stamping. The air tight roller
lock system ensures the ink remains moist.

Visit Rubber Stamp champ at to solve all your industrial marking needs.  We have every type and size of permanent ink stamps, and a wide selection of permanent fast dry inks and pads from Artline.

Rubber Stamps Industrial Quick Dry Round

22 February, 2010 (11:12) | Address Stamps, Custom Rubber Stamps, Discount Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber Stamps Industrial Quick Dry Xstamper Round

Rubber Stamps Industrial Quick Dry Xstamper Round

Quick dry round industrial stamps ship free at Xstamper round industrial stamps mark metal and other non porous surfaces with quick dry, permanent ink. Visit for Knockout prices on quick dry industrial ink marking products, including quick dry round pre inked rubber stamps from Xstamper. will provide quick dry round industrial rubber stamps anywhere in the United States on a next day basis when you order before noon Eastern with overnight shipping. Shop for all rubber stamps including round industrial quick dry rubber stamps.

A lot of rubber stamps are used for marking on paper, but then again, a lot of rubber stamps are used for marking on a wide range of other surfaces as well, including surfaces the average rubber stamp buyer might not expect, like glass, metal, fabric, plastics, CDs, DVDs and much much more.

Oftentimes these rubber stamps are also used in small places to mark a part number, or some other identifying information that has to go in a small, out of the way place and be stamped on, let’s say a glossy plastic surface in a way that it will adhere permanently to the material and not wear or rub off at all during the life of the product.

In any event we have a huge selection of pre inked Xstamper round stamps for industrial marking, and that means that they work with and are fully loaded with industrial, fast dry ink which will adhere to almost any surface, dry in a second or two and not come off even when strong solvents are applied.  So go online and visit, if your need for rubber stamps is as specific as I’ve described above, and if it isn’t go there too, because if all you need is a little self inking address stamp, we have quite a variety of those as well.

Rubber Stamps Traditional Hand Stamp Round

22 February, 2010 (09:12) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Hand Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Round Rubber Stamps

Round Rubber Stamps

Traditional rubber stamps, hand stamps in round sizes now at Round rubber hand stamps for use with a pad include free shipping at Rubber Stamp Champ, on all orders over $10.

In rubber stamps, probably like in most other things…fashion and music let’s say, old standbys can often make a comeback and become very popular.  That’s what’s happened at Rubber Stamp Champ with our new round rubber hand stamps.  I mean we’ve had round stamps in the self inking and pre inked variety for a long time….we even have an oval self inking stamp from Trodat and Xstamper round rubber stamps in their permanent marking line as well as their regular rubber stamps for use on plain paper.

So we’ve had no lack of round rubber stamps to offer our customers, but recently, we put round rubber stamps online in the traditional old hand stamp, you know the wooden hand stamp with a handle, and it’s a big hit.  People are buying them like crazy in both the 1 1/2 inch diameter and in the 2 inch diameter sizes.

So there you have it, a blast from the past.  With all the great updated technology employed now in the making and design of the great pre inked and self inking rubber stamps, it’s nice to see an old standby make such a strong comeback.  Stay tuned for more info on why people use the traditional old hand stamp to this day, when there would seem to be some pretty good substitutes in the self inkers.  Go figure.

Rubber Stamps Re-Inking Instructions

21 February, 2010 (13:09) | Rubber Stamp, Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber stamps and how do you re-ink them.  That’s a big question we get all the time, how do I re-ink my self-inking rubber stamps?

The answer is quite simple, and really when you look at all the different types of stamps, the self-inking stamp is really the one that is made to be re-inked and also really the one rubber stamp that is actually simple and easy to re-ink.

Now most self-inking stamps we sell, both the Ideal, and the Trodat as well as the Shiny self-inking rubber stamps, most of them are going to come to you inked with the ink color you ordered and designed to provide about 6 or 7 thousand nice clean impressions before you need to re-ink.

Now if you are going to be stamping quite a bit, I mean let’s say the stamp is going to be in heavy, daily office use.  In that case we recommend ordering a little inexpensive bottle of ink along with your self-inking stamp.

Because if you use it a ton, and it wears out, I mean if the ink starts to get a little light….well you can use that little bottle of ink to make it start stamping again like new in just minutes.

Here’s how directly from our website re-inking instructions.

Rubber Stamps Self-Inking And Non Self-Inking

21 February, 2010 (12:32) | Address Stamps, Custom Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Stamps | By: Mike

How do you know if you need self-inking rubber stamps or non self-inking rubber stamps?  Think of it this way; Self inking rubber stamps are generally used in cases where the material to be stamped on is paper, just plain ordinary paper, that’s where self inking stamps work the best. That’s because self inking stamps are really only appropriately inked with waterbased ink.

For stamping on special surfaces like fabric, cellophane, plastics, even cardboard...or very slick surfaces like coated paper and CDs….specialty inks are almost required, and specialty inks are typically not water based so they have to come in a separate pad with a cover, because otherwise these specialty non-water based inks will dry out fast and turn the pad to brick, so it has to be kept covered.  That’s why self inking stamps typically cannot be inked with fast dry or permanent ink, because in a self inking stamp, the simple truth is, there’s no way to keep the little inner pad covered, so it dries out way too fast and the stamp becomes unworkable.

So the real difference between deciding on self inking rubber stamps or non self inking rubber stamps is what type of surface you are stamping on, and thereby what type of ink you need.

In the meantime, just go online at, and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about.

Custom Band Rubber Stamps Online

21 February, 2010 (11:19) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Hand Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Custom Band Rubber Stamps

Custom Band Rubber Stamps

Custom band rubber stamps online. Shiny® H-6446 Heavy Duty Self-Inking Numberer, 6 bands.  Heavy duty solid structure.  The curved metal frame of these custom band rubber stamps from, ensure durability for frequent use.  The new silent device allows quiet and smooth movements.  The handle will not cramp your hands and the soft-handle material provides a comfortable feel.  Character height, 5/32″.  Not recommended for glossy surfaces.  Available in 11 ink colors.

Here it is everyone, finally your chance to order custom band stamps onlineRubber stamps have always been the Rubber Stamp Champ’s specialty, and we’ve always made custom band stamps, even when folks couldn’t find them anywhere else.  But the point is, we’ve now made them easy to order online.

So get the custom band stamps you need in the exact character height you want, and in the exact combination of letter and number bands you want, and you don’t have to go through a complicated ordering process.  It’s all just a few clicks away from your shopping cart at

So hop online and order up a custom band rubber stamp in either self inking or non self inking variety, and remember, order the non self inking when you want to use a specialty type of ink…and we have numerous pads with every ink specialty type you can imagine.  Rubber Stamp Champ, where 400,000 customers can’t be wrong.

Rubber Stamps Round Address

20 February, 2010 (11:16) | Address Stamps, Custom Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamp, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber Stamps Round

Rubber Stamps Round

Go to for custom round address rubber stamps. Rubber stamps, round self inking rubber stamps, address stamps, notary stamps, signature rubber stamps and much more ship free at

Round rubber address stamps start at just $3.99. And has Ideal self inking custom rubber stamps for just $6.25. Get Knockout Price and Service on rubber stamps, only at

Round rubber stamps and round rubber address stamps ship free at

That’s why Rubber Stamp Champ has a whole new easy way to design, proof and order round address rubber stamps, and even round traditional rubber stamps with a handle, online at

Rubber Stamps Oval

Rubber Stamps Oval

Round rubber stamps make a cool, distinctive impression, and for those who really want to look distinctive we have even come up with an oval self inking rubber stamps from Trodat.

Rubber Stamp Numbers

19 February, 2010 (17:06) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber Stamp Numbers

Rubber Stamp Numbers

In industry many people need to rubber stamp numbers. provides you with a wide range of solutions for people who want to rubber stamp numbers, rubber stamp numbers on metal or plastic, rubber stamp numbers on documents or even stamping numbers on name tags or rubber stamping numbers on fabric.

There’s no end to the number of numbers that need to be stamped, and whether you work in a factory, a chemical plant, a parts making operation, the local car wash, or have decided to go out on your own and start a dog rescue service, I can almost guarantee at some point your going to want to use rubber stamps to stamp numbers on something.

And at that point your best bet will be to go to  You’ll be glad you did, I know you will, because we have over 1/2 million happy customers, many of whom came to us because they had an application where they needed to rubber stamp numbers.

Custom Rubber Stamps Volume Discounts

19 February, 2010 (06:18) | Address Stamps, Custom Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

For volume discounts on rubber stamps always shop has volume discounts on a huge selection of name brand rubber stamps. Volume discounts on rubber stamps always include free shipping at And can provide your volume discount rubber stamps anywhere in the United States the next day when you order with overnight shipping before noon Eastern.

If you really need rubber stamps….especially custom made rubber stamps, customized self inking rubber stamps, custom ink stamps, address stamps, return address stamps, pre inked stamps,

date stamps, permanent ink stamps, UV inks, specialty inks and padsnotary supplies and a whole lot more in terms of marking devices and replacement pads, you’re far better off shopping at the Rubber Stamp Champ at

For example….most places these days, you wind up paying more than $20 for a custom made Ideal 50.  You walk into an office supply store and order from a catalog and it’s going to cost you upwards of $25 to get a customized Ideal 50 and then you’re going to wind up waiting a good three weeks before you get the stamp in your hands.

We do the same stamp, the same Ideal 50, the same custom self inking rubber stamp….only here’s the difference…we do it complete for $6.25….and we do it in one day.  That’s the way it is, everyday online at The Rubber Stamp Champ.  If you buy rubber stamps at all, get them from The Champ. We’re sure you’ll love our great attitude toward customer service and our Knockout Prices!

And don’t forget this one very important fact, let’s say you need a ton of rubber stamps and you need them in a hurry, at the Rubber Stamp Champ we specialize in large orders and volume discounts, and if you want we can make as many as 7 or 8 thousand stamps in a day.   So don’t hesitate to call, write or go online if you need hundreds or even thousands of pocket rubber stamps, self inking rubber stamps, pre inked rubber stamps and a lot more.

Rubber Stamps Large Order Discounts Online

19 February, 2010 (06:00) | Address Stamps, Rubber Stamp, Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

As you know out there in the middle of the nowhere, there is no better place to get rubber stamps than to get them online from

Rubber Stamps Go Green!

Rubber Stamps Go Green!

Best prices, fastest delivery, most knowledgeable customer service.   And now the Rubber Stamp Champ offers engraved desk signs and name badges as well, all at Knockout Prices.  So thanks, and thanks for shopping Rubber Stamp Champ. And don’t forget this one very important fact, let’s say you need a ton of rubber stamps and you need them in a hurry, at the Rubber Stamp Champ we specialize in large orders and volume discounts, and if you want we can make as many as 7 or 8 thousand stamps in a day.   So don’t hesitate to call, write or go online if you need hundreds or even thousands of pocket rubber stamps, self inking rubber stamps, pre inked rubber stamps and a lot more.

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