Rubber Stamp Champ

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Month: May, 2011

Permanent Ink Stamp Pads

13 May, 2011 (15:31) | Address Rubber Stamps, Permanent Ink Rubber Stamps, Permanent Markers, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Permanent Ink Stamp Pads In White and Black ship free at

Permanent White Ink Stamp Pads Ship Free at

If you need permanent ink stamp pads, visit and you’ll be glad you did. has permanet ink pads in a wide variety of sizes, and if you are stamping permanent ink also includes free shipping. For rubber stamping permanent white ink, or stamping with permanent black ink, visit and you’ll be glad you did.

Round stamps like Xstamoper round date stamps with free shipping at

Get round stamps, like Xstamper round date stamps, with free shipping at

When you want to buy rubber ink stamps or design rubber stamps, go to where you can always make custom rubber stamps, self inking stamps and hand stamps at Knockout Prices with free shipping.

At all your customized self inking address stamps, large custom stamps, and even round return address stamps are easily custom made online.

And if you’re searching online for discount  rubber stamp makers, remember you can always create custom pre inked rubber stamps for less at

That includes all self inking notary stampers, custom ink self stamps, custom stampers, and personalized rubber stamps.

Permanent White Ink Rubber Stamp Pads

9 May, 2011 (20:20) | Ink Stamps, Permanent Ink Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps, Stamp Pad | By: Mike

New Permanet Ink Stamp Pads From

New Permanet Ink Stamp Pads From now has permanent white ink rubber stamp pads.

These permanent ink pads come in two sizes and both black and white ink, and ship free at offers permanent black ink stamp pads and permanent white ink stamping pads for permanent rubber stamping on any non-porous surfaces like photos, glossy brochures, metal, glass and more. offers these convenient permanent ink stamp pads in two sizes, and in both black and white ink, with refill inks available for both in handy bottles.

If you are rubber stamping in an industrial application, you need these handy, no-smear permanent white ink and black ink pine stamp pads from

Rubber Stamp Cds With Permanent Ink Rubber Stamps From

Rubber Stamp CDs With Permanent Ink Rubber Stamps From Visit For Permanent Rubber Stamping With Fast Dry Ink.

At you can also design custom rubber stamps with your own graphics, logo, text or artwork, and use those permanent rubber stamps for stamping fast dry ink on your CDs.

Permanent rubber stamps for stamping fast dry ink have just been made a whole lot easier and more fun with the Istamp multi-surface permanent rubber stamps for stamping fast dry ink from

That’s correct, makes rubber stamps called Istamp multi-surface stamps, pre-inked stamps that accept any kind of art or text message and turn that into an indelible, crisp, clear imprint for stamping CDs or any other metal, plastics, wood or fabric surfaces.

Xstamper Refill Ink

5 May, 2011 (21:49) | Industrial Inks And Pads, Rubber Stamps, Xstamper | By: Mike

Get Xstamper Refill Ink At Knockout Prices from

Get Xstamper Refill Ink At Knockout Prices from

It’s easy to get your Xstamper refill ink applied to your Xstamper stamps from Just follow these simple instructions and all your Xstamper products can easily be refilled.

Xstamper pre inked rubber stamps, Xstamper daters, Xstamper ink stamps and more all ship free at

And can customize rubber stamps for less, because all your custom rubber stamp logo art, your rubber stamp ink color choice, whether you are ordering self inking rubber stamps, pre inked stamps or notary stamps, you are never charged extra for customizing your rubber stamps at

Re Inking Xstamper Pre Inked Rubber Stamps From

Re Inking Xstamper Pre Inked Rubber Stamps With Xstamper Ink Refills From

Custom rubber stamps, address stamps, signature stamps and pre inked rubber stamps are available at in 11 bright colors including turquoise.

Most custom self inking rubber stamps, whether they be Trodat or Ideal, have a small plastic insert that pops out when you flex the stamp like you do when you stamp it.

This small plastic insert is actually a miniature ink pad, and we can send you as many new ones as you want, just make sure to order the exact pad for the exact stamp model you have, because the larger pads fit larger stamps and the smaller stamps have smaller pads.

Anyway, every Ideal and Trodat product has it’s own individual pad and must be purchased by model number.  Otherwise, if you have an Ideal 50 and you order a pad for an Ideal 100 that won’t work.

Xstamper ink refills and Xstamper refill ink in bottles is also available at and easy to apply with the instructions at the left, which can also be found online at

Xstamper Pre Inked Stamps

5 May, 2011 (17:46) | Address Rubber Stamps, Pre Inked Stamps, Rubber Stamps, Xstamper | By: Mike

Xstamper pocket stamps at Knockout Prices from

Xstamper pre inked stamps at Knockout Prices from

Xstamper pre inked stamps are now on sale at Knockout Prices from

And that includes Knockout Prices and free shipping from on all Xstamper products, Xstamper ink stamps, Xstamper pre ink stamp refills and much more.

Check out the great price on the Xstamper N44 pocket stamp.

The Xstamper N44 pocket stamp from is a handy pocket stamp with a flip top that automatically opens when you press it down, then flips back closed when you are done. offers these Xstamper pocket stamps, as well as a range of sizes in other Xstamper pocket stamps for people who have to rubber stamp on the go like doctors, nurses and notaries.

The Xstamper pocket stamps are just another excellent example of the top quality, name brand rubber stamps offers at Knockout Prices.

And don’t forget, when you get the Knockout Price on rubber stamps, you get the very lowest price online, because only offers volume discounts, Knockout Prices, promo code discounts on large orders, free art uploads on all custom rubber stamps, free ink color choices on all your custom rubber stamps, and even free shipping on all orders over $10.

Add it all up and you’ll want to work with on all your Xstamper pocket stamps.

In the last 6 years over 1/2 million people bought their rubber stamps from and they’re glad they did.

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