Ultifast Custom Quick-Dry Rubber Stamps for Glossy Surface Use
We recognize, here at RubberStampChamp.com, that not all rubber stamp users, those who find use for both stock message rubber stamps, as well as, more customized rubber stamps like return address, bank deposit only, or signature rubber stamps alike, do not only need to make impressions upon non-glossy, more regularly encountered surfaces like regular paper, but also upon glossy surfaces like glass, CD’s, photographs and metals.
Both the Ultifast 2020 quick-dry permanent ink stamp, and the Ultifast 5721 quick-dry permanent ink stamp feature the ability to be customized to suit your particular glossy surface rubber stamping needs; with an impression size choice the two stamps provide, you’ll never be without the appropriately sized, quick-dry permanent ink custom rubber stamp impression which satisfies your custom rubber stamp needs.
Best of all, RubberStampChamp.com provides the same wholesale pricing access to Ultifast refill ink bottles, as it does with custom quick-drying permanent Ultifast rubber stamps, and ships, free of charge, any order totaling more than ten dollars.