Custom Rubber Stamps Customer Service

One very prominent answer to this question is the customer service people at Rubber Stamp Champ. In over 15,000 Five-Star reviews the reviewers very often comment on the great service they received on their custom rubber stamps from the customer service people at our company.
In fact, since we are a custom business where people find it useful to put their logo on a rubber stamp, or their address on a self inkng stamp, or some emoji on a hand stamp to mark patrons for entry and re-entry, there is something about a rubber stamp that makes people want to get their art or text message exactly right.

The reason for this is fairly obvious as most of our customer requests for custom rubber stamps of every size and configuration are based on the idea that whatever the message is it will be repeated over and over again through thousands of impressions, in the case of our Xstamper pre-inked stamps, up to 50,000 impressions, so thereby customers want their custom message not only to be exactly the way they want it, but to be reproducible all those thousands of times in the most high quality manner possible.

And while it may seem somewhat like magic to be able to go online, upload artwork to a website and find that art work, in just a matter of days, now on a little device like an Ideal self inking stamp, a pre-inked stamp, or a large round wooden hand stamp produced in our own shop, that will replicate the electronically sent art, in an ink color of your choice, it’s what we do for people all the time. Thousands of times every day.

If however you have a question about your order for alpha-numeric band stamps, or if you have special requirements for your art to make sure it’s exactly right and the way you want it on a custom pre-inked monogram stamp, all you have to do is give us a call at 1-800-469-7826 where we know for certain you will speak to a customer service person who will be a hit with you and help make sure the stamp you get in your hands will be exactly the stamp you wanted.
Call today, at Rubber Stamp Champ we’re playing your tune, and we are the answer to the rhetorical question posed in the classic song, Who Do You Love!