Rubber Stamp Champ

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Month: February, 2025

Professional Forester Stamp Requirements

25 February, 2025 (20:55) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Professional Stamps and Seals, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

The profession of forestry started to take hold in the United States in late 1800s. In 1889, George Vanderbilt hired Gifford Pinchot a young forester educated in Europe, to manage the forest at the Biltmore Estate. It was the nation’s first professionally managed forest.

In 1891 Congress passed the Forest Reserves Act, which created a reserve of 40 million acres of forestland in the United States. Six years later in 1897, Congress passed the Organic Act, which served as the basis for management of the newly created forest reserves.

At the time, there were fewer than 10 individuals in the nation with any formal forest-management training, and all of them studied in Europe. That changed in 1898, when the Biltmore Forest School and the New York State College of Forestry at Cornell started forestry education programs. Two years later, the Yale School of Forestry began training professionals to manage this vital resource.

There are approximately 15,400 foresters working in the United States. Federal, state, and local governments are by far the largest employers of foresters. About 40 percent of all salaried employees work for federal mostly in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service.

Professional foresters need stamps and seals that meet certain requirements to avoid any liability while adding official seals of approval processes to a range of documents. With each state having different requirements and restrictions, it is important to know the rules for your area if you are a forester professional. Our professional stamps and embossers feature the best brands in the business for quality and performance you can count on for years to come. Choose from such industry staples as Shiny, MaxLight and more.

All of the professional forester stamps and seals we offer are made of high-quality elements while offering thousands of vivid, crisp impressions to put your professional mind at ease. Choose from pre-inked, self-inking and traditional hand stamp options, depending on your preference. We offer stamps and embossers/seals with detailed instructions and legal notices to your title and name. These reliable professional stamps and seals show clearly the state and all requirements to lend authority to a range of documents. With our selection of affordable stamps and embossers and our state-of-the-art customization services, we provide professional stamps perfect for your application.

As a professional, we commend you on being someone who can see the forest for the trees, and we invite you to visit our site where you can easily customize the stamps and seals you need to prove it.

St Patrick’s Day Rubber Stamp Deals

20 February, 2025 (05:37) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Holiday Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Saint Patrick, the patron Saint of Ireland, established as such in 1647 by the Catholic Church, never personally stood for, nor did the church intend the day to stand for, raw beef and onions, bagpipe parades, taking the day off to party, dyeing rivers, and rivers of beer, green and so on.

As it turns out, it took centuries for the holiday to accrue the elements that now seem crucial to its celebrations.

It wasn’t until the early 18th century that many of today’s traditions were kicked into high gear.

Since the holiday falls during Lent, it provides Christians a day off from the prescriptions of abstinence leading up to Easter, and around the 1720s, the church found that it “got kind of out of control.”

Truth is, this is often a tough world that tends to break people down sometimes, all the work, responsibilities, family obligations and much else can pile up and make folks feel a little overwhelmed and pointless at times.

Billy Joel said it in a song, Piano Man, in one line about a guy who played piano in a bar, and what the bar owner thought of him, “He knows it’s me they’ve been coming to see to forget about life for a while.”

And so we do need things, diversions, recreations, playing golf or tennis, watching spectator sports, going fishing, and finding cause for celebration on days like St Patrick’s Day. And whether it makes sense or not to get wild and crazy, have a few, go out dancing and all, it doesn’t matter, what matters is that every once in awhile it’s good to let it all hang out, and even the Bible encourages it when it says, in Psalm 100, “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.”

And while it might not be as euphoric as a night on the town, we can give you a reason to celebrate with our huge selection and great prices on custom rubber stamps and our special St Patrick’s Day discounts.

Our wide selection of custom rubber stamps includes address, monogram, signature, skin safe, heavy duty and even pocket stamps. With so many options, you are certain to find a model that perfectly matches your intended purpose, and it’s always free to add any logo or artwork you wish to have on your stamp impression!

Display a name, title, date, phone number or any other message you might need with a stamp that will give clear and legible printing use after use.

So let the good times roll, and visit us soon, like maybe for a shamrock stamp!

Washable Laundry Ink Stamps

19 February, 2025 (00:14) | Fabric Rubber Stamps, Ink Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

They say it all comes out in the wash, but one thing you don’t want to have come out in the wash is any impression you wish to make and that’s why we offer our custom laundry stamps. Doing the laundry, of course, has evolved significantly over the centuries during which people have constantly sought, and still do today, to make things easier and easier.

Early civilizations used various materials like sand, ashes, and animal fats to clean clothes by hand. Fabrics were beaten against rocks or submerged in running water to remove dirt and stains. It was hard work and of course it made the people who did that hard work strong. It’s interesting to note that the human body is made to work, walk, lift, throw and so on, in order to survive, but since all that tough survival stuff has been mitigated by advances in technology…oddly enough, while we made hard things easier and easier, we factored useful exercise out of our equation and now anyone who wants to be in good shape has to go to the gym.

If you walk 20 miles a day in search of some berries or a scrap of meat and have to fend off saber toothed tigers with a makeshift spear, you hardly need to do laps or push ups to get strong or lose weight, and in fact losing weight back then was a bad thing because it meant you were going to starve.

Obviously, I guess we’d all rather order from Doordash than wind up in a fight to the death with a wooly mammoth, but who knows maybe that was preferrable in some ways to having to work out all the time.

Things are what they are though and certainly the push to make things easier will never end, and along those lines we’ve made things easier in the laundry department for those who wish to identify clothing with logos, instructions, names, numbers or any other useful markings.

We offer reliable, high-quality clothing stamps and accessories. You can choose options allowing for permanent impressions capable of lasting up to 40 washes without removal and lasting up to 90-degree temperatures. We can customize up to three lines of print on each stamp to include name and address for a convenient labeling system. Choose from leading names in the industry, such as Trodat and Artline for quality and performance you can count on for many years. The ink used for this type of application is non-toxic and acid-free for an option that is safe for skin contact. It is also smudge proof and water resistant, so it will not rub off on skin or other clothing.

Probably doing the laundry with modern machines isn’t much more fun than beating your clothes on rocks down by the river, but if you want to add an identifying touch to fabric, we’ve come up with a way that is, of course, much easier now than having to sew on some label. As for getting some exercise, we’ll leave that up to you!

Do Business With JustRite Rubber Stamps

11 February, 2025 (16:08) | Alphabet Rubber Stamps, Heavy-Duty Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

A while back there was a young blond, or so the story goes, who came upon a cottage wherein a Mamma, Papa and Baby bear lived…only when she arrived the bears were momentarily out, while they left three bowls of porridge cooling on the kitchen table.

Being hungry, and a bit bold, she tasted some from each of the three bowls and found Papa’s to be too hot, Mamma’s to be too cold, but baby bear’s was just right.

She also finds the baby bear’s bed to her liking and after devouring the little one’s breakfast she passes out there until the Grizzlys’ return home and then runs from the place never to be seen again, until this Rubber Stamp Champ blog post.

Not sure if you’d call that a happy ending, but we will provide one in a moment, and we also have a JustRite story that ends well if you happen to be in the market for alphanumeric stamps, self-inking and non-self inking, in an easy to order format with hundreds of customizing choices, so you can get the JustRite stamp that’s just right for you!

If that sounds right, you’ll also appreciate the fact that we offer great pricing on JustRite stock daters, price marker stamps, refill ink and much more!

JustRite Stamps is a trusted name in the stamp-making industry, thanks to the brand’s reliable designs that have withstood the test of time. With JustRite stamps and supplies, you get quick and accurate impressions every time, even over years of continued use.

For example, JustRite’s high-quality price markers are used in grocery stores, department stores and supermarkets worldwide. JustRite stamps are ideal for quick, repetitive applications. They feature 5 number bands that are easily adjusted and tight-fitting, meaning that you can quickly change them for as many impromptu price adjustments as needed, without fear of the bands breaking or slipping.

JustRite products offer operation that is smooth and quiet, ensuring a pleasant working experience. The handle is constructed with a curved, comfortable grip to keep the user’s hand from aching, while the price marker’s body is designed with a sturdy, metal frame to ensure that the device lasts for years to come. The rubber base provides non-slip protection against potential ink smudges.

And the business woman at the top of this story, that’s Goldilocks…all grown up now, running a company, and still very much into things being JustRite!

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