Professional Forester Stamp Requirements

The profession of forestry started to take hold in the United States in late 1800s. In 1889, George Vanderbilt hired Gifford Pinchot a young forester educated in Europe, to manage the forest at the Biltmore Estate. It was the nation’s first professionally managed forest.

In 1891 Congress passed the Forest Reserves Act, which created a reserve of 40 million acres of forestland in the United States. Six years later in 1897, Congress passed the Organic Act, which served as the basis for management of the newly created forest reserves.

At the time, there were fewer than 10 individuals in the nation with any formal forest-management training, and all of them studied in Europe. That changed in 1898, when the Biltmore Forest School and the New York State College of Forestry at Cornell started forestry education programs. Two years later, the Yale School of Forestry began training professionals to manage this vital resource.

There are approximately 15,400 foresters working in the United States. Federal, state, and local governments are by far the largest employers of foresters. About 40 percent of all salaried employees work for federal mostly in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service.

Professional foresters need stamps and seals that meet certain requirements to avoid any liability while adding official seals of approval processes to a range of documents. With each state having different requirements and restrictions, it is important to know the rules for your area if you are a forester professional. Our professional stamps and embossers feature the best brands in the business for quality and performance you can count on for years to come. Choose from such industry staples as Shiny, MaxLight and more.
All of the professional forester stamps and seals we offer are made of high-quality elements while offering thousands of vivid, crisp impressions to put your professional mind at ease. Choose from pre-inked, self-inking and traditional hand stamp options, depending on your preference. We offer stamps and embossers/seals with detailed instructions and legal notices to your title and name. These reliable professional stamps and seals show clearly the state and all requirements to lend authority to a range of documents. With our selection of affordable stamps and embossers and our state-of-the-art customization services, we provide professional stamps perfect for your application.

As a professional, we commend you on being someone who can see the forest for the trees, and we invite you to visit our site where you can easily customize the stamps and seals you need to prove it.