Get Fast Shipping On Rubber Stamps

At Rubber Stamp Champ there is no end to the number of 5-Star reviews we get for what people call our “fast shipping.” They marvel at custom rubber stamp orders that made it all the way across the country and into their hands overnight. There is also no end to the profuse thanks, again for our “fast shipping methods” that come from the very common ground of folks who ordered their stamps late for a wedding, or other event that had a specific date, where again, because they worked with Rubber Stamp Champ, their product was in their hands just in time.
There is even talk in the rubber stamp industry, among others who make and ship self inking stamps, custom band stamps, daters and so on, like we do, where they too have remarked about the type of shipping methods we use to get customers their orders so fast.
Here is the secret. At Rubber Stamp Champ we use the same shipping methods as everyone else, the only difference is we’ve had a policy for over 20 years of making and shipping the vast majority of our orders the day we get them. This came about because our low prices on rubber stamps drove thousands to order on our site and we had to make things the day we got them or be buried in backlog.
Additionally, if you order before noon Eastern and specify overnight shipping, you absolutely will get that order the very next day no matter where you live or work in the United States.

One more thing when you go to order custom pre inked or custom self inking stamps, or if you are looking for large wood hand stamps, not only will we make and ship your order in a very expiedient manner, you will also find that we have nearly 3000 products to choose from designed in a very easy to use and order website.
Visit us today. Get your stamps tomorrow!