Rubber Stamp Champ

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Neon Blue, Pink, Orange, Purple And Green

Neon colors make your projects way more exciting!

Neon colors make your projects way more exciting!

Now has made available on our website some of the greatest looking ink colors you have ever laid eyes on by offering Radiant neon ink pads in six astonishing colors!

These neon green, blue, purple, orange and pink color blasters are perfect for making all your paper projects look brighter, righter and more attention-getting.

And don’t forget, offers a vast array of custom cut wood hand stamps in over 140 sizes and shapes, and we’d be more than happy to make one or a bunch to go with your classy hot new neon stamp pads.




2 January, 2019 (11:53) | By: Mike
Art Stamps, Custom Wood Mounted Stamps, Industrial Inks And Pads

Neon Ink Pads Add Eye-Popping Color is proud to offer six new project spicing-up colors in Radiant Neon ink pads.
These radiant neon pigment ink pads comes are water-based radiant neon ink that will add vibrant color to your projects!
Dynamic pigment inks give more intense results than dye-based neon inks. Acid free and archival.

Get your ink act together with radiant neon colors!

2 January, 2019 (10:55) | By: Mike
Art Stamps, Custom Wood Mounted Stamps, StazOn Multi-Surface Ink Pads

Wood Hand Stamps Custom Made

-2Rubber Stamp Champ announced today a greatly expanded hand stamp product offering, at, featuring 143 items, including a over 100 traditional wooden hand stamp sizes up to 8” x 10”, and featuring a new selection of plastic mounted DUO hand stamps as well in 34 different sizes.

Traditional rubber hand stamps for use with a pad continue to be a very popular item among businesses and consumers where stamping may require large or very small sizes not provided by self inking stamps, and also as the most effective way to stamp permanent ink on glossy surfaces. has always been the price and selection leader in hand stamps and now with this new expanded offering there is even more to choose from including round, square and rectangle shaped rubber stamps, from 1/4” square stamps, to large rocker mounted stamps made as big as rubber stamps can be made. is the place to shop for all these new sizes, shapes and plastic mounts as well, as guarantees free delivery on orders over $10. Hand stamp prices from Rubber Stamp Champ start as low as $3.25 per stamp, and will include all your art and text uploads free. Rubber Stamp Champ will even provide customers with design help and expert customer service in ordering the stamps and making sure people get exactly what they need in stamps, inks and pads.

At we have produced over 4 million products for customers and have thousands of 5-Star reviews-3 indicating how happy people are with the Rubber Stamp Champ selection, prices, service and fast delivery. has continually added new products to meet customer demand, and thereby has become one of the most comprehensive and easy-to-use websites on the market for ordering custom rubber stamps. also takes pride in offering the fastest service and best prices on rubber stamps in America.

Additionally, offers a huge selection of rubber stamps in an easy-to-order format including rubber stamps and seals for notaries, rubber stamps and seals for engineers and architects, corporate rubber stamps, stock message rubber stamps, monogram name rubber stamps, monogram embossers, wedding rubber stamps, fast-dry ink rubber stamps, clothing markers, desk signs and much more.
And combines same-day service with overnight delivery so if you need your rubber stamps fast, and at great savings, just order from before noon Eastern with overnight shipping and your custom order of rubber stamps will be delivered the very next day anywhere in the United States.

And combines all this with knowledgeable, experienced rubber stamp customer service people, available all day, every business day, at 1-800-4MY STAMP, along with Live Chat if customers have any questions while in the process of ordering their custom rubber stamps.


29 May, 2018 (01:13) | By: Mike
Rubber Stamps

Large Rubber Stamp Orders Made Fast

911-15yrs-onAmericans will never forget, nor should they, that on the morning of September 11, 2001, more than 3000 innocent people went to work like all of us did, but instead of working they got annihilated in a vicious and sick terrorist attack, in which many many people had only one decision to make, burn to death or jump to the pavement so far below.

That this fateful day became relevant to a tiny business thousands of miles away from the giants like Morgan-Stanley who were decimated by the attack, is a testament only to the far reaching aspects of the economic impact of that day.

Back then, only two people worked at Rubber Stamp Champ, not the 18 or more we have today, and one of them took a call shortly after 9/11 from desert-wind-las-vegas-october-29-1981Amtrak, where they were in need of 5000 custom self inking rubber stamps to mark passenger tickets with new information coming out of Homeland Security.

Time was of the essence, and the large stamp order would go to whichever company had both the best price and the fastest turnaround time.

We wanted the order for sure so came up with an excellent volume discount on the Ideal 100, and promised delivery of all 5000 in 3 weeks, thereby closing the deal.

How two people discovered a way to produce 5000 self inking stamps in 3 weeks is a pretty good story in itself, so stay tuned and we’ll get to that next.

For now, suffice it to say that great prices, volume discounts and fast turn around times–5000 stamps in less than a week now–are still how we roll at the Champ, all day…every day! Let’s Roll!…in part, to honor those who died from going to work on 9/11.



23 May, 2018 (14:57) | By: Mike
Rubber Stamps, Wood Mounted Rubber Stamps, Xstamper Custom Pre-Inked Rubber Stamps

Traditional Hand Stamps Wood Mounted

Hand stamps made fresh daily at Rubber Stamp Champ!

Right now is offering 143 different sizes of wood and plastic mounted hand stamps for use with a separate pad, because even though self inking technology has been around for a long time, there is still often no substitute for the almost unlimited variety of sizes and shapes in which stamps can be produced using the traditional hand stamp format…and that includes even very large hand stamps and very small stampers as well.

Rubber Stamps Champ sells, produces and ships, thousands and thousands of hand stamps that we make fresh daily, right in our own shop in San Marcos, California.

We even cut the wood mounts there by hand from specially made molding strips and other rubber hand stamp wood, like round wooden doweling for making round hand stamps.

When the Champ fist began producing stamps for a handful of local businesses and walk-in customers back in 2000, we took every stamp, every order and every customer seriously and always took great care in producing top quality stamps in a timely manner for a great price.

To this day, our excellent customer service people, graphics people, production and shipping people..including the guy who cuts and drills our daily supply of fresh hand stamp wood, all of us…still care totally about each and every order.



23 May, 2018 (14:03) | By: Mike
Custom Logo Rubber Stamps, Custom Rubber Stamps, Custom Wood Mounted Stamps, Customized Rubber Stamps

Custom Made Traditional Wood Hand Stamps

The vulcanizer was a key piece of equipment when produced hand stamps the old fashioned way!

Back in the early days of stamp making at the Rubber Stamp Champ, custom made rubber hand stamps were produced on a machine called a vulcanizer.  At least that is how the stamp dies were made.

This process was a far cry from the laser engraving we do today on all stamp dies for traditional rubber hand stamps, or wood mounted stamps as they are often called, and for our self inking stamps as well.

But back when the first began, the owners took orders and made stamps, instead of producing effective marketing campaigns like they do today.

At that time, the process for making hand stamp rubber stamp dies was a lot more rudimentary.  Initially, a hard polymer version of the stamp die would be produced.  This hard polymer die was then used to create a matrix board, by pressing the hard polymer die under heat in the vulcanizer, into the matrix board.

The final die would be produced, again using the heat and pressure provided by the vulcanizer, to press red rubber into the matrix board, and then we would ultimately strip the dies off the board, cut them out and mount them to wooden stamps.

23 May, 2018 (12:49) | By: Mike
Art Stamps, Business Rubber Stamps, Custom Wood Mounted Stamps

I’m A Big Deal Desk Sign

If you are kind of a big deal get a desk sign to prove it!

If you are kind of a big deal get a desk sign to prove it!

It doesn’t really matter if you are a big deal, or are not a big deal, if you think you are, and you feel like you are…that’s almost good enough.

The only other thing required would be a personally engraved desk sign announcing your big-dealness to the world at large, everyone in general and no one in particular, from

You can get such an item, made just for you of fine wood grained material mounted in a nice metal frame, just like the one pictured. You can also obtain from more traditional desk signs, that could announce for example the fact the you are the Receptionist…or Office Manager…or whatever the case may be.

Visit Rubber Stamp Champ now and we’ll help you let everyone know what’s up.


16 May, 2018 (13:57) | By: Mike
Custom Logo Rubber Stamps, Name Badges, Name Plates

Best Selection Of Wood Hand Stamps

32472049_10155885017806773_4092856369957306368_nNo one can argue, these days, that the largest, most complete and comprehensive array of custom hand stamps is offered by none other than

At Rubber Stamp champ we take our championship title very seriously and defend it every day with prices, service, shipping methods, graphics help and much more…including the fact that we continue to surpass expectations with all the products we offer.

A case in point is the new hand stamp product offering on our website at where you will find 143 different sizes and shapes of wood and plastic mounted hand stamps, one or more mostly likely perfectly suited to your stamping needs.

Get the big hand stamp price cut!  Get the big hand stamp selection!  Only one place you can…!

And if your motto is go big or go home, check out our huge hand stamp sizes up to 8 x 10 inches!


16 May, 2018 (13:43) | By: Mike
Custom Band Rubber Stamps, Custom Wood Mounted Stamps, Customized Rubber Stamps

Discount Prices On Rubber Stamps

-7Since our first days in operation Rubber Stamp Champ has always been dedicated to offering the best selection of name brand rubber stamps at discount prices.

We provide people with the convenience of ordering online, and make sure we turn every order around fast, usually the day we receive it.

Many thousands of 5-star reviews in just the last year alone tell the story, people are wildly happy with prices and service.

Those being just a few of the reasons, why, in addition to free shipping on custom rubber stamp orders over $10, that stamp customers everywhere prefer

16 May, 2018 (13:27) | By: Mike
Monogram Library Rubber Stamp, Non-Self-Inking Rubber Stamps, Return Address Stamps

Extra Large Custom Made Rubber Stamps

Huge stamps! Huge savings!

Throughout our 18 year history, has also been the recognized industry leader with astonishingly low prices on traditional wood mounted hand stamps.

For many reasons, the use of self inking and pre inked rubber stamps has never really completely replaced the use of traditional wooden stamps for use with a separate pad.

One reason is, these custom wood mounted hand rubber stamps from can be ordered in an almost unlimited range of sizes from tiny to huge, huge being a full 8 x 10 inches in size.

Wooden you like to order some hand stamps from right now?

15 May, 2018 (14:53) | By: Mike
Stamps Rubber, StazOn Multi-Surface Ink Pads, Wood Mounted Rubber Stamps

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