Rubber Stamp Champ

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Rubber Stamps From The Kitchen Of Thanksgiving

The traditional take on the holiday we call Thanksgiving is that it was a small time of peace and sharing when somehow the the conflict between early settlers and the indigenous population came to a lull and for one day they stopped killing each other and instead sat down to a big meal, where everyone ate together and were happy to be sharing good times, at least for a little while.

Historical accounts say that during the autumn of 1621, at least 90 Wampanoag tribe joined 52 English people at what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts, to mark a successful harvest. It is remembered today as the “First Thanksgiving,” although no one back then used that term.

Since war and conflict are still alive in the world today, there is also tanks giving.

President Joe Biden recently announced that the United States will provide Ukraine with 31 M1 Abrams tanks. That is the required number to equip an entire Ukraine tank battalion.

Soldiers refuel a tank.

These tanks are needed, Biden said, because Ukrainian forces are working to defend the territory they hold and will be better prepared for additional counter-offenses.  

Certainly congress did not automatically rubber stamp this move, and also certainly, we can and do provide Kitchen Of Rubber Stamps to help you fight the war on boring recipes by marking your own special concoctions for the holidays or everyday scrumptious dining!

When it comes to gift giving, a homemade gift is a sincere present from the heart. For gifts straight from the kitchen, we offer from the kitchen of stamps to show your pride in your special creation. With our selection of high-quality from the kitchen of stamps, you can add a personal touch to any dish or dessert as well as recipe cards and cookbooks to show ownership.

These stamps let you show your pride in a delicious job well done whether given as a personal gift or as part of a business specializing in home cooked items. Add one of these affordable from the kitchen stamps to your next creation! We offer a wide selection of exceptional from the kitchen of stamps to choose from to add something extra to your gift or product. Choose from your choice of fonts and ink colors for a stamp that is perfect for your needs.

In any event, we’re thankful for your order, and for all your excellent 5-star reviews! Keep impressing people with your great preparations, and we’ll keep making great impressions for your delightful dishes!

6 November, 2023 (16:17) | By: Mike
Custom Rubber Stamps, Monogram Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps

The Automatic Numbering Machine Choice

In Terminator movies the robots get smart and attempt to take over the world by causing nuclear war. In Hollywood the script writers are gifted people with wild imaginations who can make stories like that work. In the real world robots do simple tasks over and over so people don’t have to, and robots never get carpel tunnel syndrome or need workers compensation.

Now, robots and artificial intelligence as it’s called, can be programed to drive automobiles, and heading into the Callahan with a passenger or two they epitomize carpool tunnel syndrome, but they react to things skilled drivers wouldn’t react to, and sometimes it seems like the smarter devices get, the dumber they become, like phones or computers that autocorrect your typing and turn words like hellbent into helpful because they thought that’s what you meant.

Of course there is a huge difference between automated and automatic, the latter being the old school and brainless things, like automatic transmissions that don’t think at all and are simply designed to move your car from second to third, fourth, and so on as you speed up, and ingeniously perform these procedures flawlessly without you needing to apply a clutch or manipulate a gearshift lever.

Automatic weapons place the next round in the chamber without needing a rotating barrel, and in fact, the word automatic has been in the culture for a long time meaning perfectly, and without question repeating, like the best field goal kicker in the league who comes out and effortlessly sails the ball end over end through the uprights while the refs shoot both their arms into the air and the home team scores another three points.

In this vein we offer a full line of automatic numbering machines that do mindless and flawless repetition and make changes, like the transmission on a car, over and over in a very predictable manner so you can do the stamping work you need to without being second guessed by some device programmed to be smarter than you, but which is instead far from it, to the point of being a nuisance.

With our automatic numbering machines every option available offers superior quality for long-lasting performance capable of thousands of impressions. Every impression is clean, clear and easy to read. Our Xstamper® automatic numbering machines feature six to 12 metal wheels/seven actions (repeat, consecutive duplicate, triplicate, quadruplicate, six times and twelve times), drop ciphers, precision movements and lustrous chrome finish. A stylus is included for indexing. Pads should be re-inked with automatic numbering machine ink only.

Our inventory features several choices for adding a high-quality automatic numbering stamp to your tools. Every option available offers superior quality for long-lasting performance capable of thousands of impressions. Every impression is clean, clear and easy to read. LION heavy-duty automatic numbering machines include a wide range of choices from the 5-wheel model to the 13-wheel model. Various specifications are available for your specific individual need. LION numbering machines are precision crafted of one-piece hardened steel frame. All metal interior construction will provide years of reliable use. This self-inking numbering machine is ideal for sequential numbering operations to use as a date and number stamp, serial number stamp and inspection stamp.

So if you want reliability, dependability, durability and perfectly mindless repetition, program your brain to visit our website where you’ll find every choice you’ll need in automatic numbering machines.

1 November, 2023 (10:10) | By: Mike
Automatic Numberers, Number Stamps, Rubber Stamps

Find Custom Metal Engraved Embosser Inserts

John Spilsbury, a London cartographer, and engraver is believed to have produced the first jigsaw puzzle around 1760. It was a map glued to a flat piece of wood and then cut into pieces following the lines of the countries. These early puzzles were known as dissections, and they were beneficial for teaching geography. But they were not just for children; they were a trendy pastime among the adults as well. Made of wood and handcrafted, only the very wealthy could afford them.

Many puzzle companies claim to have the biggest jigsaw puzzle: Grafika boasts that “Travel around Art” with 54,000 pieces is the biggest. Still, Ravensburger contends that with over 40,000 pieces, “Memorable Disney Moments” is confirmed by Guinness World Records as the largest commercially made puzzle globally, both in the number of pieces and overall size.

For kids, making simple things work out well in this regard can be challenging!

On the other hand, our embosser inserts are always a perfect fit, and there’s nothing very puzzling about them, they come in 7 sizes and are easily customizable for pocket, desktop, gift and long reach embossers.

For example, this custom Shiny brand embosser insert can be used in both Desk and Pocket Embosser models and swaps out easily! Customize up to 5 lines of text and add your logo, clip art or any other artwork to fit your needs. The impression size of this embosser insert is 2″ in diameter, great for business cards, letter correspondence, and much more!

The point is, it’s easy to complete your embossing picture with our inserts, they are well-made, deeply engraved and allow you to use one embosser to create multiple impressions!

24 October, 2023 (14:13) | By: Mike
Corporate Seals and Stamps, Desk Embosser, Embossers

Black Friday Rubber Stamp Savings

Before Black Friday came to mean a retail sales extravaganza advertised weeks in advance and signifying great deals on everything from cars to pajamas, including discount prices on rubber stamps, it was initially a term used to describe something that happened where lots of people lost money, rather than saving it, and almost no one recalls, that along the same lines, there was also actually in more recent history a Black Monday, that was also about losing money, lots of money, not saving a few bucks.

The first recorded use of the term “Black Friday” was applied not to post-Thanksgiving holiday shopping but to a financial crisis: specifically, the crash of the U.S. gold market on September 24, 1869. Two notoriously ruthless Wall Street financiers, Jay Gould and Jim Fisk, worked together to buy up as much as they could of the nation’s gold, hoping to drive the price sky-high and sell it for astonishing profits. On that Friday in September, the conspiracy finally unraveled, sending the stock market into free-fall and bankrupting everyone from Wall Street barons to farmers.

Monday, Oct. 19, 1987, is remembered as Black Monday. On that day, global stock exchanges plunged, led by the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index and Dow Jones Industrial Average in the U.S. The strain sent world markets tumbling and for a panic-driven period of time people were again, not worried about saving money, but instead about losing their butts.

With all that behind us, hopefully, the more recent Black Friday designation came about as a happy day when retailers enjoyed a positive, and often dramatic, uptick in sales activity. As the story goes, after an entire year of operating at a loss “in the red” stores would supposedly earn a profit “went into the black” on the day after Thanksgiving, because holiday shoppers blew so much money on discounted merchandise.

In an ironic way Black Friday has morphed from chaos on Wall Street into chaos at retail outlets nationwide, where getting in on prices that have been slashed has led to war zone tactics where shoppers, if they can be called that, resort to guerilla tactics and where life and limb seem secondary to getting 70% off on a big screen TV.

In that regard we are happy to announce that you won’t have to risk getting nailed upside the head with a spinning back fist in order to save money on over 3000 custom and stock rubber stamp products, because our special Black Friday rubber stamp prices are offered in the relative calm of online shopping at our famous website,! provides a huge selection of rubber stamps in an easy-to-order format including rubber stamps and seals for notaries, rubber stamps and seals for engineers and architects, corporate rubber stamps, stock message rubber stamps, monogram name rubber stamps, monogram embossers, wedding rubber stamps, fast-dry ink rubber stamps, clothing markers, desk signs and much more including all the top manufacturers of self-inking stamps, like Ideal, Trodat and Shiny, as well as premier pre inked stamps like those offered by Xstamper.

At Rubber Stamp Champ, we are committed to being your source for all custom and stock message rubber stamps, numbering machines, date stamps, stamping accessories, notary products and even a whole line of stampers made from post consumer plastic so you can save money while doing your part to save the Earth.

So there’s no need to stand in the rain in the wee hours of the morning in an attempt to be one of the lucky ones to grab things before stock runs out, and there’s no need to come home with bar fight style stories, or even worse, to wind up getting, on Black Friday, black and blue. Just sit back, fire up your Mac, PC, tablet, or mobile device and Google Rubber Stamp Champ!

19 October, 2023 (00:55) | By: Mike
Cosco Self-Inking Rubber Stamps, Ink Stamps, Rubber Stamps

Rubber Stamps For Marking Bulk Rate Mail

The U.S. Postal Service has no official motto but “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds,” are words not only thought of as their theme, they are actually written in stone in New York.

They are engraved on the front of the James A. Farley Post Office in NYC, the phrase having been taken from an ancient book by the Greek historian Herodotus and refers to messengers in the Persian Empire.

The popular belief that Herodotus’s description of the Persian postal service is about the U.S. Postal Service is a tribute to the hundreds of thousands of men and women who have delivered the mail reliably and dependably, through all conditions, for centuries.

If you go postal at all, with the packages you ship, you probably have a bulk rate number and you would then also be wise to avail yourself of bulk rate USPS customized rubber stamps, all preset to easily be configured with your information on our comprehensive rubber stamp website. Certainly the US Mail folks will live up to their credo and make it trough all adversity to deliver your goods, and you will make it easier for them to do just that if you purchase these special stamps suited perfectly to that purpose.

While the age of technology has certainly taken over in many areas of life, the postal service continues to be a great way to send packages and other correspondence. Repeatedly, mailing things off can get costly when done on a regular basis. If you are endorsed and approved to used bulk rate mailing options, you need high-quality bulk rate stamps. These stamps will save you time and money while ensuring your packages, letters and other correspondences get where they need to be. We offer a diverse inventory of bulk rate rubber stamps to meet your needs and budget.

These stamps are made with the highest standards of quality for a long-lasting mailing solution for your needs. We offer these affordable bulk rate stamps in multiple sizes to ensure you get the one that is right for you. Choose from your choice of self-inking or pre-inked bulk rate rubber stamps. Whether looking for a stamp that is usable on glossy or non-glossy surfaces, our selection of stamps for this purpose has you covered.

The ink is fast drying and available in black for an easy to read marking. The impressions are always crisp, clean and legible so there won’t be any returned mail due to postage errors. The stamps intended for glossy surfaces offer 5,000 impressions before needing re-inking and the non-glossy surfaces offer an impressive 50,000 impressions. Since stamps are re-inkable, you can use them for years and years without any worry.

With options such as First Class, Nonprofit Organization and Presorted Standards, you are sure to find the one that meets your permit classification. From the sturdy construction to the enduring performance levels, these stamps are a solid choice for your postage needs!

The mail must go out, that’s for certain, and it is also true that it will go out far more effectively if you visit us and customize some bulk rate rubber stamps!

17 October, 2023 (22:49) | By: Mike
Custom Rubber Stamps, Office Supplies, Rubber Stamps

Make An Engraved Name Badge Online

If the Lone Ranger would have had a name badge none of his shows would have ended the way they always did, with the people he had so thoroughly and effectively helped wondering out loud to themselves, “Who was that masked man?”

In your professional capacity, you may not ride a white horse or travel with a native American who refers to you as Kimosabe, but certainly, you have earned your share of accolades, and even if you haven’t saved people from bad guys with guns, there probably have been plenty of heroics in your line of work.

Perhaps your clever and well stated insights have saved the day, saved the client or made a great contract happen that wouldn’t have happened without your brilliant and brave contributions. Additionally, even if your offer to the world was as simple as a nice smile, a friendly handshake or a sincere “have a good day” to someone who at that moment needed it most, you may not have saved the world, but you for sure made a positive impact on it.

When you are a nice person, or do things great or small, people naturally want to know your name, and really, to be able to call someone by their name when they’ve been helpful, is a reward in itself. Maybe money actually does make the world go around, but recognition is also quite powerful and in a way, more lasting than monetary compensation. No one ever really wanted to pay the masked man, they just wanted to know who he was, presumably to be able to thank him properly.

It is with all this in mind, and more, that we make custom name badges and provide you with a wide variety of choices as to how you may want to identify yourself.

We offer an excellent selection of custom name badges to fit your preference and budget with ease. Choose from various designs and styles to find the ones that are right for your company apparel. We offer these styles and sleek custom name badges in your choice of materials such as plastic, plastic with a frame and metal. These high-quality custom name badges are made with the highest standards of quality manufacturing for a long-lasting solution for your business and employees.

You can choose an option with just the name of the employee or a larger one with ample space for phrases such as Ask Me How to Save on Your Car Insurance, etc. for a personalized and informational name badge.

We offer these durable and stylish name tags in a wide variety of colors and fonts to let you create the one that is best suited to your needs. Choose from various types of backing for these name badges such as magnetic clips, military clutch with clasp, bulldog swivel clip and pin back options. Best of all, we offer discounts on larger volume orders. With our state of the art custom engraving and these high-quality name badges, find the perfect way to keep your employees looking sharp and ready to take on the day.

So saddle up and see our badges custom engraved with 2 lines or more, on substrates in 25 different colors. We even offer them in gold, and, of course, silver “Hi Ho Silver..A fiery horse with the speed of light and a cloud of dust.” Make a name for yourself today, at Rubber Stamp Champ, and you may soon hear, as you go about your day, The William Tell Overture!

15 October, 2023 (22:06) | By: Mike
Name Badges, Name Plates, Office Supplies

Custom Monogram Rubber Stamp Designs

Monograms were first used in Greece; coins were branded with letters so as to designate their origin, and the original Greek word means ‘intertwined letters. Eventually monograms were also used by artists and craftsmen to identify their work, and over time, monarchies across Europe came to use the use monograms as a way to identify their families, leading them to be symbols of status and luxury. 

Monogramming creates identity and takes an everyday ordinary item and makes it symbolic.

Today, monograms adorn everything from fine linens to water bottles and glass ware. While the traditional, created with the three initials is most widely used, the sky is the limit as Rubber Stamp Champ strives to offer whatever speaks to the customer. Almost anything is possible, ranging from different fonts, formats, or the full name; it is also possible, and often preferable to choose a graphic, or a symbol, and with 120 designs to choose from, and a wide variety of mount and stamp types, on which we offer monogram designs, you can customize, proof and order your monogram stamp for use on paper or with fast dry ink for making your impression on a wide variety of surfaces such as glass, fabric, wood, leather and more.

These are just a few of the monogram only designs we offer and are priced to be laser engraved and mounted on fine, wood, round hand stamps, other mount types can be selected instead at a slight additional charge.

When looking to add an official appearance to your documents, our monogram stamps and embossed seals are a great way to create a classy look.We offer a wide selection of monogram stamps and seals to choose from. All of the options we offer for stamps and embossers feature the best in quality design and durable construction for a long-lasting addition to your home or office. With options available in a wide variety of fonts and designs, you can easily create a custom emblem to fit your needs.

First, choose the stamp model that works best for your application’s purposes and then choose your designs! We have options perfect for keeping track of library books, options ideal for adding a special touch to invitations, holiday-themed options, Made By designs for homemade gifts, address stamps and more. Looking for something with an elevated style and elegance?

Check out our selection of embosser options. All of these monogram seals are available in your choice of fonts for a truly personalized option. They allow for you to directly apply your seal to paperwork, letters, envelopes, invitations and more for a classy way to put your stamp of approval. Whether looking for monogram seals in your choice of silver or gold foil, an easy to use self-inking stamp featuring your company initials, or a hand stamp with your personal holiday message, our inventory has something for every need and purpose!

Whether you’ve looked at it that way or not, you have a special identity, and we can help make your identity special with a full selection of monogram stamps, monogram address stamps, and embossers.

14 October, 2023 (21:31) | By: Mike
Art Stamps, Embossers, Monogram Rubber Stamps

Rubber Stamps With Permanent Ink

Most of the time people use rubber stamps to stamp on paper, to officiate documents, endorse a check, notarize important information, mark invoices that have been paid and so on. Customized rubber stamps can carry almost any artwork, your logo, text messages of one line or many more, and are irreplaceable for many stamping needs around the home and office.

So on paper, rubber stamp products are very effective and versatile and we produce more of them online every day than any other stamp company in America, including choices at discounts from all the major stamp manufacturers, and literally thousands of ways to make stamps work for you from self inking and pre inked models to wood mounted hand stamps, round, square, rectangular and in sizes from tiny to huge, as well as the inks and pads to go with them.

But that’s only part of the story, because people like rubber stamping so much they have found countless ways to make use of them on surfaces other than paper, and it may surprise you to know we produce products using fast dry permanent ink, that many customers use to stamp on an enormous variety of surfaces including glass, plastic, metal, leather and more! To this purpose we have a number of excellent products to offer.

Our Mark II ink kits provide an excellent multi-surface, fast dry permanent ink tool.
Our StazOn® pads come in many colors and also provide permanent, fast dry ink for use on many non-porous surfaces!

We also offer super convenient multi-surface, quick dry permanent ink stampers and the ink refills to go with them that carry our own brand name ChampFast®, which are the choice of many customers due to how easy they are to use and refill!

So maybe you are a photographer who wants to stamp on a glossy surface, or you have a brand you’d like to enhance with a custom logo stamp impression on leather, the possibilities are almost endless and can be explored easily on our website when you access our surface selector tool. It’s a perfect way to choose a surface and get information on which of our products would work best in your application.

So like they used to ask in the grocery store checkout lane, “Paper or plastic?”…and our answer is take your pick, we have stamps that work great on both!

10 October, 2023 (14:18) | By: Mike
Art Stamps, Customized Rubber Stamps, Glossy-Surface Rubber Stamps

Patriotic And Religious Rubber Stamps

There are many ways, on our website at Rubber Stamp Champ, to save 50% on name brand custom rubber stamps! We also invite you to consider our great selection of patriotic and religious rubber stamps in case one of them carries a message you’d like to deliver.

The Fourth Of July, Memorial Day and Veterans Day are all very special holidays because they offer a chance for us to regain some national pride. Of course the Forth is really more about the signing of the Declaration of Independence than it is about fireworks, just like Christmas is more about the birth of Jesus than it is about bringing trees into our homes and decorating them.

This Patriotic Stamp comes mounted on the Ideal 4913 self-inking stamp frame with an impression of an American Flag and the text “God Bless America”. The impression size is 7/8″ x 2-3/8″ and it comes in your choice of 11 vibrant ink colors! Lasts for 5,000 impressions and can easily be re-inked with water-based ink! Add on an extra ink bottle refill so you are ready to re-ink when your stamp needs it.

If you do choose to celebrate patriotic or religious events we have a large selection of stamps for you to shop from with many nice messages you can use to make a great impression thousands of times!

Stamps are an excellent way to save time and energy while still communicating important messages or information. When it comes to showing the values that matter most to you, our religious and patriotic rubber stamps are a solid choice. Stamp mail, note cards, and more with a patriotic or religious message!

These patriotic and religious rubber stamps allow you to share the important values you hold near with others in a noticeable and lively manner. We offer a large inventory of religious and patriotic rubber stamps to view when looking to express yourself with stamps. Best of all, our collection of stamps in this style features options from the leading names in the business such as Ideal, Xstamper and more.

These brands are known for their continued commitment to quality design and durable, long-lasting construction. Make a selection from your choice of self-inking, hand stamps and more. We even have a pocket-sized version perfect for spreading your message on the go! The hand stamp is made of durable wood with a curved handle for a sturdy grip. The pre-inked and self-inking models are made of durable plastic with the inking mechanism conveniently protected by the body of the stamp. We offer these patriotic and religious rubber stamps in your choice of 11 ink colors to give you the variety you need to find the right choice. You can order a wide range of popular messages such as In God We Trust, God Bless America, Proud to Be an American, God Bless Our Troops and more.

Francis Scott Key had a question in the song he wrote after the British Fleet shelled Fort McHenry with all they had, but by the dawn’s early light it became obvious that our flag had not gone down, giving him the thought to pen this question, that we have to ask ourselves today..“Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave, over the land of the free and the home of the brave?”

The answer, of course, lies in the hands of all the citizens of this country, and it is simply that it will continue to wave as long as we fight to be free. And if you support freedom, it might make you feel good to order one of our religious or patriotic rubber stamps, it will allow you to express yourself clearly, and thousands of times, before needing re inking, after which you will be able to stamp the message of your choice thousands of times more!

8 October, 2023 (22:42) | By: Mike
Holiday Rubber Stamps, Patriotic and Religous Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps

Restrictive Endorsement Stamps

In today’s world people are often surprised to find that at Rubber Stamp Champ we deliver very consistently on our promise. So many 5-Star reviews we receive express amazement that the stamp ordered was exactly what the person expected, that our customer service was very helpful and that they received their order fast, and often much sooner than they expected.

With the current need for restrictive endorsement stamps skyrocketing due to new government regulations, we identified that need immediately and to serve all those searching for the products, added five restrictive endorsement stamp choices to our website, making it easy for all those searching for these unique products to find and get exactly what they need from us.

Currently no other stamp maker is offering these important and very special products, and we are happy, once again, to not only meet customer expectations, but to exceed them.

A restrictive endorsement limits the use of a financial instrument. The result of a restrictive endorsement is that a financial instrument is no longer a negotiable instrument that can be passed from the stated payee to a third party. An example of a restrictive endorsement is the “For Deposit Only” stamp used by most companies on the back of a received check. This stamp effectively limits further action on the check by the stated payee to only being able to deposit it.

Currently, other forms of restrictive endorsement messages have come in to use, and if you are looking for one of these specific types of stamps we have several for you to choose from. Most notably, we offer rubber stamps for restrictive endorsements of U.S. Bearer Securities, Title 31, Part §328.5 and §328.6. We offer five versions of this endorsement stamp.

Restrictive Endorsement Stamps have been a part of financial transactions for a long time, and the example everyone is familiar with is the simple For Deposit Only message stamped on the back of a check, that restricts the check’s use to it’s deposit into that person’s bank account. This stamp effectively limits further action on the check by the stated payee to only being able to deposit it. In banking, a restrictive endorsement is the type of endorsement whereby the financial instrument or a check is limited to use by the payee (receiver). The restrictions or constraints highlighted on the check create the limitation placed on a restrictive endorsement.

An example restriction would be “pay to the order of the bank” or “For Deposit Only.” Such can be followed by the business name or the payee’s account number. In the cases of companies, such negotiable (check) instruments are endorsed by stamping at the back. Indicating “For Deposit Only” and stamping the check implies that the payee can only deposit the cash in their bank account, but not cash it out nor use the check for any other action.

Restrictive endorsements are commonly used to settle debt since they protect the debtor from future disputes with the creditors. This is because the outlined conditions tie the creditor upon cashing out the check, which means they have accepted the terms and amount of debt settlement. The restrictions also can be used to save the debtor during debt settlement disputes. Companies commonly use restrictive endorsements to improve the internal control of their assets.

A customer may send a supplier a check payment, on which is written the words “in full payment of account” or similar terms. This is not precisely a restrictive endorsement, since it is not restricting the further negotiability of the check. However, it may have a substantial impact on the ability of the supplier to obtain payment on any remaining unpaid balance on the customer’s account, since depositing the check may be considered acceptance of the terms added to the check. The decision process when you receive such a check is:

  1. Discuss the matter with legal counsel to see how it is impacted by applicable laws.
  2. If you were about to write off the account balance (thereby assigning zero value to the unpaid amount), then it probably makes sense to deposit the check and write off the remaining balance.
  3. If you intend to pursue full payment, then return the check to the customer. Do not deposit it.

If you use a bank lock box to deposit all incoming checks, then impose a procedure where the bank staff does not deposit any checks containing restrictive endorsements, and instead forwards them to the company for review.

At Rubber Stamp Champ, we have over 20 years of experience in creating custom stamps. We are your source for all your stamping needs! Have a question or need assistance ordering? Call our friendly customer service people weekdays at 800-469-7826 and we will help ensure you get the right stamp for your needs!

6 October, 2023 (21:16) | By: Mike
Bank Deposit Stamps, Deposit Stamps, Restrictive Endorsement Stamps

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