Rubber Stamp Champ

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Clip Art Happy Holiday Rubber Stamps

For many, Halloween is the cat’s meow, and they always have that carved out as a special holiday.

In the old days we went out on our own dressed as Dracula, Superman, donkeys, angels and King Kong or Godzilla, carrying bags with handles and hoping for anything made of chocolate and no apples, please. We screamed “Trick or Treat” at every door, but never really intended to play tricks nor did we have any up our sleeves. In today’s world, which in and of itself is often scary, the kids are accompanied by adults and dressed as Ninja Turtles or other more contemporary heroes.

The complete list of national holidays is absurdly long and contains many that most never heard of, and of course if you decided to celebrate them all, celebrating would be pretty much all you’d ever do.

Here are just a fraction of those from January alone: National Polar Bear Plunge Day, National Hangover Day, National Science Fiction Day, National Festival of Sleep Day, National Trivia Day, National Spaghetti Day, National Bird Day, National Whipped Cream Day and National Cuddle Up Day…and it kind of makes sense that if you enjoy a day of spaghetti, followed closely by one of whipped cream, cuddling up thereafter would be a perfect thing to do.

We offer plenty of festive stock rubber stamp choices to honor the more prominent holidays, and can help you out with things like gift giving with special Santa signature stamps, and other nice choices for Easter, Memorial Day and so on.

However if things like National Ugly Sweater Day, National Espresso Day, National Princess Day, National Vodka Day, World Kissing Day or National UFO Day appeal to you, you can also hop on our site and upload art or text or both to stamps of your own creation, for holidays not represented in our stock message stamp selection.

And whether you’d like a large format wood mounted hand stamp for that purpose, a self inking stamp from one of the major manufacturers of those, a pre inked stamp or a special stamp loaded with quick dry permanent ink for stamping your seasonal message on a wide variety of surfaces, we’ll make one for you, or ten or twenty or more, we’ll make them perfect and we’ll get them to you fast.

And since today, September 26th is officially National Rubber Stamp Day, we hope you’ll join us for it and for a custom rubber stamp we know you’ll love!

26 September, 2023 (02:06) | By: Mike
Clipart Rubber Stamps, Holiday Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps

Shop For Pink Rubber Stamps

Pink has become a very popular color and we’ve even seen it on the shoes of folks who play in the NFL.

Of course pink has been deeply embedded in the culture in so many ways it’s probably impossible to list them all, as even right off the top you realize our smallest finger is called a pinky, and there was a Pinky Tuscadero in a TV show a few decades back called Happy Days.

Speaking of happy days, people who are having a good one are often said to be in the pink, and a group called simply The Band, produced an album in a pink house entitled Music From Big Pink.

All in all, our main concern is that you might want pink rubber stamps, so we’ve provided a huge selection for you to shop and choose from, but before we flesh that out a bit more, here are a couple other pink things you may find interesting, starting with some lyrics from Bruce Spingsteen.

“They say Eve tempted Adam with an apple
But man I ain’t going for that
I know it was her pink Cadillac
Crushed velvet seats
Riding in the back
Oozing down the street
Waving to the girls
Feeling out of sight
Spending all my money
On a Saturday night
Honey I just wonder what it feels like in the back
Of your pink Cadillac
Pink Cadillac.”

Bruce was not short on boldness as he even sought to re-write one of the core issues from the bible. We do not know, however, if he was bold enough to date a rep from the Mary Kay Company who strive for success selling cosmetics and can wind up driving, you guessed it, a pink Cadillac.

Speaking of success, and still on a musical note, everyone knows the name and face but not many realize the astonishing list of hits and accomplishments put out by the woman known simply as Pink.

To date she has released nine studio albums, one live album, five video albums, six compilation albums, 57 singles, six promotional singles, and 51 music videos. Throughout her career, Pink has sold 60 million albums, 75 million singles and 2.4 million DVDs worldwide. She has sold 18 million albums and 13.5 million digital singles. She is also UK’s second best-selling female artist of the 21st century.

In various spiritual practices, pink is believed to represent love, compassion, and inner peace. It is believed to have a soothing effect on the mind and can help individuals connect with their emotions and inner selves. Pink is also said to have a healing energy, promoting harmony and balance in one’s life.

The pink lotus flower is perhaps one of the most celebrated flowers that there is. It is considered sacred, and it is associated within the highest realms of Buddhism, with the Buddha himself, many kings, and the highest deity often depicted with this plant.

Pink diamonds are extremely rare and coveted A mine in Australia has been the source of 90% of the colored gemstones. Polished pink specimens of the highest grade can sell for tens of millions of dollars!

But if you wish to celebrate pink at a fraction of that cost, we come full circle to pink rubber stamps, which can help you in your pursuit of pink in a nice variety on our website at Rubber Stamp Champ.

One example is this custom self-inking stamp featuring a clear base which allows for precise alignment over the printing surface, while its durable frame is designed to make stamping smoother. It will last for about 5,000 thousand impressions and can easily be re-inked with water-based ink…and as you will note in the color chart, pink ink can make your pink custom rubber stamp statement complete.

So if we now have you thinking pink, just visit us and design a pink rubber stamp for yourself, and have fun with it, 5000 times or more, all you have to do is click now on our pink link!

21 September, 2023 (14:45) | By: Mike
Cosco Self-Inking Rubber Stamps, Pocket Stamps, Rubber Stamps

Customized Fast Dry Rubber Stamps Fast

In racing there is Formula One..and in custom rubber stamp making there is one formula that wins!

We get the checkered flag ahead of all the others in the pack due to our incredibly fast production and shipping, and our own brand of fast dry rubber stamps that allow you to stamp on a wide variety of non porous surfaces.

So there’s really a double meaning to our fast dry stamps, because not only do they produce an image in fast dry ink, we get your order to you fast as well. And speaking of double meanings, ChampFast® makes a permanent impression on almost any surface, while we also make a permanent impression on you with a great product delivered quickly.

One of the elements we offer to help you with any permanent quick dry ink stamping project is what we call our Surface Selector Tool. This ingenious little device combines potential stamping surfaces, like glass, metal, wood and plastic with the type of stamps and ink you would find best suited to stamping on those particular surfaces. The cool thing about it is, all you have to do is click on the surface of your choice and the correct stamp and ink products will be presented.

And speaking of making a good impression on people, here’s an example of how it works. Let’s say you are a nightclub owner and you need to stamp the hands of people to show they have paid a cover charge or presented a valid ticket. Once the hand is stamped the customer can enter, exit and renter just by showing the stamp. So backtracking now, let’s say this is what you wanted to do and so you saw our Surface Selector Tool on the home page of our site.

You advanced the arrow to find the surface you were looking for, which, in the example just cited would be skin. So you click on the skin panel and are presented with several excellent choices, including one that would allow you to use UV lighting to scan hands for an impression.

Similarly you might have a project where you are stamping on wood, glass metal or a number of other surfaces, and you would then be presented with appropriate choices, which in some cases would include our own brand of permanent ink stamp, ChampFast®.

Certainly, if you need custom rubber stamps, and you need them fast, like if your event is rapidly approaching and you need UV supplies, or if you need them to dry fast and make a permanent impression on almost any surface, we are here with a website that makes finding what you need quick and easy, and then also, with our super efficient production and shipping methods, getting what you need very quickly as well.

We’re the Champ, and we’re fast, any way you look at it!

20 September, 2023 (15:09) | By: Mike
Event Hand Stamps, Glossy-Surface Rubber Stamps, Permanent Ink Rubber Stamps

Put My Logo On A Rubber Stamp

One of the most frequently asked questions we get at Rubber Stamp Champ is can I put my logo on a rubber stamp? It may surprise you to know that we have over 200 ways to answer that question and they all start with “Yes, we can!”

Before enumerating and expanding on some of those answers, let’s do the logo itself, as an entity, some justice. The origins of the logo can be dated back to the Ancient Egyptians. They originally used hieroglyphics to brand and identify their possessions, until in medieval times when graphic imagery such as coats of arms were used to distinguish between the different nobility titles.

The good old Ancient Egyptians are also given credit for starting the practice of putting logos on animals, as they initiated the practice of branding livestock with fire-heated marks to identify ownership, a practice carried on among the ancient Romans, where the symbols used for brands were sometimes chosen as part of a magic spell aimed at protecting animals from harm. Whether that was effective or not we do not know.

We do, however, know for certain that in today’s world there are practically as many logos as there are companies, and while some have been around for decades and even centuries, new ones spring up virtually every day as almost no one starts a new venture without giving it a logo that will identify it for potential customers in the marketplace, because where thousands and even millions of others exist, a distinguishing factor is required.

Having said all this, your interest here is, of course, wanting not to know if you can put your logo on a cave wall, a shield, or a cow, but instead on a rubber stamp, and yes we have over 200 answers to that question because our logo stamps come in all shapes and sizes, as self inking stamps, pre inked stamps, wood mounted hand stamps, and permanent ink stamps for placing your logo with a rubber stamp impression on a wide variety of non porous surfaces like leather, glass, plastic and metal.

In this regard we politely suggest you take a look at our Hall of Fame, hot linked here for your convenience!

Here you will find a plethora of rubber craft and art stamping ideas as executed by our erstwhile customers and submitted for your consideration as you delve deeper into your rubber stamping ideas and custom stamp resource files. And speaking of livestock, as we did a moment ago, here is one referring to such, that actually is a logo having nothing at all to do with animals..except perhaps party animals!

And another, if you take a page from perhaps the G.O.A.T. in the pugilistic world, Muhammad Ali who sought to “Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee!”

For years, we have dedicated ourselves to providing the highest quality custom made rubber stamps so that you can always get the perfect tool to imprint your logo quickly and effortlessly. Our collection of options has grown to include dozens of types of stamps, giving you the freedom to choose the perfect model for your needs. Browse through our extensive lineup of different models and find a stamp that will help make your life easier by giving you a way to disseminate your logo in a snappy and effective manner.

So spread the word, and your symbol, and stamp your way to recognition, fame, fortune and all sorts of other good things with a logo stamp that we’ll create at no extra charge when you effortlessly upload your artwork onto our online system.

Go logo, not loco, go Rubber Stamp Champ!

15 September, 2023 (16:49) | By: Mike
Logo Rubber Stamps, Monogram Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps

Breast Cancer Awareness Pink Rubber Stamps

At Rubber Stamp Champ we offer a wide variety of pink rubber stamps for you to choose from, to help support breast cancer awareness, and we also offer this history and background on the subject, in part from the National Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month, held in October every year, aims to promote screening and prevention of the disease, which affects one in eight women in the United States every year and 2.3 million women worldwide. Known best for its pink theme color, the month features a number of campaigns and programs — conducted by groups ranging from breast cancer advocacy organizations to local community organizations to major retailers — aimed at: supporting people diagnosed with breast cancer, including metastatic breast cancer educating people about breast cancer risk factors stressing the importance of regular screening, starting at age 40 or an age that’s appropriate for your personal breast cancer risk fundraising for breast cancer research.

Awareness was elevated In 1989, when Mrs Lauder of the Estee Lauder Companies was diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer and chose to channel her experience into action. A model of resolve, she took it upon herself in 1989 to help establish a state-of the-art breast and diagnostic center at New York’s Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, where she was a board member.  The facility, known today as the Evelyn H. Lauder Breast Center, set a new global standard for cancer care offering the most up-to-date prevention, diagnosis and treatment services under one roof.

In that same year, Mrs. Lauder created the signature pink ribbon with Alexandra Penney, then editor of SELF and launched the Breast Cancer Awareness campaign within The Estée Lauder Companies. The program distributed the ribbons, along with self-exam instruction cards, at Estée Lauder counters across the United States and around the world, helping to raise awareness about the importance of breast health and effectively placing breast cancer at the public forefront.

Since then, Evelyn Lauder’s life’s mission has become ours: to rid the world of breast cancer. Today, The Breast Cancer Research Foundation stands as a testament to her fierce dedication, keen intuition and extraordinary vision.

Here then is just one example of how we help you think pink, year ’round, with this excellent self-inking signature stamp! Don’t write it, stamp it! When you’re faced with large volumes of documents that require your signature you can save the time with this convenient and easy to use self-inking Trodat stamp! This stamp features a pink body in support of Breast Cancer Awareness. The impression size of this stamp is 7/8″ x 2-3/8″ and it is available in 11 stunning ink colors…including pink!

Raise awareness and your ability to manage documents when you visit Rubber Stamp Champ now!

14 September, 2023 (14:51) | By: Mike
Round Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps, Signature Stamps

Customize Address Stamps Online

Whether you live out on the edge or in a humble abode, chances are you could use an address stamp!

They say that home is where the heart is, and that a house is not a home, and maybe Dorothy said it best when she clicked the heels of her ruby slippers three times and said “There’s no place like home”, her and Toto’s ticket out of Oz!

Home for you might be a farm in Kansas, or in a high rise overlooking the strip in Las Vegas, or a small inner city bungalow built in the 30s.

For you maybe home is a multi million dollar mansion with an ocean view, or a cottage somewhere on a pristine lake in the north woods, it could be a houseboat, a geodesic dome, a log cabin or a luxury apartment, but wherever it is, it most likely has an address, and if you are happy about your address and your home, and proud of it, you will want design and buy a custom address stamp.

Research tells us that the 10 most famous addresses in the world are as follows:

1. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC– Known as the White House.
2. 11 Wall Street New York, NY– This is home of the New York Stock Exchange. 
3. 350 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10118– This is where the Empire State Building stands.
4. 221 B Baker St, London, England– This is the address to the Sherlock Homes Museum
5. Tour Eiffel Champ de Mars, Paris– Where the Eiffel Tower stands.
6. 4059 Mt Lee Dr. Hollywood, CA 90068– This is the exact address where the Hollywood sign stands.
7. Buckingham Palace, London, England– Where the royal family lives.
8. Statue of Liberty, Liberty Island New York, NY 10004
9. Manager Square, Bethlehem, West Bank–Where the baby Jesus was born and laid in the manger.
10. 2 Macquarie Street, Sydney– This is the most popular place in Australia, the Opera House.

The history of addresses is pretty simple. Before house numbers, businesses used illustrated signs to show people where they were, for example, a dragon for an apothecary. However, when sending post people had to rely on describing the address as best they could. Over time, the need for house numbers became increasingly clear. In London, one of the first recorded instances of a street being numbered is Prescot Street in Goodman’s Fields in 1708. By the end of the century, the numbering of houses had become well established.

In any event, the mail must go out, and as the post office claims, “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.”

Visit our site and design an address stamp using one of these fine products!

And in one more reference, because there needs to be one more, signer Joe Cocker said it this way:

Give me a ticket for an aeroplane
I ain’t got time to take no fast train
Oh, the lonely days are gone
I’m coming home
My baby, she wrote me a letter

I don’t care how much I’ve got to spend
I’m gonna find my way back home again
Oh the lonely days are gone
I’m coming home
My baby, she wrote me a letter

She wrote me a letter
Said she couldn’t live without me no more
Listen to me, mister, can’t you see I’ve gotta
See my baby once more?

Wherever you live, we hope your baby wrote you a letter, and we hope also that she stamped it quite clearly with your correct address, and that it got to you in time! If you don’t have an address stamp yet, we suggest it’s an issue you address soon by visiting us at Rubber Stamp Champ!

6 September, 2023 (19:40) | By: Mike
Address Rubber Stamps, Address Stamps, Customized Rubber Stamps

Rubber Stamping On Fabric Ink Kit

People talk about the fabric of our lives, and the fabric of society and so on, but let us not forget that fabric is a literal thing as well as a figurative one.

Textiles are defined as the yarns that are woven or knitted to make fabrics. The use of textiles links the myriad cultures of the world and defines the way they clothe themselves, adorn their surroundings and go about their lives. Textiles have been an integral part of human daily life for thousands of years, with the first use of textiles, most likely felt, dates back to the late Stone Age, roughly 100,000 years ago.

However, the earliest instances of cotton, silk and linen begininng to appear around 5,000 BC in India, Egypt and China. The ancient methods of manufacturing textiles, namely plain weave, satin weave and twill, have changed very little over the centuries. Modern manufacturing speed and capacity, however, have increased the rate of production to levels unthinkable even 200 years ago.

Our spin on this old yarn is provided by fabric ink kits that can be used in many imaginative ways to create permanent patterns, to mark fabric with company logos, and to provide identification on things that range from stamping on kids clothing for camp to marking ID numbers on uniforms in commercial laundries.

This is our Pro Color #532 Sure Print Indelible Fabric Ink Kit.

This professional fabric marking ink provides permanent, acid free fast drying impressions on most fabrics. Water and fade resistant. For best results, wait 24 hours before washing. Ink usually lasts 20-25 washings. Each kit contains a 2oz. bottle of ink, a 2oz. bottle of re-conditioner, and your choice of an IP-2: 2-5/8″ x 4-1/4″ Industrial or an IP-5: 6-1/4″ x 8-1/8″ dry ink pad. This kit is available in 4 ink colors: black, red, blue & white ink. Dry time: 30 seconds.

So mark our words, if you wish to stamp on fabric, we’ve got you covered!

5 September, 2023 (21:42) | By: Mike
Business Rubber Stamps, Fabric Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps

Someone’s In The Kitchen With Rubber Stamps

In an old kid’s song about the railroad the lyrics morph into “someone’s in the kitchen with Dinah!”

Somewhere along the line, not the railroad line but the timeline of cultural evolution, those lyrics were turned into a cookbook featuring recipes by celebrity Dinah Shore. Which can still be purchased today if anyone might want to investigate, and perhaps prepare, foods the way she did.

Way before that, traveling backward now on the cultural timeline, the first printed cookbook is Bartolomeo Platina’s On Right Pleasure and Good Health. Written in Latin, it appeared in 1474, which is just 19 years after the Gutenberg Bible, the first mechanically printed book. Crowd-pleasing recipes for dishes like “Red Chickpea Broth” and “Date Torte with Almonds and Other Things” would be welcome even in modern kitchens today.

Now, more than 500 years later, people are still cooking recipes they are proud of that include traditional preparations like stuffed peppers, chicken wings, Mongolian beef, southwest chili, chocolate chip cookies, and much else that feature not only standard ingredients, but also “other things.”

And whether you like to adapt your own versions of dishes from Wolfgang Puck, Gordon Ramsey, Rachel Ray, Bobby Flay, Julia Child, Taste Of Home, The Cookie Rookie, or Dinah, you’ll want to mark your very own version of any concoction with a Kitchen of Rubber Stamp from Rubber Stamp Champ!

When it comes to gift giving, a homemade gift is a sincere present from the heart. For gifts straight from the kitchen, we offer from the kitchen of stamps to show your pride in your special creation. With our selection of high-quality from the kitchen of stamps, you can add a personal touch to any dish or dessert as well as recipe cards and cookbooks to show ownership.

These stamps let you show your pride in a delicious job well done whether given as a personal gift or as part of a business specializing in home cooked items. Add one of these affordable from the kitchen stamps to your next creation! We offer a wide selection of exceptional from the kitchen of stamps to choose from to add something extra to your gift or product. Choose from your choice of fonts and ink colors for a stamp that is perfect for your needs.

We offer various styles such as dinnerware settings, notepads, plaids, squares, circles and more, as well as thoughtful design elements such as your choice of border and other artwork for a personalized touch Every one of the pre-inked stamps we offer has been manufactured with the highest standards of durable design and reliable performance for a long-lasting stamp of value. They are re-inkable so you can use them for thousands of impressions without worry!

So serve your family and friends right, or serve yourself, but whatever you have cooking, make sure you call it your own with a custom Kitchen of Stamp from our great selection!

2 September, 2023 (15:51) | By: Mike
Logo Rubber Stamps, Personalized Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps

Prices Falling For the Autumn Season

Everyone loves fall, or so it seems by the comments you often hear, and in a related thought, Bob Seger, a recording artist from the Midwest in the United States, where the change in seasons is perhaps the most pronounced, asked this rhetorical question in a song called Night Moves, “Ain’t it funny how the night moves, when you just don’t seem to have as much to lose, strange how the night moves, with autumn closing in.”

And while there is an eerie romantic mystery to sitting out on a night near the end of summer, and sensing that a very big change is on the way, there is also a scientific explanation for why the seasons do change, and that is simply that the Earth, as it turns on it’s axis, tilts as it orbits, and thereby moves the northern hemisphere more toward the sun in summer and more away from it in winter, and it’s this tilting away from solar heat that brings on fall.

The above graphic and detailed explanation from NASA shows exactly how this happens, each fall without fail, year after year, and the following shot, from Holy Hill in southeastern Wisconsin, shows the brilliant colors that deciduous trees exhibit every year in response to this tilting away from the sun.

Our response to the natural phenomenon, is to have a sale!

Subsequently all the thousands of items we offer including an enormous variety of top name brand self-inking stamps, an equally expansive selection of pre inked stamps, hundreds of choices and sizes of wood mounted hand stamps, and many other customizable products as well, that run the gamut of marking devices from alphanumeric band stamps to UV stamping supplies for event entry and re-entry.

Additionally, you will find excellent fall prices on all our notary stamps and supplies organized with preset requirements from every state in the union, so whether you are in a place where the change in seasons is dramatic, or virtually undetectable, you will be able to fill in your information and order a notary stamp or seal perfect for your business.

There’s more, of course, a lot more, including portable pocket stamps, professional stamps for architects and engineers, inspection stamps and stamps with our name on them, ChampFast® quick dry permanent ink stamps for making an impression on a wide variety on non-porous surfaces like fabric and wood.

So while the Earth tilts away from the sun, we suggest you tilt toward Rubber Stamp Champ, where our fall sale leaves the savings up to you!

31 August, 2023 (13:50) | By: Mike
Custom Band Rubber Stamps, Discount Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps

JustRite® Price Markers Priced Just Right

Chain grocery retailing was a phenomenon that took off around the beginning of the twentieth century in the United States, with small, regional players. Grocery stores of this era tended to be less than a thousand square feet.

A&P began moving toward a more national profile, operating over 10,000 of its “economy stores” by the end of the decade. Most of these stores remained small, counter service stores, often staffed by only two or three employees, with no meat nor produce departments. Some still offered delivery and charge accounts, although most chain stores had abandoned these practices.

In today’s world with so much going digital the use of price markers is still alive and well in places of commerce where digital printing is not readily available. JustRite price markers for convenience stores and craft show use are very much in demand, for example.

With a JustRite Price Marker, you get a tool designed to perform quickly and accurately with every use. JustRite is a trusted brand in the industry thanks in part to their reliable designs boasting consistent performance. The dependable JustRite Price Marker, has been designed to offer heavy duty capabilities built to withstand years of repetitive stamping.

The JustRite Price Marker combines the best of high-quality performance with affordability for a tool with great returns on the investment. Widely used in grocery, drug, department stores and supermarkets. The JustRite Price Marker offers quiet and smooth operation ideal for quick, repetitive applications. With 5 number bands that are easily adjusted, this tool offers tight fitting bands that won’t break or slip with heavy use.

The bands are quick to change for price adjustments on the fly. The operation is smooth and quiet as to not disturb your customers or employees with annoying clicking sounds. The handle is constructed to offer an easy grip with the curved comfort grip handle. The body is easily supported and reinforced by the sturdy metal frame making it incredibly long-lasting. The rubber base provides non-slip protection to cover the base and protect against damage. With their re-inkable design, these stamps will last for years. Choose from a range of ink colors to find the one right for your location. While they are not intended for glossy surfaces, they are great for various types of paper.

Price your items right, with JustRite price markers, priced just right at Rubber Stamp Champ.

29 August, 2023 (15:28) | By: Mike
Custom Band Rubber Stamps, Professional Stamps and Seals, Rubber Stamps, Self-Inking Price Marker

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